John Larkin
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 15:24:13 -0700, Jim Thompson
<thegreatone@example.com> wrote:
I don't expect I can escape getting senile, but I hope I can escape
getting nasty.
<thegreatone@example.com> wrote:
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 10:49:33 -0800, John Larkin
jjSNIPlarkin@highTHISlandPLEASEtechnology.XXX> wrote:
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 18:28:13 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"
g4fgq.regp@ZZZbtinternet.com> wrote:
90 percent of French electricity is very sensibly produced by clean atomic
Uhuum. That's certainly debatable.
Face the facts. You read the wrong newspapers. Unable to read the lines
between between the falsehoods.
The newspapers and TV news-commentators are controlled, in effect, by the
multinational corporations, especially by the oil and energy companies, who
have more economic and militrary power, mercenaries and bankers, etc., than
many unfortunate individual countries.
Their influence even on George and Tony is manifestly obvious. That pair are
merely exceptionally well-paid puppets. However there are signs the skids
are under them.
So much for so-called Democracy, invented in Ur and Babylon by the ancient
Iraqis, greatly expanded upon by the ancient Greeks, who must be turning
over in their graves at the anguish of Weapons of Mass Destruction, mainly
relatively recently invented in the USA, but voted into full use by the
innocent brainwashed USA citizens.
Goodness, you are in a cranky mood today. I sure hope you're not this
gloomy all the time.
Reg is slipping into senility. What you observe is one of his MORE
LUCID moments ;-)
...Jim Thompson
I don't expect I can escape getting senile, but I hope I can escape
getting nasty.