Wadkin/Bosch tacho generator for vertical Z?? servo

"Mark Harriss" <billy@blartco.co.uk> wrote in message
I wonder myself how these people have implemented things,
but at $10K for a manual with schematics , I'm not that curious
heh heh. The whole thing is fairly unorthodox but it seems to
tend toward electronic complexity to allow for a simpler
controller computer. I'm hoping to keep the machine original
but if it has to be modified, then it has to be done to get
it going.

All in all if I had some detailed schematics and diagrams
then fixing this monster would be a whole lot easier.
My knowledge of Conc.'s is a bit thin but I occasionally get tapped to
diagnose problems with our machines. We have two Matsuura's and three Haas.
What I do see is that there is, regardless of the machine manufacturer,
there is an independent control unit that drives yet another manufacturer's
motor driver modules. Might be instructive to find out the motor drive
manufacturer and try to get some information from them. From this you might
be able to further deduce the motor/feedback requirements.
Take two - Darn spell checker didn't understand CNC and I accidentally hit
change instead of ignore. Hope this makes more sense.

"Oppie" <boppie@-nospam-ludl.com> wrote in message

My knowledge of CNC's is a bit thin but I occasionally get tapped to
diagnose problems with our machines. We have two Matsuura's and three Haas.
What I do see is that there is, regardless of the machine manufacturer,
there is an independent control unit that drives yet another manufacturer's
motor driver modules. Might be instructive to find out the motor drive
manufacturer and try to get some information from them. From this you might
be able to further deduce the motor/feedback requirements.
Rich Grise wrote:

Please accept my apology for bluntness bordering upon
rudeness, but if you have foreign objects flying around
inside of heavy machinery, my recommendation is:

*** RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!! ***

Thanks for your most generous off Rich, I truly
appreciate it. The foreign object was a part inside the
tacho generator that broke off, not some massive chunk
of flying machinery: I've seen enough of those to avoid
working in any company that keeps allowing that to happen.

pentagrid@yahoo.com wrote:
Could be - this type of tacho was commonly used in servo
systems where the error signals were at supply frequency and the main
drive motor was a two phase high resistance rotor induction motor.

Are you sure that your main drive motor is a stepper?


Hi Jim: no I'm not, I'm hoping to find out over the next
few days and get back to everyone with serial numbers etc.


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