Typical Kike on Gun Control


Stephen Springer

In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared to
the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides per
year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per the
DOJ). There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for example,
there's a max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an upper limit of
(if I recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are allowed to own a
gun, you are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness AND have to take a 6
month long certification class and test, with an annual re-test and
registration. No surprise- only the dedicated gun enthusiasts sign-up,
keeping the number of guns in the public low, and gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is
screened for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.
"Stephen Springer" <kimco100@aol.com> wrote in message
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared to
the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides per
year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per the DOJ).
There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for example, there's a
max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an upper limit of (if I
recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are allowed to own a gun, you
are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness AND have to take a 6 month long
certification class and test, with an annual re-test and registration. No
surprise- only the dedicated gun enthusiasts sign-up, keeping the number
of guns in the public low, and gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is screened
for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.

What part of, "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

BTW I never understood anti-semitism. I've heard the stories, I know the
history, I just don't really get it.

The poster who referenced "kike" in the subject is a moron.

Mark Z.
I am in many arguments with Jews over political issues. they are a force to be reckoned with and not all of them are nice. However you have to give credit where credit is due. they raise their kids right and value education and knowledge. If they had the morals of Mother Thresa some would still resent their success when brought about by studiousness and dedication. If tha tis to money, so be it. I like money as well.

However there is a site called JPFO which is Jews For the Preservation of Firearms or something like that. If you would like to read something inrteresting from there, here it is :


For all the nasty shit Jews do (and oh no, they are not alone), this I like.. Another thing to note is tha tI and many people in the world especially outside of the USA's media influence are at odds with the Israeli governmnet over quite a few things.

However most people of the world are smart enough not to associate the actions of that government with the wishes of the average Jew on the street. Of course some support it, but also some US citizens support these drone attacks and shit which are plainly fucking dead ass wrong.

I am slowly becoming an anti-Semite I think, because I see their obsession with that piece of dirt inb the middle east as misguided, inferior, illogical. Why the fuck didn't they pick a better place ? We could've given them half of Texas. the climat is about right, but there is more water and arable land, at least than there was over there.

And you can bitch about the word "kike" when I can bitch about the word "goyim". Yes, they have their racism too, in fact in Israel it is institutionalized. It is actually law, just like we used to have.

We grew out of it and now it is Israel's turn. Most of the animousity against Jews these days either have to do with international banking influence or their flagrant violations in the occuped territories which should not even be occupied. That and cutting off humanitarian aid and water, attacking their fishing boats, and shit like that to the Palestinians. We all know it now, except for the American sheeple who are spoon fed on TV like Fuck Snooze and shit, which is not a news organization at all and has successfully won the right in US court to lie with indemnity.
Oh, and one other thing, if you REALLY knew the history you would understand people's dislike of Jews. The shit they did in the past is why there were so many pogroms over the years.

Why is it always them ? Answer that question.
On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:19:07 -0500, "Mark Zacharias"
<mark_zacharias@labolgcbs.net> wrote:

"Stephen Springer" <kimco100@aol.com> wrote in message
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared to
the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides per
year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per the DOJ).
There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for example, there's a
max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an upper limit of (if I
recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are allowed to own a gun, you
are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness AND have to take a 6 month long
certification class and test, with an annual re-test and registration. No
surprise- only the dedicated gun enthusiasts sign-up, keeping the number
of guns in the public low, and gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is screened
for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.

What part of, "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

BTW I never understood anti-semitism. I've heard the stories, I know the
history, I just don't really get it.

The poster who referenced "kike" in the subject is a moron.

Mark Z.
We are already beyond 'shall not be infringed'. There are a variety
of fully automatic firearms which can only be purchased with a special
permit. There are other 'arms' which are totally outlawed.

The real question is "Do you want to go on record as suggesting ypur
desire to own the latest tarted up plastic firearm is more importamt
than the lives of 20 children?"

On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 09:34:01 -0700, PlainBill@yawhoo.com wrote:

On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:19:07 -0500, "Mark Zacharias"
mark_zacharias@labolgcbs.net> wrote:

"Stephen Springer" <kimco100@aol.com> wrote in message
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared to
the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides per
year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per the DOJ).
There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for example, there's a
max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an upper limit of (if I
recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are allowed to own a gun, you
are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness AND have to take a 6 month long
certification class and test, with an annual re-test and registration. No
surprise- only the dedicated gun enthusiasts sign-up, keeping the number
of guns in the public low, and gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is screened
for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.

What part of, "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

BTW I never understood anti-semitism. I've heard the stories, I know the
history, I just don't really get it.

The poster who referenced "kike" in the subject is a moron.

Mark Z.
We are already beyond 'shall not be infringed'. There are a variety
of fully automatic firearms which can only be purchased with a special
permit. There are other 'arms' which are totally outlawed.

The real question is "Do you want to go on record as suggesting ypur
desire to own the latest tarted up plastic firearm is more importamt
than the lives of 20 children?"
Wow! Just *WOW*. The ignorance is simply amazing.
On 16.04.2013 18:19, Stephen Springer wrote:
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared to
the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides per
year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per the
DOJ). There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for example,
there's a max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an upper limit of
(if I recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are allowed to own a
gun, you are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness AND have to take a 6
month long certification class and test, with an annual re-test and
registration. No surprise- only the dedicated gun enthusiasts sign-up,
keeping the number of guns in the public low, and gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is
screened for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.
I heard the news about the bombs in Boston.

Is the pro arms lobby now say every good man should own a bomb?
On 4/17/2013 10:19 AM, Mark Zacharias wrote:
"Stephen Springer" <kimco100@aol.com> wrote in message
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared
to the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides
per year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per
the DOJ). There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for
example, there's a max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an
upper limit of (if I recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are
allowed to own a gun, you are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness
AND have to take a 6 month long certification class and test, with an
annual re-test and registration. No surprise- only the dedicated gun
enthusiasts sign-up, keeping the number of guns in the public low, and
gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is
screened for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.

What part of, "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
**What part of "....well regulated militia..." do you not understand.

Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written:

* At a time when reload times were measured in MINUTES, not milliseconds.
* At a time when accuracy of muzzle-loading weapons was inferior to a
bow and arrow.
* At a time when dangerous animals roamed free.
* At a time when a vicious colonial power ruled America.
* At a time when angry indigenous people roamed free.
* At a time when refrigeration was unheard of.

BTW I never understood anti-semitism. I've heard the stories, I know the
history, I just don't really get it.

The poster who referenced "kike" in the subject is a moron.
**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au
On 18/04/2013 8:36 PM, Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 4/17/2013 10:19 AM, Mark Zacharias wrote:
"Stephen Springer" <kimco100@aol.com> wrote in message
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared
to the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides
per year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per
the DOJ). There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for
example, there's a max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an
upper limit of (if I recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are
allowed to own a gun, you are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness
AND have to take a 6 month long certification class and test, with an
annual re-test and registration. No surprise- only the dedicated gun
enthusiasts sign-up, keeping the number of guns in the public low, and
gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is
screened for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all alive.


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.

What part of, "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

**What part of "....well regulated militia..." do you not understand.

Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written:

* At a time when reload times were measured in MINUTES, not milliseconds.
* At a time when accuracy of muzzle-loading weapons was inferior to a
bow and arrow.
* At a time when dangerous animals roamed free.
* At a time when a vicious colonial power ruled America.
* At a time when angry indigenous people roamed free.
* At a time when refrigeration was unheard of.

BTW I never understood anti-semitism. I've heard the stories, I know the
history, I just don't really get it.

The poster who referenced "kike" in the subject is a moron.

**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Thank you- some common sense coming out. (the vicious colonial power
excepted-the Mel Gibson movie is not a historically valid reference).
In a later time- prior to and after the war of 1812 fiasco- it was
expected that "Canadians" were to carry and use arms in defense of their
country.An obligation -not a right. It was always noted that, as a
frontier country, that there would be a need to have arms and training
in the use of these arms for defense was required (and the need for
providing fresh meat was also rather important).
What I don't understand is the need for an assault weapon for defense
dragging it out from under the pillow to shoot at the horde of home
invaders (or late returning children) who are after one's virtue ( if
their intention was otherwise they would solve this problem earlier)- or
for hunting (instant hamburger?). The term "assault" comes to mind.
These weapons are not intended for defense but are intended to throw a
lot of bullets in the assumed direction of an enemy. If someone innocent
gets in the way it is "collateral damage".
A gun registry may be of limited or no use. The banning of weapons that
can spray a theater or school with bullets can help and doesn't infringe
on a right to bear arms. This wouldn't affect the responsible gun owners
but could reduce the availability of such weapons to the kooks.
I am not a US citizen and as such, all I can do is stand by in dismay at
what some; in a country I respect and whose people I have met and lived
with ( as well as claim as relatives) who are warm, helpful, friendly,
supportive of strangers and just good neighbors; have this gun fetish
based on ??

Trevor Wilson wrote:
**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Of course, you are a well known loon.
Don Kelly wrote:
On 18/04/2013 8:36 PM, Trevor Wilson wrote:

**What part of "....well regulated militia..." do you not understand.

Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written:

* At a time when reload times were measured in MINUTES, not milliseconds.
* At a time when accuracy of muzzle-loading weapons was inferior to a
bow and arrow.
* At a time when dangerous animals roamed free.
* At a time when a vicious colonial power ruled America.
* At a time when angry indigenous people roamed free.
* At a time when refrigeration was unheard of.

**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Thank you- some common sense coming out. (the vicious colonial power
excepted-the Mel Gibson movie is not a historically valid reference).
In a later time- prior to and after the war of 1812 fiasco- it was
expected that "Canadians" were to carry and use arms in defense of their
country.An obligation -not a right. It was always noted that, as a
frontier country, that there would be a need to have arms and training
in the use of these arms for defense was required (and the need for
providing fresh meat was also rather important).
What I don't understand is the need for an assault weapon for defense
dragging it out from under the pillow to shoot at the horde of home
invaders (or late returning children) who are after one's virtue ( if
their intention was otherwise they would solve this problem earlier)- or
for hunting (instant hamburger?). The term "assault" comes to mind.
These weapons are not intended for defense but are intended to throw a
lot of bullets in the assumed direction of an enemy. If someone innocent
gets in the way it is "collateral damage".
A gun registry may be of limited or no use. The banning of weapons that
can spray a theater or school with bullets can help and doesn't infringe
on a right to bear arms. This wouldn't affect the responsible gun owners
but could reduce the availability of such weapons to the kooks.
I am not a US citizen and as such, all I can do is stand by in dismay at
what some; in a country I respect and whose people I have met and lived
with ( as well as claim as relatives) who are warm, helpful, friendly,
supportive of strangers and just good neighbors; have this gun fetish
based on ??

Guns aren't the problem, and it only takes a second or two to change a
magazine, so the size doesn't make any difference if no one is shooting
back. The problem is that sleazy lawyers got 'rights' for the mentally
ill to be on the streets. A gun is a tool, and doesn't kill by itself.
It takes an unstable person or criminal who places no value on human
life to use one to maim or kill in cold blood.

People like 'Trevor' are responsible for creating 'Gun free zones'
which are the perfect targets for shooting sprees where no one will
shoot back. He is down under, and has no business spouting off about
gun control in the US.
On 4/20/2013 2:22 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Trevor Wilson wrote:

**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Of course, you are a well known loon.
**If pointing out the abject stupidity of US gun control laws (such as
they are), by using logic, reason and common-sense, makes me a "loon",
then I guess you have some serious problems in dealing with plain English.

Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au
On 4/19/2013 5:36 PM, Don Kelly wrote:
On 18/04/2013 8:36 PM, Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 4/17/2013 10:19 AM, Mark Zacharias wrote:
"Stephen Springer" <kimco100@aol.com> wrote in message
In Europe, where out of a population of around 500 million (compared
to the USA, of 300 million), there are around only 2,000 gun homicides
per year (compared to the USA with around 12,000 gun homicides - per
the DOJ). There are very strict gun control laws. In France, for
example, there's a max purchase rate of one gun per month, with an
upper limit of (if I recall correctly) of 5 guns. BEFORE you even are
allowed to own a gun, you are CAREFULLY screened for mental illness
AND have to take a 6 month long certification class and test, with an
annual re-test and registration. No surprise- only the dedicated gun
enthusiasts sign-up, keeping the number of guns in the public low, and
gun violence low.

That's what I support- this makes certain that mental illness is
screened for, and excellent training required. Who's on board?

BTW: The same week that Sandyhook happened, in China, a man entered a
school with a knife, and injured 22 kids. Guess what? They're all


So the jew-bastard is basically saying it's better to shank school
children and not light them up.

What part of, "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

**What part of "....well regulated militia..." do you not understand.

Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written:

* At a time when reload times were measured in MINUTES, not milliseconds.
* At a time when accuracy of muzzle-loading weapons was inferior to a
bow and arrow.
* At a time when dangerous animals roamed free.
* At a time when a vicious colonial power ruled America.
* At a time when angry indigenous people roamed free.
* At a time when refrigeration was unheard of.

BTW I never understood anti-semitism. I've heard the stories, I know the
history, I just don't really get it.

The poster who referenced "kike" in the subject is a moron.

**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Thank you- some common sense coming out. (the vicious colonial power
excepted-the Mel Gibson movie is not a historically valid reference).
In a later time- prior to and after the war of 1812 fiasco- it was
expected that "Canadians" were to carry and use arms in defense of their
country.An obligation -not a right. It was always noted that, as a
frontier country, that there would be a need to have arms and training
in the use of these arms for defense was required (and the need for
providing fresh meat was also rather important).
What I don't understand is the need for an assault weapon for defense
dragging it out from under the pillow to shoot at the horde of home
invaders (or late returning children) who are after one's virtue ( if
their intention was otherwise they would solve this problem earlier)- or
for hunting (instant hamburger?). The term "assault" comes to mind.
These weapons are not intended for defense but are intended to throw a
lot of bullets in the assumed direction of an enemy. If someone innocent
gets in the way it is "collateral damage".
A gun registry may be of limited or no use. The banning of weapons that
can spray a theater or school with bullets can help and doesn't infringe
on a right to bear arms. This wouldn't affect the responsible gun owners
but could reduce the availability of such weapons to the kooks.
I am not a US citizen and as such, all I can do is stand by in dismay at
what some; in a country I respect and whose people I have met and lived
with ( as well as claim as relatives) who are warm, helpful, friendly,
supportive of strangers and just good neighbors; have this gun fetish
based on ??

**The US's problem is that the NRA has subverted their political system.
A miniscule 4 million members of the NRA, effectively dictate gun
control laws (and other, related laws) in the US. The NRA acts first and
formost in the interests of the firearms industry. They have no interest
in public safety. Their sole interests lie in pushing firearms and
ammunition sales accross the US. Any politician who stands up to the NRA
will cop a vicious, expensive and extended campaign of denigration.
Since the NRA is not, officially, a political organisation (although it
operates within the political sphere), it is exempt from many of the
constraints that political organisations must operate within.

That US citizens seem to accept this evil organisation within their
midst, is difficult to understand. Many Americans appear to have been
comprehensively brainwashed. Perhaps it is their education system? I
don't know. Either way, one day the bulk of the US population will 'wake
up and smell the coffee' and the NRA will be brought to it's knees.

Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 08:05:21 +1000, Trevor Wilson
<trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote:

On 4/20/2013 2:22 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Trevor Wilson wrote:

**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Of course, you are a well known loon.

**If pointing out the abject stupidity of US gun control laws (such as
they are), by using logic, reason and common-sense, makes me a "loon",
then I guess you have some serious problems in dealing with plain English.
The question is "what's it to you?" Are you really that lonesome that
you have to troll? You really need a life.
On 4/20/2013 8:50 AM, krw@attt.bizz wrote:
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 08:05:21 +1000, Trevor Wilson
trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote:

On 4/20/2013 2:22 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Trevor Wilson wrote:

**Of course. Equally as moronic as those who defend the NRA and their
gutless politicians they have in their pocket.

Of course, you are a well known loon.

**If pointing out the abject stupidity of US gun control laws (such as
they are), by using logic, reason and common-sense, makes me a "loon",
then I guess you have some serious problems in dealing with plain English.

The question is "what's it to you?"

**It's a public forum, idiot. Everyone else in the Western, developed
world looks at the US situation WRT gun control and considers the
situation tragic and sad. It seems that many Americans cannot see this fact.

Are you really that lonesome that
you have to troll?

**Pointing out the evil that lies within the political framework of the
US, is not trolling. It is pointing out the truth.

You really need a life.
**If you have something of value to add, then do so. If you can defend
the NRA, then do so (good luck with that). Otherwise, fuck off.

Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au
Who the fuck posted this shit to all these groups? The OP didn't even
cite who the "kike" is.


Trevor Wilson wrote:

Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written:
Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written in the United States. If some
Aussie has a problem with it, just don't come here and you'll be just

I really don't understand why people that are outside of the US think
they are allowed to opine on the 2nd. I don't tell you what kind of
boomerang you can carry.


I met a guy today who said he was addicted to brake fluid!
But he says he can stop anytime.
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

People like 'Trevor' are responsible for creating 'Gun free zones'
which are the perfect targets for shooting sprees where no one will
shoot back. He is down under, and has no business spouting off about
gun control in the US.
I just told him the same thing.

I also get tired of Eurotrash bad-mouthing our Constitution. For
Chrissakes, they still have queens, prince's, princesses, and kings
ruling over the moral majority (or would that be the majorities'

Very few Americans get involved with politics outside of the US, yet the
whole world has a fucking opinion on *our* politics and law. If they
can't vote here, they need to STFU about it. [g][r][n]


I met a guy today who said he was addicted to brake fluid!
But he says he can stop anytime.
Trevor Wilson wrote:

**The US's problem is that the NRA has subverted their political system.
A miniscule 4 million members of the NRA, effectively dictate gun
control laws (and other, related laws) in the US. The NRA acts first and
formost in the interests of the firearms industry. They have no interest
in public safety. Their sole interests lie in pushing firearms and
ammunition sales accross the US. Any politician who stands up to the NRA
will cop a vicious, expensive and extended campaign of denigration.
Since the NRA is not, officially, a political organisation (although it
operates within the political sphere), it is exempt from many of the
constraints that political organisations must operate within.

That US citizens seem to accept this evil organisation within their
midst, is difficult to understand. Many Americans appear to have been
comprehensively brainwashed. Perhaps it is their education system? I
don't know. Either way, one day the bulk of the US population will 'wake
up and smell the coffee' and the NRA will be brought to it's knees.
If you don't live here, and never been here; you don't know what the fuck
you're talking about. How dare you sit there from the comfort of your
chair and insult our educational system. The PC you are using was
invented by Americans, as well as the means you are using to deliver your
(ill informed) message.

"Their {NRA's} sole interests lie in pushing firearms and ammunition
sales accross [sic] the US" <--- What a crock of shit, mate.

You really don't know *what* the NRA does, do you? And before you ask,
no - I'm not a member. If you'd like the truth, ask an American. There
is no telling what garbage you read/watch in the media down there, they
have been brainwashing you apparently. If you don't know something, it's
best not to comment and look like the fool you do right now. Geeze...


I met a guy today who said he was addicted to brake fluid!
But he says he can stop anytime.
On 4/20/2013 3:53 PM, G. Morgan wrote:
Who the fuck posted this shit to all these groups? The OP didn't even
cite who the "kike" is.


Trevor Wilson wrote:

Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written:

Face it, the 2nd Amendment was written in the United States. If some
Aussie has a problem with it, just don't come here and you'll be just

I really don't understand why people that are outside of the US think
they are allowed to opine on the 2nd. I don't tell you what kind of
boomerang you can carry.
**We call it: 'Freedom of speech'. An interesting concept you should
learn about.

Stupid septic.

Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au

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