Geoff C wrote:
ok, btw the washing machine is a Hoover Gemini, like 8 years old..
so a 0.047uf y rated cap, across the 2 terminals of the motor should
help?, ill see if i can get my electrician friend to do it..
you say play around with to find the best filtering, how would you play
around with the resistance and capacitance?
well use a y rated? better safety?w_tom <w_tom1@hotmail.com> wrote in news:437A4FD4.31BE5970@hotmail.com:
0.047 uf is just one typically number. Other values so
often used are 0.001 or 0.01 uf. Of course a larger
capacitance, means larger leakage current. We prefer to have
leakage well below a milliamp. So these are values typically
Snubbers can be a capacitor across the switch or can be a
capacitor and resistor in parallel across the switch. These
values are often 'played' with to obtain best results - most
noise reduction.
I think you mean the capand resistor are in series and then across the
switch. the resistor's job is to absorb high frequency energy and convert
it to heat.
i just did some googling (with much confusion) and i guess i might as
ok, btw the washing machine is a Hoover Gemini, like 8 years old..
so a 0.047uf y rated cap, across the 2 terminals of the motor should
help?, ill see if i can get my electrician friend to do it..
you say play around with to find the best filtering, how would you play
around with the resistance and capacitance?