transport applications

"Symon" <> wrote in message news:<c6m6p9$dct6o$>...
I believe the newer French track laid down for their highspeed is
gently banked and with large turning space, well I've only seen tv
snips in the countryside. I guess in UK (I left 20yrs ago) most of the
track is in densely populated areas, too late to do anything about it.
Perhaps the only place to put any new service would be near/over the


Hi John,
I heard that the French have a much more 'robust' compulsary purchase scheme
than other countries, i.e. Draw a straight line on the map between Paris to
Lyons and that's where the railway's gonna go! Interesting idea about the
Motorways, here in San Jose I go along Hwy 85 to work, (right past the
Xilinx campus, as it happens, so I'm still on topic ;-)) which is a fairly
new road. There's a light rail system along the central reservation (=Median
for US readers!) for a fair part of the journey. No-one uses it, of course.
No point in owning a Hummer and leaving it at home....
Jonathan's right about economics of new track in the UK. In order to do
anything, you have to tunnel. Check out The good thing about this is
that French passengers will now arrive at St.Pancras. If you're French, I
guess that's much better than terminating at Waterloo!
cheers, Syms.
Hi Symon

Well the #5.2B looks pretty cheap compared to the big dig we have here
in Boston that only cost $16B I think for a similar cross city tunnel.
Still the city will look a lot better afterwards. Thanks to all the US
taxpayers :)



I hope to use FPGA or CPLD to control of train movement (signalling).

I prepared some state machines for a small station and it seems to be
working. Just think about a conception of the adaptation my solution to a
real line in Poland.
I would like to implement signalling functions to probably CPLD but there
still will be required a software in control center. There are 18 small
stations. There are 6 people on each station. Using automatic equipment some
people can be moved to other jobs. It is very useful for national railway
companies from East Europe block to improve single lines.


Jacek Mocki

"paris" <> wrote in message
"Narcis Nadal" <> escribió en el mensaje
Yes, we have recently designed and produced here in Catalonia some
LED displays with 16 gray levels EN 50155 compliant for the TGV
Barcelona-Madrid. Those displays have a Xilinx XCS05 industrial grade as

did you mean "intensity" levels?

wasnt TGV a French train?
i thought in Spain you had AVE or something


Narcis Nadal
"Jacek Mocki" <> escribió en el mensaje
Does anyone know some examples of using CPLD or FPGA devices in railways



Thank you very much for your reaction. There are very important information.
I will send you an personal email.



"Austin Lesea" <> wrote in message

Yes we have FPGAs that have been used in railway equipment.

The problem is the sometimes close to ten year qualification process*
for railway equipment, which means by the time it is qualified for use,
the parts are well into their obsolesence.

If you have such an application, you should contact a Xilinx FAE, and
discuss the best choice of product with them (one that we expect will be
around for another > 20 years like the 2K has been, and the 3K will have

As always, if any of our products are used in an application where human
life despends on the perfect functioning, see the very serious legal
stuff at:

For example, we heard that a manufacturer wants to use an FPGA in a
nuclear reactor control system. That certainly gets our attention, as
we insisted that the design be done in such a way that is consistent
with the application (ie fully TMR, dual redundant, hot standby, etc etc

*(based on what I've heard about a certain railway equipment supplier)


Jacek Mocki wrote:
Does anyone know some examples of using CPLD or FPGA devices in railways


"paris" <> wrote in message news:<c6kb9a$1te6$>...
"Narcis Nadal" <> escribió en el mensaje
Yes, we have recently designed and produced here in Catalonia some 192x64
LED displays with 16 gray levels EN 50155 compliant for the TGV
Barcelona-Madrid. Those displays have a Xilinx XCS05 industrial grade as a

did you mean "intensity" levels?
Yes, in the first step each bitmap is changed in format for easy
serialisation 1 bmp at a time, and the second step is showing it as
bmp 0 lasting 1T, bmp 1 lasting 2T, and so on showing the entire
gray-scale graphic in 1/64 sec and an animation at 64 frames/sec. The
CPU works just a little and I put a H3003 at only 16MHz because I
thought hard work for passing EMC but it was funny.

wasnt TGV a French train?
i thought in Spain you had AVE or something
Yes, the official name is AVE but in Catalonia (we speech catalan) the
acronim TGV sounds better :)


Narcis Nadal


Narcis Nadal
"Jacek Mocki" <> escribió en el mensaje
Does anyone know some examples of using CPLD or FPGA devices in railways


"Jacek Mocki" <> wrote in message news:<c6o7st$23l$>...

I hope to use FPGA or CPLD to control of train movement (signalling).

I prepared some state machines for a small station and it seems to be
working. Just think about a conception of the adaptation my solution to a
real line in Poland.
I would like to implement signalling functions to probably CPLD but there
still will be required a software in control center. There are 18 small
stations. There are 6 people on each station. Using automatic equipment some
people can be moved to other jobs. It is very useful for national railway
companies from East Europe block to improve single lines.


Jacek Mocki
I work in advertising and I just took contact with one project in
signaling, it was a semaphoric control and I'm sure there are out
there a lot of people with more experience than me but I want advise
you: in logic don't forget the forbidden states, take some robust
external logic (PLD or glue) for supervising the outputs (final
lights) and another one for the entire system (WD is a complement but
it don't suffit). Another thing very useful is testing the system
remotelly changing the inputs in test mode looking for Murphy's
combinations, and when you had a system entirelly verifiable, take
another one with his own power supply as a backup.
In an European railway network you must be EN 50155 and EN 50121
compliant, it means your equippement will be tested in isolation, EMC,
surges, fast transients, overvoltages, voltage variations, temperature
and usually in vibrations. I have done that in 3 projects (7
equipements) ranging from 3 to 9 months each one. Ah! don't begin the
production before you had passed all the tests in a prototype, is
usual to put the last minute's capacitor or ferrite.


Narcis Nadal

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