On Sun, 13 Oct 2019 16:22:00 -0000 (UTC), Don Kuenz <>
Surface-mount adapters, like the Bellin things, can be stuck to a
piece of copperclad with sticky foam tape. The copperclad is a great
ground plane.
One advantage is that all the connections are visible on the top side,
and you can change things without flipping the board over, like if
it's on your bench with a zillion cables connected.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics
BillyBob <> wrote:
Thanks much, guys. Upon carefully reading the original article, the
author mentions either purchasing the circuit board or using perf board.
I think I'm going to do the latter (perf board) as I still have
leftover pieces unused from many, many years ago.
FR4 universal prototype board, shown in use here:
available here:
is an excellent substitute for the through hole PCBs shown in old hobby
magazines. All things considered, universal board offers the quickest,
cheapest, easiest way to build small to medium sized, one of a kind,
through hole, light power, simple circuit boards.
In other words, the type of circuit typically found in a hobby
magazine. There's SMD carrier boards that mate with universal to
accommodate newer component packages. It's also pretty easy to solder
larger SMD resistors and capacitors to universal.
Thank you, 73,
Surface-mount adapters, like the Bellin things, can be stuck to a
piece of copperclad with sticky foam tape. The copperclad is a great
ground plane.
One advantage is that all the connections are visible on the top side,
and you can change things without flipping the board over, like if
it's on your bench with a zillion cables connected.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics