On 2018-06-05 06:42, Phil Hobbs wrote:
If its any comfort I used a class-D driver IC from another manufacturer
in an unorthodox fashion, as a lab bench device to drive large
capacitive loads fast. Meaning ordinary class-D driver chips won't cut
it. Yesterday a client asked me how to turn this module into a smaller
version and get it into production for other purposes. Needless to say,
this IC has been obsoleted. Harumph!
Guess we are in the same boat again
Regards, Joerg
On 06/04/2018 06:08 PM, Joerg wrote:
On 2018-06-04 09:22, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 06/04/2018 12:03 PM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:
Am 04.06.2018 um 17:54 schrieb Phil Hobbs:
NXP, you lousy bastards, you just took away about a quarter of my
space. Get 'em while they last.
Let's hope that at least _these_ stay for some time..
cheers, Gerhard
Yeah, true, there are those. Unfortunately their Rbb' and Ree' are the
I just bought Newark's last reel of BFT92s, so we'll be okay for our own
stuff, but I can't use them in custom or licensed designs any more.
Which is a great pity--fast PNP wraparounds are good for a lot of
Digikey has several reels:
You could buy some, put them in a nitrogen cabinet and 10 years down
the road less the individual transistors at auction for $5 a pop
They're still available from NXP till November, though I don't know how
many more wafers they'll actually be processing.
One reel is probably enough for my needs, but this move puts some of my
customers in a bit of a jam. I just got a call this morning to redesign
a circuit from a year or two back, and I expect there'll be more. Not
the sort of new business I'm most fond of.
NXP. What a bunch of morons.
If its any comfort I used a class-D driver IC from another manufacturer
in an unorthodox fashion, as a lab bench device to drive large
capacitive loads fast. Meaning ordinary class-D driver chips won't cut
it. Yesterday a client asked me how to turn this module into a smaller
version and get it into production for other purposes. Needless to say,
this IC has been obsoleted. Harumph!
Guess we are in the same boat again
Regards, Joerg