Modeling the circuit:
Using the 1N4936 with all caps equal to .33uF and a 55Khz input.
I show a rise time of 83ns and a simulated voltage of 1.154kv with a load of
10Meg ohm in ten segments.
I did not model the Capacitor losses, but at this frequency it will not be
If you really want to model it, set your load resistors so they
approximate an actual tube.
Set up a 10 stage multiplier and signal generator with the output set
so that the average dc output of the first stage = 100v. Assume each
dynode has a gain of 4 and set the load resistor on the first stage so
that the current through the load on the first dynode is 75ua. Set the
resistor across the second stage so that the load resistor draws 25
ua. Set the load r on the third stage so that the load current is 25/4
ua and so...all the way to the top stage. In actuality, you don't need
to put resistors above the 5th stage as the r gets so small it doesn't
impact the end result. This models a PM tube at it's worst case output
current of 100 ua.
To model it at a more typical operating point, use about 1 ua output
current. This is easy to do, change the load resistors so that each
one is 100 times larger than the worst case model above.
You can then measure the power dissipation of each load r and add them
up. This is the total power delivered to the load.
Measure the current from the 55 Khz source (average) and multiply that
towards the actual output voltage of the generator and multiply them
together to get the power delivered to the input of the cw.
With the power in and the power out values, you can determine
approximate efficiency. My guess is that it will be fairly efficient.
I will be doing this procedure in the near future as I become more
familiar with my spice program, I'm definately a newbee with respect
to spice:>: