Good Day All.
I am building a cockcroft-walton voltage multiplier. It will have 10
stages, with each stage having a 100 volt output, so the total output
is ~1000 volts. It will operate at 55 Khz and only needs to produce
small currents (microamps). I want to have minimal switching diode
losses since I will have lots of diodes:>:
I need a fast diode with small input capacitance. I need to have it
withstand 200 volts at 100 microamps.
Which diode should I use??????
All suggestions are appreciated.
I am building a cockcroft-walton voltage multiplier. It will have 10
stages, with each stage having a 100 volt output, so the total output
is ~1000 volts. It will operate at 55 Khz and only needs to produce
small currents (microamps). I want to have minimal switching diode
losses since I will have lots of diodes:>:
I need a fast diode with small input capacitance. I need to have it
withstand 200 volts at 100 microamps.
Which diode should I use??????
All suggestions are appreciated.