Stephen Springer
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared to
the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides per
year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per the
DOJ). There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for example,
there's a max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an upper limit of
(if I recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are allowed to own a
gun, you are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness AND have to take a 6
month long certification class and test, with an annual re-test and
registration. No surprise- only the dedicated gun enthusiasts sign-up,
keeping the number of guns in the public low, and gun violence low.
That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is
screened for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?
BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.
So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.
the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides per
year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per the
DOJ). There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for example,
there's a max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an upper limit of
(if I recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are allowed to own a
gun, you are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness AND have to take a 6
month long certification class and test, with an annual re-test and
registration. No surprise- only the dedicated gun enthusiasts sign-up,
keeping the number of guns in the public low, and gun violence low.
That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is
screened for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?
BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.
So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.