Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Sombody can help me with a copy of te power supply of
the Philips oscilloscope PM 3380A/3382A/3384A/3392A/3394A

"" <> wrote
Sombody can help me with a copy of te power supply of
the Philips oscilloscope PM 3380A/3382A/3384A/3392A/3394A

Call Fluke service center in Son, The Netherlands. They can give you a copy.

floss wrote:
b Wrote:
floss wrote:

More progress....

I now have established that there is one way of connecting the cables
which enables me to see freeview and to record and play discs on my
This is as follows:

1. Main aerial into Freeviw antenna in
2. RF cable from TV out on Freeview to Antenna in on DVDR
3. RF cable from TV out on DVDR to antenna in on TV VCR combo.
4. Scart from VCR on Freeviw to Scart IN on DVDR
5. Scart from OUT on DVDR to TV VCR combo

This would be fantastic except for the exceptionally poor picture.
tried to tune the TV, Freeview and the DVDR but to no success. Boo

B Wrote:
is the picture poor on:
a) the dvd
b) the freeview channels
c) the vcr
d) normal terrestrial channels??

....give me a grading for each of the above and we can narrow down the


Hi B,

Thanks for replying!

Well, with the cables arranged as I said, the picture is exceptionally
poor on freeview. Normal terrestrial channels are ok, not great but
watchable. When playing a pre-recodrded disc in the DVDR, the picture
is perfect. I'm not sure about the VCR because at the moment its not
working properly anyway. When I play videos the picture 'slips'. Thats
why I was considering a new TV. Its only just occurred to me, but might
this be why I cant get things to work?

Looking forward to your reply.

have you tried viewing the freeview through the dvd-r (through its
scart /av input)? is it still poor? if so, what kind of problem ? (e.g.
snowy, jumpy, no colour, cuts out, etc...)

If the picture is perfect on the dvds, that more or less rules out the
tv or the dvd-r as the problem. It could be your freeview box is at
fault, or your aerial isn't great.

the vcr section malfunction on your tv/ vcr makes no difference to this
problem, sounds like the tape path needs cleaning/realigning or a new
pinch roller fitting but thats another story!

Anyway, let us know what the freeview's like through the dvd-r.
On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 15:40:07 +0000, Jules wrote:
The monitor's a bit dusty inside, although I've seen far worse - I'll give
it a good blast with an air compressor later I think and blow the dirt out
just in case that is the problem (plus also check any grounding points etc.)
Hmm, well no luck - same problem.

I'm tempted to remove the flyback and check for signs of arcing
underneath (in which case a repair that'll hold *might* be possible), but
it's looking like I need a new flyback...

Without the service manual, the only labelled test point is 130V just
downstream of the PSU - that's sitting at 128V on my display, which is
*probably* within tolerance (there is a pot to adjust it, so I'll try
tweaking it slightly just in case)


john Wrote:




I am interested in purchasing this lamp please email

Hi I have a Panasonic GAOO TELEVISION too and after about two or three
minutes it will lose the picture and sound but it doesnt turn right off so
I use the power button and I can hear it power off. When it shuts off you
can still here a sound like its still on but there is no sound or picture.
If I wait about two minutes or so I can turn it back on and it will run
again sometimes for hours without shutting off again. Does anyone know
what this could be?
What was the question again ?

"rkm0" <> wrote in message
I have a Sony KV-20TS27 trinitron TV, made in February 1992. It
displays UHF channels and the composite video fine, but doesn't display
VHF channels. Actually, it seems to display them intermittently;
haven't tested it thoroughly, but it seems that the VHF channels work
when the TV has been running for a while and heated up.

Is this a VHF tuner failure? How can I fix it myself? Perhaps something
as simple as a failed solder joint?

6.8 ohm


"Bill S." <> wrote in message
Standard story, bad vertical flyback capacitor shorted vertical IC
and burnt supply resistor R542. Probably not critical, but given
the opportunity I will replace it with the exact value. Does
anyone have the value handy?
n cook wrote:
Before someone brings this 80 lbs weight .84x.22x.64 metre piece of kit
half way across the country for me to repair. Does anyone know whether it is
a straightforward job, and how, for the owner to remove the large and heavy
glass top for him to leave at home ?

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
1) The top glass is hinged, two pins (one on each side); the pins are
spring loaded and with slight effort (hold the glass straight up) the
spring retainers are moved and the glass lifts out (no tools.)

2) Motherboard/plug in card assembly for the rec/play preamps; most
failures we've encountered on them are in the power supply (loss of a
regulated supply) or loss of transport control due to an open motor
control pass transistor. Not that big a deal, usually, to get the rear
cover off for inspection (but I pray you have a manual?) Rare, but
there are a few fuses under that rear cover, you could get real lucky.

IMO too much crap in one box, mediocre performance from a transport
that's too slow with head track separation that guarantees crosstalk
(come on, 8 tracks on a quarter inch of tape?); and that's when they're
working properly. Sorry Teac, perfect machine for AM talk radio SM57
mixdowns (as long as you don't need more than 40 db S/N or want to go
below 100Hz or above 8Khz.)

<> wrote in message
n cook wrote:
Before someone brings this 80 lbs weight .84x.22x.64 metre piece of kit
half way across the country for me to repair. Does anyone know whether
it is
a straightforward job, and how, for the owner to remove the large and
glass top for him to leave at home ?

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on

1) The top glass is hinged, two pins (one on each side); the pins are
spring loaded and with slight effort (hold the glass straight up) the
spring retainers are moved and the glass lifts out (no tools.)

2) Motherboard/plug in card assembly for the rec/play preamps; most
failures we've encountered on them are in the power supply (loss of a
regulated supply) or loss of transport control due to an open motor
control pass transistor. Not that big a deal, usually, to get the rear
cover off for inspection (but I pray you have a manual?) Rare, but
there are a few fuses under that rear cover, you could get real lucky.

IMO too much crap in one box, mediocre performance from a transport
that's too slow with head track separation that guarantees crosstalk
(come on, 8 tracks on a quarter inch of tape?); and that's when they're
working properly. Sorry Teac, perfect machine for AM talk radio SM57
mixdowns (as long as you don't need more than 40 db S/N or want to go
below 100Hz or above 8Khz.)

I had got the impression that the glass covered the whole top of the m/c, so
imagined a 3 foot by 2 foot sheet of glass
Calling up internet pics I see it only covers the r-t-r deck.

The actual problem is tape transport, hopefully not motor failure
I have a number of Tascam r-t-r technical manuals for the same period
It's your nickel, keep talking!!!

TV tuners are very difficult and very precise to troubleshoot. You could
remove the tuner, open it, and see if there are any cold solder connections
inside. It is possible that when soldering to some of the circuits, they can
get put out of alignment.

Without the proper equipment, and training, TV tuners are not something you
can easily service. Normally, the tuner is replaced as a module in the TV
set because of cost efficiency. Your tuner should still be available from
any Sony parts dealer.



"rkm0" <> wrote in message
I have a Sony KV-20TS27 trinitron TV, made in February 1992. It
displays UHF channels and the composite video fine, but doesn't display
VHF channels. Actually, it seems to display them intermittently;
haven't tested it thoroughly, but it seems that the VHF channels work
when the TV has been running for a while and heated up.

Is this a VHF tuner failure? How can I fix it myself? Perhaps something
as simple as a failed solder joint?

If you think the tuner is bad and don't have the equipment and experience to
troubleshoot it you can change it, but I would not try to get a new tuner
from Sony. It will be rather expensive. You can likely get a rebuilt one
from Tip Top in Reseda CA for $27 including shipping to you if you return
the dud to them. Add $25 if you don't return the dud. You will need the
Sony number off of the tuner.


"JANA" <> wrote in message
It's your nickel, keep talking!!!

TV tuners are very difficult and very precise to troubleshoot. You could
remove the tuner, open it, and see if there are any cold solder
inside. It is possible that when soldering to some of the circuits, they
get put out of alignment.

Without the proper equipment, and training, TV tuners are not something
can easily service. Normally, the tuner is replaced as a module in the TV
set because of cost efficiency. Your tuner should still be available from
any Sony parts dealer.



"rkm0" <> wrote in message
I have a Sony KV-20TS27 trinitron TV, made in February 1992. It
displays UHF channels and the composite video fine, but doesn't display
VHF channels. Actually, it seems to display them intermittently;
haven't tested it thoroughly, but it seems that the VHF channels work
when the TV has been running for a while and heated up.

Is this a VHF tuner failure? How can I fix it myself? Perhaps something
as simple as a failed solder joint?

I just bot one used for a hundred bucks. :shock: I got
the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix it? :cry:

Advise greatly appreciated! :wink:
"kimx" <> wrote in message
I just bot one used for a hundred bucks. :shock: I got
the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix it? :cry:

Advise greatly appreciated! :wink:
Wow, u got ripped off bigtime. I bought one for 2 bucks and never had a
problem with it!
Oh wait, we ARE talking about the same thing, aren't we? hmmm..
Ray L. Voltswrote:
"kimx" <> wrote in message
I just bot one used for a hundred bucks. :shock: I got
the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix it? :cry:

Advise greatly appreciated! :wink:

Wow, u got ripped off bigtime. I bought one for 2 bucks and never had
problem with it!
Oh wait, we ARE talking about the same thing, aren't we?

yeah a camcorder... 2 buks and it works?! i'll buy it from u for $5.
How bout it????? :lol:
"kimx" <> wrote in message
I just bot one used for a hundred bucks. :shock: I got
the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix it? :cry:

Advise greatly appreciated! :wink:
What are you talking about? Same problem as what? Your post makes no sense

On 10 Feb 2006 06:15:13 GMT, (kimx)

I just bot one used for a hundred bucks. :shock: I got
the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix it? :cry:

Advise greatly appreciated! :wink:
Do you have a little piece of brain?
My handy cam (Hi8) has problem loading the tapes. As soon as you
the tape it will close and in about 5 seconds eject itself. I have
verified all the mech parts they all look OK. Any thoughts if
else came across this problem?

This problem....
these tuners usually have bad grounds try squeezing the cover of the
tuner a few times..that can clean the contacts for alittle while

Thanks, guys. I'll try replacing the tuner module as suggested. Sorry
about the multiple copies of the original post -- I was posting through
Google Groups and it went silly on me; I did delete the extra copies,
but not fast enough, apparently.

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