Where is Klem ??

On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 06:01:38 -0700, Bob Villa wrote:

On Jun 2, 5:27 am, Alien
Al...@AintNoSuchThingAsAliensYouDamnFool.com> wrote:

     ___           ___                    ___           ___
    /  /\         /  /\       ___        /  /\         /  /\
   /  /::\       /  /:/      /__/\      /  /::\       /  /::|
  /  /:/\:\     /  /:/       \__\:\    /  /:/\:\     /  /:|:|
 /  /::\ \:\   /  /:/        /  /::\  /  /::\ \:\   /  /:/|:|__
/__/:/\:\_\:\ /__/:/      __/  /:/\/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/ |:| /\ \__\/
 \:\/:/ \  \:\     /__/\/:/    \  \:\ \:\_\/ \__\/  |:|/:/
     \__\::/   \  \:\    \  \::/      \  \:\ \:\       |  |:/:/ /
      /:/     \  \:\    \  \:\       \  \:\_\/       |__|::/
    /__/:/       \  \:\    \__\/        \  \:\         /__/:/ \__\/  
          \__\/                  \__\/         \__\/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00...@rip.ax.lt

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard who
likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only assless

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head, the
rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of
wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio) mhywattt at yahoo.com
mhywatt at yahoo.com

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> Message-ID:

'Buzzard' claims he went to Ohio for a funeral, and met with MeatPlow.
Message-ID: <ndqEg.2575$9v1.520@trnddc07

Oh, the humiliation William Malone Griffith, Jr. will suffer through to
save a measly $200.00:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> "I'd bet
$200.00 of that Keiser money you still have that you will leave before

Fat fuck MeatPlow, destroying toilets again with 150 pound anusbombs:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> "...if
you've got a big load coming down the pipe you need to flush it as soon
as it splashes down."

Where's that lauwsoot you promised in July 2010, MeatPlow? Impotent
kook MeatPlow threatens to sue Emmett Gulley. Another MeatPlow epic
1} "My name will be on the subpoena. You will still have to answer the
complaint in my venue or you will lose by default."

2} "I cannot go into details as to how wrong you really are now that
the gears are turning."

3} "As far as the nickname goes, there are several out here who know me
by my real name. Can't go into more details because he will know soon
enough the harsh reality that I'm not just another anonymous Usenet

Well, now EVERYONE knows you by yer real name, William Malone Griffith,
Jr. Not just another anonymous usenet poster, for sure.

Wow, either he has you killfiled...or you really shut him up!
Shut me up? Explain that one. Alien AKA Honest John lost a lawsuit for
defamation. He claimed bankruptcy immediately in an attempt to avoid
momentary compensation and agreed not to post to usenet. However he now
posts from a virtually untraceable anonymous account.

He now he spends his all time stalking abd collection bits of information
to out me as William Griffith even though at least a dozen
other outings of me under various names has taken place over the last 12
years or so. His outing lost the final speck of credibility by his made
up story I was a gay biker.

Most ignore John for the extremely homophobic content of his posts and
the fact that his posts are copy and past of other anonymous posters
looking for revenge from the bitch slappings I have dealt them over the

Finally one thing is missing. Proof. An IP address corroborating my posts
as William Griffith from Altopia. Or a post from a responsible person
(not an anonymous mail to news service) that can vouch my identity.

John AKA Alien spends his entire life on Usenet trying to out people.
That's partially what got him sued. Google Honest John and read what
a real life Usenet stalker is all about.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
Alien wrote:
On Sat, 4 Jun 2011 23:32:20 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 06:01:38 -0700, Bob Villa wrote:

On Jun 2, 5:27 am, Alien
Al...@AintNoSuchThingAsAliensYouDamnFool.com> wrote:

___ ___ ___ ___
/ /\ / /\ ___ / /\ / /\
/ /::\ / /:/ /__/\ / /::\ / /::|
/ /:/\:\ / /:/ \__\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:|:|
/ /::\ \:\ / /:/ / /::\ / /::\ \:\ / /:/|:|__
/__/:/\:\_\:\ /__/:/ __/ /:/\/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/ |:| /\ \__\/
\:\/:/ \ \:\ /__/\/:/ \ \:\ \:\_\/ \__\/ |:|/:/
\__\::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \:\ | |:/:/ /
/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\_\/ |__|::/
/__/:/ \ \:\ \__\/ \ \:\ /__/:/ \__\/
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00...@rip.ax.lt

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing
only assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka
BlancoBear) 308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head, the
rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of

wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio) mhywattt at
yahoo.com mhywatt at yahoo.com

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.
Message-ID: <pan.2011.

'Buzzard' claims he went to Ohio for a funeral, and met with
MeatPlow. Message-ID: <ndqEg.2575$9v1.520@trnddc07

Oh, the humiliation William Malone Griffith, Jr. will suffer
through to save a measly $200.00:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> "I'd
bet $200.00 of that Keiser money you still have that you will
leave before me."

Fat fuck MeatPlow, destroying toilets again with 150 pound
anusbombs: Message-ID:
pan.2011.> "...if you've got
a big load coming down the pipe you need to flush it as soon as it
splashes down."

Where's that lauwsoot you promised in July 2010, MeatPlow? Impotent
kook MeatPlow threatens to sue Emmett Gulley. Another MeatPlow epic
thread/... 1} "My name will be on the subpoena. You will still
have to answer the complaint in my venue or you will lose by

2} "I cannot go into details as to how wrong you really are now
that the gears are turning."

3} "As far as the nickname goes, there are several out here who
know me by my real name. Can't go into more details because he
will know soon enough the harsh reality that I'm not just another
anonymous Usenet poster."

Well, now EVERYONE knows you by yer real name, William Malone
Griffith, Jr. Not just another anonymous usenet poster, for sure.

Wow, either he has you killfiled...or you really shut him up!

Shut me up? Explain that one. Alien AKA Honest John lost a lawsuit
for defamation. He claimed bankruptcy immediately in an attempt to
avoid momentary compensation and agreed not to post to usenet.
However he now posts from a virtually untraceable anonymous account.

He now he spends his all time stalking abd collection bits of
information to out me as William Griffith even though at least a
other outings of me under various names has taken place over the
last 12 years or so. His outing lost the final speck of credibility
by his made up story I was a gay biker.

Most ignore John for the extremely homophobic content of his posts
and the fact that his posts are copy and past of other anonymous
posters looking for revenge from the bitch slappings I have dealt
them over the years.

Finally one thing is missing. Proof. An IP address corroborating my
posts as William Griffith from Altopia. Or a post from a responsible
person (not an anonymous mail to news service) that can vouch my

John AKA Alien spends his entire life on Usenet trying to out people.
That's partially what got him sued. Google Honest John and read what
a real life Usenet stalker is all about.

That'd be all well and good, except I'm not Honest John (aka John

And there are far too many 'coincidences' for MeatPlow to NOT be
William Malone Griffith, Jr., as outlined in the link in my .sig,
which you have yet to provide one shred of refutation against. And
that includes the gay porn sites, 'BlancoBear'. Care to prove yer NOT
signed up at BearPorn.com under that user name?

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?
Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
7704 Bisque Court |
Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
260-489-6086 |

Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
Belden Village Music |
6787 Wales Ave NW |
North Canton, OH 44720 |
beldenvillagemusic.com |
330-497-9292 |
Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
444 Wales Rd. NE |
Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
330-833-4291 |
PO Box 35093 |
Canton, OH 44735 |

Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
( sons Richard, Christopher, |
Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
6794 William Tell Ave NW |
North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
330-497-7980 |
330-499-5107 |
PO Box 36473 |
Canton, OH 44735 |

Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
( son Matthew ) |
3915 Harvard Ave NW |
Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
330-493-5645 |

Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
11 SE 12th St. |
Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
954-785-4716 |
4760 Echovalley St. NW |
North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
330-494-5785 |
330-942-0584 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
2095 Waterbury Dr. |
Uniontown OH 44312 |
330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
5112 Portage St. NW |
Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
(330) 494-8810 |
(330) 497-7980 |
110 E. Lowry Lane |
Lexington, KY 40503 |
(800) BUY 4 OIL |
(800) 289-4645 |
(859) 223-5656 |
(859) 223-5946 |
(859) 276-0699 (fax) |
(859) 276-3500 |
(859) 276-4080 |
http://www.ohiokentuckyoil.com |
oilstrike@insightbb.com |
admin@ohiokentuckyoil.net |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <3n4c2e.bi4.17.1@news.alt.net

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'

no it isn't
On Jun 4, 7:32 pm, Meat Plow <mhywa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 06:01:38 -0700, Bob Villa wrote:
On Jun 2, 5:27 am, Alien
Al...@AintNoSuchThingAsAliensYouDamnFool.com> wrote:

     ___           ___                    ___           ___
    /  /\         /  /\       ___        /  /\         /  /\
   /  /::\       /  /:/      /__/\      /  /::\       /  /::|
  /  /:/\:\     /  /:/       \__\:\    /  /:/\:\     /  /:|:|
 /  /::\ \:\   /  /:/        /  /::\  /  /::\ \:\   /  /:/|:|__
/__/:/\:\_\:\ /__/:/      __/  /:/\/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/ |:| /\ \__\/
 \:\/:/ \  \:\     /__/\/:/    \  \:\ \:\_\/ \__\/  |:|/:/
     \__\::/   \  \:\    \  \::/      \  \:\ \:\       |  |:/:/ /
      /:/     \  \:\    \  \:\       \  \:\_\/       |__|::/
    /__/:/       \  \:\    \__\/        \  \:\         /__/:/ \__\/  
          \__\/                  \__\/         \__\/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00...@rip.ax.lt

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard who
likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only assless

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head, the
rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of


wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio) mhywattt at yahoo.com
mhywatt at yahoo.com

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> Message-ID:

'Buzzard' claims he went to Ohio for a funeral, and met with MeatPlow.
Message-ID: <ndqEg.2575$9v1.520@trnddc07

Oh, the humiliation William Malone Griffith, Jr. will suffer through to
save a measly $200.00:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> "I'd bet
$200.00 of that Keiser money you still have that you will leave before

Fat fuck MeatPlow, destroying toilets again with 150 pound anusbombs:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> "...if
you've got a big load coming down the pipe you need to flush it as soon
as it splashes down."

Where's that lauwsoot you promised in July 2010, MeatPlow? Impotent
kook MeatPlow threatens to sue Emmett Gulley. Another MeatPlow epic
1} "My name will be on the subpoena. You will still have to answer the
complaint in my venue or you will lose by default."

2} "I cannot go into details as to how wrong you really are now that
the gears are turning."

3} "As far as the nickname goes, there are several out here who know me
by my real name. Can't go into more details because he will know soon
enough the harsh reality that I'm not just another anonymous Usenet

Well, now EVERYONE knows you by yer real name, William Malone Griffith,
Jr. Not just another anonymous usenet poster, for sure.

Wow, either he has you killfiled...or you really shut him up!

Shut me up? Explain that one. Alien AKA Honest John lost a lawsuit for
defamation. He claimed bankruptcy immediately in an attempt to avoid
momentary compensation and agreed not to post to usenet. However he now
posts from a virtually untraceable anonymous account.

He now he spends his all time stalking abd collection bits of information
to out me as William Griffith even though at least a dozen
other outings of me under various names has taken place over the last 12
years or so. His outing lost the final speck of credibility by his made
up story I was a gay biker.

Most ignore John for the extremely homophobic content of his posts and
the fact that his posts are copy and past of other anonymous posters
looking for revenge from the bitch slappings I have dealt them over the

Finally one thing is missing. Proof. An IP address corroborating my posts
as William Griffith from Altopia. Or a post from a responsible person
(not an anonymous mail to news service) that can vouch my identity.

John AKA Alien spends his entire life on Usenet trying to out people.
That's partially what got him sued. Google Honest John and read what
a real life Usenet stalker is all about.
How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and
honest john and there is NO similarities. IN FACT, Alien is NOT Honest
John. You need to research more before you open your big fat
dicksucker MP.

How do you get Honest john from the NYM Alien?????

DAMN you are STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alien stated that his nym gives
the clue as to who he really is.

You need to just shut the fuck up and do it now because Alien has
gotten on your nerves and it now shows BIG TIME!

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Sat, 4 Jun 2011 23:32:20 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 06:01:38 -0700, Bob Villa wrote:

On Jun 2, 5:27 am, Alien
Al...@AintNoSuchThingAsAliensYouDamnFool.com> wrote:

     ___           ___                    ___           ___
    /  /\         /  /\       ___        /  /\         /  /\
   /  /::\       /  /:/      /__/\      /  /::\       /  /::|
  /  /:/\:\     /  /:/       \__\:\    /  /:/\:\     /  /:|:|
 /  /::\ \:\   /  /:/        /  /::\  /  /::\ \:\   /  /:/|:|__
/__/:/\:\_\:\ /__/:/      __/  /:/\/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/ |:| /\ \__\/
 \:\/:/ \  \:\     /__/\/:/    \  \:\ \:\_\/ \__\/  |:|/:/
     \__\::/   \  \:\    \  \::/      \  \:\ \:\       |  |:/:/ /
      /:/     \  \:\    \  \:\       \  \:\_\/       |__|::/
    /__/:/       \  \:\    \__\/        \  \:\         /__/:/ \__\/  
          \__\/                  \__\/         \__\/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00...@rip.ax.lt

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard who
likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only assless

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head, the
rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of

wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio) mhywattt at yahoo.com
mhywatt at yahoo.com

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> Message-ID:

'Buzzard' claims he went to Ohio for a funeral, and met with MeatPlow.
Message-ID: <ndqEg.2575$9v1.520@trnddc07

Oh, the humiliation William Malone Griffith, Jr. will suffer through to
save a measly $200.00:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> "I'd bet
$200.00 of that Keiser money you still have that you will leave before

Fat fuck MeatPlow, destroying toilets again with 150 pound anusbombs:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.> "...if
you've got a big load coming down the pipe you need to flush it as soon
as it splashes down."

Where's that lauwsoot you promised in July 2010, MeatPlow? Impotent
kook MeatPlow threatens to sue Emmett Gulley. Another MeatPlow epic
1} "My name will be on the subpoena. You will still have to answer the
complaint in my venue or you will lose by default."

2} "I cannot go into details as to how wrong you really are now that
the gears are turning."

3} "As far as the nickname goes, there are several out here who know me
by my real name. Can't go into more details because he will know soon
enough the harsh reality that I'm not just another anonymous Usenet

Well, now EVERYONE knows you by yer real name, William Malone Griffith,
Jr. Not just another anonymous usenet poster, for sure.

Wow, either he has you killfiled...or you really shut him up!

Shut me up? Explain that one. Alien AKA Honest John lost a lawsuit for
defamation. He claimed bankruptcy immediately in an attempt to avoid
momentary compensation and agreed not to post to usenet. However he now
posts from a virtually untraceable anonymous account.

He now he spends his all time stalking abd collection bits of information
to out me as William Griffith even though at least a dozen
other outings of me under various names has taken place over the last 12
years or so. His outing lost the final speck of credibility by his made
up story I was a gay biker.

Most ignore John for the extremely homophobic content of his posts and
the fact that his posts are copy and past of other anonymous posters
looking for revenge from the bitch slappings I have dealt them over the

Finally one thing is missing. Proof. An IP address corroborating my posts
as William Griffith from Altopia. Or a post from a responsible person
(not an anonymous mail to news service) that can vouch my identity.

John AKA Alien spends his entire life on Usenet trying to out people.
That's partially what got him sued. Google Honest John and read what
a real life Usenet stalker is all about.
That'd be all well and good, except I'm not Honest John (aka John

And there are far too many 'coincidences' for MeatPlow to NOT be
William Malone Griffith, Jr., as outlined in the link in my .sig,
which you have yet to provide one shred of refutation against. And
that includes the gay porn sites, 'BlancoBear'. Care to prove yer NOT
signed up at BearPorn.com under that user name?


___ ___ ___
/\ \ /\__\ /\ \
/::\ \ ___ /:/ _/_ \:\ \
/:/\:\ \ ___ /\__\ /:/ /\__\ \:\ \
/:/ /::\ \ /\ \ /:/__/ /:/ /:/ _/_ _____\:\ \
/:/_/:/\:\__\\:\ \ ___ /::\ \ /:/_/:/ /\__\ /::::::::\__\
\:\/:/ \/__/ \:\ \ /\__\ \/\:\ \__ \:\/:/ /:/ / \:\~~\~~\/__/
\::/__/ \:\ /:/ / ~~\:\/\__\ \::/_/:/ / \:\ \
\:\ \ \:\/:/ / \::/ / \:\/:/ / \:\ \
\:\__\ \::/ / /:/ / \::/ / \:\__\
\/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00d98@rip.ax.lt>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at yahoo.com
mhywatt at yahoo.com

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?
| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| beldenvillagemusic.com |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |
| 330-942-0584 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| http://www.ohiokentuckyoil.com |
| oilstrike@insightbb.com |
| admin@ohiokentuckyoil.net |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <3n4c2e.bi4.17.1@news.alt.net>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
"Meat Plow" <mhywattt@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 18:48:00 -0700, Emmett DUMBASS Gulley wrote:

How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and honest
john and there is NO similarities.

I never compared the two, convict.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

Another forgery. Poor Meatus got booted from Altopia for sure - check out
the headers.


Gregory Hall
On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 18:48:00 -0700, Emmett DUMBASS Gulley wrote:

How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and honest
john and there is NO similarities.
I never compared the two, convict.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Jun 6, 7:39 pm, " Sir Gregory Hall, Esq." <gregh...@home.fake>
"Meat Plow" <mhywa...@yahoo.com> wrote in message


On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 18:48:00 -0700, Emmett DUMBASS Gulley wrote:

How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and honest
john and there is NO similarities.

I never compared the two, convict.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

Another forgery. Poor Meatus got booted from Altopia for sure - check out
the headers.

actually Meatus is still using altopia as he's INJECTING paths again.
A friend of mine who is also a usenet junkie looked at his messages
and meatus has been injecting paths.

BUT, i will soon verify if meatus has been kicked off because i have
emailed caputo already.
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 18:18:40 -0700 (PDT), Emmett BADASS Gulley
<emmettgulley78@gmail.com> wrote:

On Jun 6, 7:39 pm, " Sir Gregory Hall, Esq." <gregh...@home.fake
"Meat Plow" <mhywa...@yahoo.com> wrote in message


On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 18:48:00 -0700, Emmett DUMBASS Gulley wrote:

How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and honest
john and there is NO similarities.

I never compared the two, convict.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

Another forgery. Poor Meatus got booted from Altopia for sure - check out
the headers.


actually Meatus is still using altopia as he's INJECTING paths again.
A friend of mine who is also a usenet junkie looked at his messages
and meatus has been injecting paths.
Nice of you to admit that you can't read or understand headers.

BUT, i will soon verify if meatus has been kicked off because i have
emailed caputo already.
emma you really need to understand that no provider is going to tell
you anything about their customers. That is the very thing that RR
spanked you with over and over again.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you choose to respond to it....


emma admits that everyone hated him:

Message-ID: <1ar3psk0lbre92ffq49rkrppci50v6cv4m@4ax.com>
"albatross, you seem to hate me like all the others did back then."

emma threatens to kill me:

Message-ID: <e6bea84e.0210090519.34db79d2@posting.google.com>
"You need to shut the fuck up or i will kill you when i track you down
to put you in jail."

Classic emma at his best:

Message-ID: <80972bde-c741-46ca-8891-71886f233924@p3g2000vbv.googlegroups.com>
"Don't post LIES unless you can prove them to be true."

Message-ID: <8kbcgtkmd507oajid29jcs9uduljukq6ka@4ax.com>
"if you do not release my original email addy to me by monday
morning, i promise you i will have your ass in my hands"
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 23:25:35 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 18:48:00 -0700, Emmett DUMBASS Gulley wrote:

How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and honest
john and there is NO similarities.

I never compared the two, convict.
Still a douchebag, douchebag?

Be seeing you. Yer cousin Eddy says "Never liked the guy. Pushy and
stupid." Heh.


___ ___ ___
/\ \ /\__\ /\ \
/::\ \ ___ /:/ _/_ \:\ \
/:/\:\ \ ___ /\__\ /:/ /\__\ \:\ \
/:/ /::\ \ /\ \ /:/__/ /:/ /:/ _/_ _____\:\ \
/:/_/:/\:\__\\:\ \ ___ /::\ \ /:/_/:/ /\__\ /::::::::\__\
\:\/:/ \/__/ \:\ \ /\__\ \/\:\ \__ \:\/:/ /:/ / \:\~~\~~\/__/
\::/__/ \:\ /:/ / ~~\:\/\__\ \::/_/:/ / \:\ \
\:\ \ \:\/:/ / \::/ / \:\/:/ / \:\ \
\:\__\ \::/ / /:/ / \::/ / \:\__\
\/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00d98@rip.ax.lt>

Message-ID: <ac995ab01f76a177f4012486eb671c0e@rip.ax.lt>

Message-ID: <f6ccd46e74bff6e99d49781388db38c7@rip.ax.lt>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at yahoo.com
mhywatt at yahoo.com

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?
| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| beldenvillagemusic.com |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |
| 330-942-0584 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| http://www.ohiokentuckyoil.com |
| oilstrike@insightbb.com |
| admin@ohiokentuckyoil.net |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <3n4c2e.bi4.17.1@news.alt.net>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
On Jun 6, 9:18 pm, Emmett BADASS Gulley <emmettgulle...@gmail.com>
On Jun 6, 7:39 pm, "  Sir Gregory Hall, Esq." <gregh...@home.fake

"Meat Plow" <mhywa...@yahoo.com> wrote in message


On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 18:48:00 -0700, Emmett DUMBASS Gulley wrote:

How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and honest
john and there is NO similarities.

I never compared the two, convict.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

Another forgery. Poor Meatus got booted from Altopia for sure - check out
the headers.


actually Meatus is still using altopia as he's INJECTING paths again.
A friend of mine who is also a usenet junkie

Don't know which is funnier, the fact you claim to have a friend

or the words "usenet junkie" coming from YOU.

looked at his messages
and meatus has been injecting paths.

Is that like injecting botox?

BUT, i will soon verify if meatus has been kicked off because i have
emailed caputo already.

Caputo knows who you are and doesn't give a shit.
On Jun 6, 9:43 pm, Albätross <mäil.tö.älbätross@gmäil.cöm> wrote:
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 18:18:40 -0700 (PDT), Emmett BADASS Gulley

emmettgulle...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jun 6, 7:39 pm, "  Sir Gregory Hall, Esq." <gregh...@home.fake
"Meat Plow" <mhywa...@yahoo.com> wrote in message


On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 18:48:00 -0700, Emmett DUMBASS Gulley wrote:

How nice of you to LIE yet AGAIN! I googled both phil allison and honest
john and there is NO similarities.

I never compared the two, convict.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

Another forgery. Poor Meatus got booted from Altopia for sure - check out
the headers.


actually Meatus is still using altopia as he's INJECTING paths again.
A friend of mine who is also a usenet junkie looked at his messages
and meatus has been injecting paths.

Nice of you to admit that you can't read or understand headers.

BUT, i will soon verify if meatus has been kicked off because i have
emailed caputo already.

emma you really need to understand that no provider is going to tell
you anything about their customers. That is the very thing that RR
spanked you with over and over again.

so let me guess, Emmett is going to come up with some crazy-assed
excuse to try to verify his lies about how Google is just gushing out
information about you to him.
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:43:03 -0400, Albätross wrote:

BUT, i will soon verify if meatus has been kicked off because i have
emailed caputo already.

emma you really need to understand that no provider is going to tell you
anything about their customers. That is the very thing that RR spanked
you with over and over again.

Hmmmmmm... Emmett said it was "in the Google archives". Did this suddenly

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 23:46:42 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:43:03 -0400, Albätross wrote:

BUT, i will soon verify if meatus has been kicked off because i have
emailed caputo already.

emma you really need to understand that no provider is going to tell you
anything about their customers. That is the very thing that RR spanked
you with over and over again.

Hmmmmmm... Emmett said it was "in the Google archives". Did this suddenly
Did you?

Be seeing you. Listening in on cell phone conversations isn't as easy
as it used to be, but with the right equipment, it's still possible.

___ ___ ___ ___
/\ \ /\__\ ___ /\ \ /\__\
/::\ \ /:/ / /\ \ /::\ \ /::| |
/:/\:\ \ /:/ / \:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:|:| |
/::\~\:\ \ /:/ / /::\__\ /::\~\:\ \ /:/|:| |__
/:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ __/:/\/__/ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |:| /\__\
\/__\:\/:/ / \:\ \ /\/:/ / \:\~\:\ \/__/ \/__|:|/:/ /
\::/ / \:\ \ \::/__/ \:\ \:\__\ |:/:/ /
/:/ / \:\ \ \:\__\ \:\ \/__/ |::/ /
/:/ / \:\__\ \/__/ \:\__\ /:/ /
\/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00d98@rip.ax.lt>

Message-ID: <ac995ab01f76a177f4012486eb671c0e@rip.ax.lt>

Message-ID: <f6ccd46e74bff6e99d49781388db38c7@rip.ax.lt>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at yahoo.com
mhywatt at yahoo.com

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

| Catherine & Angelo Griffith |
| |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |

| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| beldenvillagemusic.com |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-942-0584 |

| Eddy Dailey |
| |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Donna L. Dailey |
| |
| 524 5th St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-2416 |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Bill & Joyce Leas |
| ( son Billy ) |
| |
| 243 2nd St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| http://www.ohiokentuckyoil.com |
| oilstrike@insightbb.com |
| admin@ohiokentuckyoil.net |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <3n4c2e.bi4.17.1@news.alt.net>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
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| '---'

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