Ian Field
"Phil Allison" <phil_a@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
Enough for a nice blue glow around the output valve mica supports - if you
like that sort of thing.
"Ian Field"
I'd go for 2x 4007's in series to be on the safe side - not forgetting
equal value x-class capacitors in parallel with each diode to damp &
equalise any spikes.
** Quite unnecessary - any voltage spikes are clamped by the first filter
Class X caps are more likely to fail than 1N4007 diodes are.
As well as an added sag resistor,
** Not essential - there will be only 30 volts increase in the B+.
Enough for a nice blue glow around the output valve mica supports - if you
like that sort of thing.