"Any way, when I removed the magnets after about a month or so
using them, I had to replace the small cartridge filter that sits
on the inlet of the carb. "
Sounds like a Quadrajet. Peole realy malogned those carbs bady and unjustifiably because they did ot understand them, and they did not understand that in ONE thing, I oculd adjust thaty carbn from 265 to 455 cubic inches without even turning the idled screws.
But tat is neither here nor there. You fooded it with that shit, otherwise it would have happned gradually. yo asde it all nice and all the sudden all the not nice showed up. What did you expect ?
There is nothing wrong with magnetic filters. Use them, ust when you change them take care, OPEN the fuel systenm and get all that shit out of there. If you don't, you would have been better of leaving it in the bottom of the fucking tank. REALLY.
But some peole can be sold. Some of us really understand how this shit works and laugh at the bullshit that SOUNDS SO GOOD, but is utter bullshit.
If you want a magnet in your car, use a magnetic oil plug. Then thre metal shavings wil accumulatee there and when (if) you change the oikl it comes out, instead of going into to your CARB !