On 2006-02-28, Adam Funk (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
"Eppur si muove!" (And yet it does move!)
-- Galileo Galilei
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
What about grey grey grey grey grey grey grey grey grey grey -> blackOn 2006-02-28, TimC <tconnors@no.spam.accepted.here-astro.swin.edu.au> wrote:
Note to Darla: If you can get hold of an old 1.1GB drive from a Cray
YMP um something, then they're great. The drive was about 16 inches
long, 5 inches tall, 8 inches wide, and weighed about 15kg (all going
by memory here), much of it solid metal. I spent about an hour trying
to separate the magnets when they inadvertently came together
P.S. If anyone can give me the instructions to wire up the 10-14
connectors of the motor, I would be thouroughly grateful. I too like
big magnets, and would love to see how powerful the drive is when it
spins up to full speed. Mmmmm, angular momentum.
Red +
Black -
is usually a good place to start.
"Eppur si muove!" (And yet it does move!)
-- Galileo Galilei