Alex Gibson
"Arpit" <DONTSPAMMEF00Lneko4@dodo.com.au> wrote in message news:3ubjlv0mt06ernb52mgiae09ngg9q99t4m@4ax.com...
Or put the board or breadboard inside a box with a perspex lid while testing.
Also means a lot easier to clean up.Reduces the chance of zapping yourself as well.
Also longsleeve shirt and or wood working style apron or lab coat
provide a bit of protection.
Learned that lesson well when about the smae age as you
playing with negative ion generators.
Used a 22 stage cockcroft walton voltage multiplier except of course had to
upgrade it to a high current version for use with a small coil gun.
Have you had a look at www.powerlabs.org ?
Put a perspex cover or box over the top.On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 07:17:10 GMT, "Richard Parris"
_nospam_rparris@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
"Arpit" <DONTSPAMMEF00Lneko4@dodo.com.au> wrote in message
I was making an inverter,, and a capacitor exploded, it hit my
forhead, bounced off, hit the roof, and flew down the corridor. I have
a large oval cut on my forhead and blood. THe base of the cap is still
on the breadboard, and has lots of fibres around it. what are those?
are they toxic?
You'll live. Whenever I'm energising something with quite a large amount of
energy (on the bench) I tend to look away from it when I turn it on. That
way, if something like a cap is going to say hello it will do so to the back
of your head, and you won't loose your eye sight.
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. When I was younger, a similar
capacitor explosion actually happened, I had exceeeded the voltage
rating there, making a voltage quadrupler. It hit me just below the
eye, phew. Im gonna wear safety goggles from now on.
Or put the board or breadboard inside a box with a perspex lid while testing.
Also means a lot easier to clean up.Reduces the chance of zapping yourself as well.
Also longsleeve shirt and or wood working style apron or lab coat
provide a bit of protection.
Learned that lesson well when about the smae age as you
playing with negative ion generators.
Used a 22 stage cockcroft walton voltage multiplier except of course had to
upgrade it to a high current version for use with a small coil gun.
Have you had a look at www.powerlabs.org ?