What is this Pioneer manual?



The service manual for Pioneer plasma model PDP-502MX is ARP3037. On the
front page it says:

"This service manual should be used together with the following manual(s):
Model Order No.
PDP-502MX ARP3044 "

What is ARP3044?

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Come on, folks. Isn't there a Pioneer service tech reading this that can
please look up this doc #?


The service manual for Pioneer plasma model PDP-502MX is ARP3037. On the
front page it says:

"This service manual should be used together with the following manual(s):
Model Order No.
PDP-502MX ARP3044 "

What is ARP3044?
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Google arp3044 (as I did) and see what you think.
Google arp3044 (as I did) and see what you think.
I have known that this is listed as "Service Manual" in the few places it can
be found on the 'net.

I have in front of me ARP3037 for this TV which is the service manual. On
page 1 it says "This service manual should be used together with the
following manual(s): ARP3044" with no further description of what it is.

Looking for a more detailed description beyond "service manual".

A general request: if your contribution is to simply Google terms I could
have, myself, I would ask that you presume that I have already done so, and
that my request was for more than what Google can turn up.

When in doubt, presume that anyone can Google (and probably already has).
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"DaveC" <me@bogusdomain.net> wrote in message
Google arp3044 (as I did) and see what you think.

I have known that this is listed as "Service Manual" in the few places it
be found on the 'net.

I have in front of me ARP3037 for this TV which is the service manual. On
page 1 it says "This service manual should be used together with the
following manual(s): ARP3044" with no further description of what it is.

Looking for a more detailed description beyond "service manual".

A general request: if your contribution is to simply Google terms I could
have, myself, I would ask that you presume that I have already done so,
that my request was for more than what Google can turn up.

When in doubt, presume that anyone can Google (and probably already has).
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What it usually means is that the manual you are looking at is only partial,
perhaps a supplemental manual to the original.

Mark Z.
A general request: if your contribution is to simply Google terms I could
have, myself, I would ask that you presume that I have already done so,
and that my request was for more than what Google can turn up.
Why? Many people don't.

I found what appeared to be a PDF of this document. I didn't feel like
rummaging through all of these to obtain information someone else needed.

When in doubt, presume that anyone can Google (and probably already has).
I do just the opposite.
I found what appeared to be a PDF of this document.
What's the URL? All the hits to this pn I found were not valid.

I appreciate your sincere intentions.
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"DaveC" <me@bogusdomain.net> wrote in message
I found what appeared to be a PDF of this document.

What's the URL? All the hits to this pn I found were not valid.

I appreciate your sincere intentions.
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For crying out loud!!! Googling for arp3044 returns all of 12 hits and the
very first one is to a PDF of the document. One has to wonder if you are just
too lazy to do the search for yourself.
I don't like to help people who aren't willing to at least try to find what
they're looking for.. wanting somebody else to do the work and hand them the
It's like copying someone's homework and cheating on a test... you don't deserve
the grade.

Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer it gets to the end, the faster
it goes.
For crying out loud!!! Googling for arp3044 returns all of 12 hits and the
very first one is to a PDF of the document. One has to wonder if you are just
too lazy to do the search for yourself.
I don't like to help people who aren't willing to at least try to find what
they're looking for.. wanting somebody else to do the work and hand them the
It's like copying someone's homework and cheating on a test... you don't deserve
the grade.
"For crying out loud!!!" Googleing arp3044 only gets you a service
bulletin pdf for many models, including arp3044. It does not get you
the manual for arp3044.
For crying out loud!!! Googling for arp3044 returns all of 12 hits and
the very first one is to a PDF of the document.
a "hit" does not a download make.

I could make a comment about doing your homework, but I won't...

"For crying out loud!!!" Googleing arp3044 only gets you a service
bulletin pdf for many models, including arp3044. It does not get you
the manual for arp3044.
Thank you!
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On Feb 9, 12:40 pm, DaveC <m...@bogusdomain.net> wrote:
The service manual for Pioneer plasma model PDP-502MX is ARP3037. On the
front page it says:

"This service manual should be used together with the following manual(s):
Model           Order No.
PDP-502MX               ARP3044 "

What is ARP3044?

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There's a place on the web that ,for a small fee, sets you up to get
as many as 3 service manuals /day for three months


and I DONT work there.

God Bless.
I have communicated with this guy. He does not have ARP3044. I asked for him
to send me what he does have (2 other manuals). Waiting for a reply.

Thanks for the tip.
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On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 00:40:27 -0800, DaveC <me@bogusdomain.net> wrote:

Google arp3044 (as I did) and see what you think.

I have known that this is listed as "Service Manual" in the few places it can
be found on the 'net.

I have in front of me ARP3037 for this TV which is the service manual. On
page 1 it says "This service manual should be used together with the
following manual(s): ARP3044" with no further description of what it is.

Looking for a more detailed description beyond "service manual".

A general request: if your contribution is to simply Google terms I could
have, myself, I would ask that you presume that I have already done so, and
that my request was for more than what Google can turn up.

When in doubt, presume that anyone can Google (and probably already has).
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The 'ARP3044' number is Pioneer's internal name for the manual.



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