On Jun 19, 5:42 pm, jhal...@TheWorld.com (Joseph H Allen) wrote:
if you run your sim and then run the command with the -view option,
it'll work fine. If you run 'vsim -wlf vsim.wlf work.tb -do "view
wave; add wave *"', it erases your previous vsim.wlf and opens a new
one with that name. That's why the waveform opens with no data.
I'll typically add the signals I want to log to a .do file instead of
logging all of the signals in a design. The more signals you log, the
slower ModelSIM runs.
the GUI?
The "-wlf XXXX.wlf" option renames the output file to 'XXXX.wlf'. SoIn article <20080619124737.4526b...@wolfenstein.jpl.nasa.gov>,
Jason Zheng <Xin.Zh...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
Invoke vsim with -do "log -r *; run -all; quit -f" and -wlf
"mydump.wlf", and you'll get similar results (just in a different
format). In my experience ncsim is faster than Modelsim, and of course
it carries a higher price tag.
This didn't work, but I eventually figured it out:
Start with an empty directory except for some verilog files you want to
# Create work directory
vlib work
# Compile verilog files (vcom for vhdl)
vlog tb.v
vlog dut.v
# Simulate
vsim -do "log -r *; run -all; quit -f" work.tb
- this creates a vsim.wlf file with everything in it just
as you say.
Now try to view the waveform. If I try:
vsim -wlf vsim.wlf work.tb -do "view wave; add wave *"
This brings up modelsim GUI and opens the waveform viewer window. All of
signals are in the viewer, and they're all empty.
But this does work:
vsim -view vsim.wlf -do "view wave; add wave *"
but it won't work after you have done the previous vsim -wlf command, vsim
-wlf does something to the .wlf file or sets something in an initialization
file somewhere. I had to re-run the simulation before "vsim -view ..." for
it to work.
if you run your sim and then run the command with the -view option,
it'll work fine. If you run 'vsim -wlf vsim.wlf work.tb -do "view
wave; add wave *"', it erases your previous vsim.wlf and opens a new
one with that name. That's why the waveform opens with no data.
I'll typically add the signals I want to log to a .do file instead of
logging all of the signals in a design. The more signals you log, the
slower ModelSIM runs.
Yea, but if you have the GUI open already, why not just run the sim inI notice that when the GUI is open, I can't also run a simulation on the
command line because there is only one license.
the GUI?