Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun
I built the simple LED V Boost circuit at
http://www.elecdesign.com/Files/29/5886/Figure_01.gif except I used a
BC338 for Q1 and added a 100 uF across the battery which is really a
power supply. I paralleled three LEDs because at higher currents the
single LED would overheat. I used a socket for Q2 so that I could
test various transistors.
Here are the various transistors and the total supply current for each
at 1.5VVDC. Nothing but the transistor was changed between tests.
The idea here is to show how much better the low Vce(sat) transistors
do in a flyback type circuit where a lot of current is switched.
2N3904 = 48 mA Can you spell W-I-M-P ??
2N4401 = 98 mA Supposed to handle a half amp.
BC338 = 132 mA Is good up to an Ic of 800 mA.
ZTX651 = 186 mA This has a max Ic of 2A
I couldn't test the BC639, 2SD965, and NTE11, etc., because the
collector is the center pin and I would have to rewire the socket.
I'll try these later, because they should do even better.
###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at> hotmail.com
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half).
http://www.everybookstore.com You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html
http://www.elecdesign.com/Files/29/5886/Figure_01.gif except I used a
BC338 for Q1 and added a 100 uF across the battery which is really a
power supply. I paralleled three LEDs because at higher currents the
single LED would overheat. I used a socket for Q2 so that I could
test various transistors.
Here are the various transistors and the total supply current for each
at 1.5VVDC. Nothing but the transistor was changed between tests.
The idea here is to show how much better the low Vce(sat) transistors
do in a flyback type circuit where a lot of current is switched.
2N3904 = 48 mA Can you spell W-I-M-P ??
2N4401 = 98 mA Supposed to handle a half amp.
BC338 = 132 mA Is good up to an Ic of 800 mA.
ZTX651 = 186 mA This has a max Ic of 2A
I couldn't test the BC639, 2SD965, and NTE11, etc., because the
collector is the center pin and I would have to rewire the socket.
I'll try these later, because they should do even better.
###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at> hotmail.com
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half).
http://www.everybookstore.com You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html