J.C. Watts Enslin
On Jun 24, 2:53 pm, marcman <marcmanstud...@gmail.com> wrote:
Uh no.
Uh no.On Jun 24, 12:50 pm, Jon Enslin <jens...@charter.net> wrote:
On Jun 24, 11:44 am, marcman <marcmanstud...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jun 24, 12:28 pm, Jon Enslin <jens...@charter.net> wrote:
On Jun 24, 10:25 am, marcman <marcmanstud...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jun 24, 11:15 am, "D. Giovanni Bretta" <nuda...@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Jun 24, 9:17 am, marcman <marcmanstud...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jun 24, 8:24 am, Jon Enslin <jens...@charter.net> wrote:
On Jun 23, 6:29 pm, "D. Giovanni Bretta" <nuda...@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Jun 23, 5:17 pm, JimK <jkezw...@comcast.net> wrote:
On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 14:28:07 -0700 (PDT), "D. Giovanni Bretta"
nuda...@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Jun 23, 4:18 pm, Mercellus Bohren <mercell...@yahoo..com> wrote:
I was a late-comer Grateful Dead fan starting in the late 70s, up
until the band was no more. I smoked a lot of weed and could sit still
for hours, thinking about everything and nothing, while enjoying their
bluesy noodling and thoughtful lyrics.
Then, along came Phish. I tried and I tried, and I've tried, again.
But, still, to this day, they seem like a bunch of bored ivy leaguers
sitting around a stuffy living room making that shit up as they go
What am I missing? I want to love this band named Phish.
They both suck ass. I find nothing at all appealing about the
Grateful Dead....suck ass music put out by drug addled losers. They
led a generation of idiots further down the road to drug addiction.
Is that you, Rush?
I voted for Obama.
I once attended a Grateful Dead concert at Sandstone in Kansas City to
see what all the hubbub was....the whole place was filled with people
looking to score acid...hippies walking past me saying "doses". I
would say that 95% of the crowd needed very badly to take a shower as
well....the body odor was overpowering the marijuana smell. The music
sucked ass....but I did not alter my reality in order to listen to it.
Donut forget the stench of the patchouli oil.
I'll never forget the stench of the patchouli oil, much like you'll
never forget never getting laid in high school.
Dood, Enslin is a 34 year old grandfather.
You do the math.
So you're telling me he was raped as a child?
Sex with the english teacher in return for a good grade really isn't
Consider that if you studied your way through English class, rather
than fucking your way through it, you'd know that the "E" in "English"
requires capitalization.
What is so ironic is that you failed to use the correct spelling of
Incorrect, Grandpa.
And I'll ignore *your* misplacement of the apostrophe as that's
clearly a typo.
Uh no.