On 06/15/2022 02:45 PM, John Larkin wrote:
That\'s my current problem. My right eye is corrected as much as possible
given the cataract but there is some distortion. It is also my dominant
eye so the merging can get strange.
I used to wear multifocal contacts that worked really well but didn\'t go
back to them after the repair job. They don\'t work for all people though.
On Wed, 15 Jun 2022 08:15:42 -0600, rbowman <bowman@montana.com
On 06/14/2022 10:10 PM, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
I had cataract surgery on my right eye. Followed by a tear, a massive
retinal detach, vitrectomy, retina repair, laser spot welding,
secondary cataract, two laser fixes for that. Everything went wrong
but it\'s fine now. It\'s stunning how good opthomologists are these
I had a little welding done prior to the hole repair. The shrinking
vitreous resulted in a little bleeder and I suddenly had floaters from
Some people say that the inverted human retina is a mistake of
evolution. I disagree: virtuous humor is the mistake. Eyes are much
better off with liquid inside than with gummy gel.
It\'s not a mistake, just optics. I recall an experiment where the
subject wore prismatic glasses that would invert the image. In a few
days the brain adapted. The optic chiasm is another design feature,
sort of a signal splitter followed by a mixer.
I\'m going for nearsighted in both eyes, for reading and computing and
close work.
I\'ll probably go nearsighted for my right eye since it naturally is more
nearsighted than my left.
If you skew the focal lengths, your brain will merge the images and
you can get sharp vision over a pretty wide distance range. My fake
lens focusses at about 17\", so the new one might be 10 or 12. I\'m
going to talk to the cataract surgeon about how far that concept can
be pushed. 17 works for computing and most reading but is marginal for
fine print.
That\'s my current problem. My right eye is corrected as much as possible
given the cataract but there is some distortion. It is also my dominant
eye so the merging can get strange.
I used to wear multifocal contacts that worked really well but didn\'t go
back to them after the repair job. They don\'t work for all people though.