Barbara Conn
I'm hoping someone here can offer some advice/help.
My husband and I have inherited what has been billed as a "precision optics
manufacturing" company. I knew nothing about this industry until recently,
and still don't know much. I've come to find out that we do not do in-house
manufacturing, however, but have manufacturers in Japan that we have used
for 16 years. In-house, the items we manufacture are brewster tube
assemblies, neutral density filters and flat substrates. My husband has,
for the last 16 years, worked the shop end of the company, not having gotten
involved at all in sales or higher education in the optics industry. It's a
long, ugly story, but in a nutshell, we're faced with a sink-or-swim
situation, and my questions are:
1. Is there much of a market for brewster tube assemblies? (We have one
catalog company as a customer for these items right now.) If there is a
market, how do I know who to contact?
2. Some of our customers in the last 16 years have been companies such as
JDS Uniphase, Spectra Physics, Vision Engineering, etc. From some of my
phone calls I've learned that most of the larger companies are dealing
directly with manufacturers, rather than using a company like ours. What
would be your suggestion as to where we should focus our sales efforts?
I realize this may not be in the realm of the questions appropriate to this
news group, but if someone can point me in the right direction, I'd be
forever in your debt.
Thanks for reading my post.
Barbara Conn
My husband and I have inherited what has been billed as a "precision optics
manufacturing" company. I knew nothing about this industry until recently,
and still don't know much. I've come to find out that we do not do in-house
manufacturing, however, but have manufacturers in Japan that we have used
for 16 years. In-house, the items we manufacture are brewster tube
assemblies, neutral density filters and flat substrates. My husband has,
for the last 16 years, worked the shop end of the company, not having gotten
involved at all in sales or higher education in the optics industry. It's a
long, ugly story, but in a nutshell, we're faced with a sink-or-swim
situation, and my questions are:
1. Is there much of a market for brewster tube assemblies? (We have one
catalog company as a customer for these items right now.) If there is a
market, how do I know who to contact?
2. Some of our customers in the last 16 years have been companies such as
JDS Uniphase, Spectra Physics, Vision Engineering, etc. From some of my
phone calls I've learned that most of the larger companies are dealing
directly with manufacturers, rather than using a company like ours. What
would be your suggestion as to where we should focus our sales efforts?
I realize this may not be in the realm of the questions appropriate to this
news group, but if someone can point me in the right direction, I'd be
forever in your debt.
Thanks for reading my post.
Barbara Conn