On Oct 7, 6:07 pm, "Arfa Daily" <arfa.da...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
How it works is that many people are aware that AGW is looking so much
like a crock, one Rasmussen poll in the US quoted that 69% of those
polled believed that the scientists in the IPCC had defrauded data in
order to support global warming.
The public just don't buy it anymore and the same can be seen in the
Australian polls on the Carbon tax, approximately 70% don't want it.
If you start bringing up the subject with people generally, you cannot
find anyone who wants it and almost as many don't believe in AGW to
Anyone who doesnt fully believe Trevor's fantasy and his beliefs is
not relevant. They are an "idiot" and if they are actually a
scientist, he will simply
claim that they are "not a scientist if they disbelieve AGW", or paid
off by the "fossil fuel lobby"
Trevor worships as gospel anything that comes from the IPCC and
ignores that it may not be what he thinks it is
when it comes to honesty and integrity.
Strange part is that looking at Google, many of the IPCC are involved
in the World Wildlife fund
and they are funded by BP, so in reality you could say that many in
the IPCC who are involved in this
group are funded by the "fossil fuel" industry. Funny how the "fossil
fuel industry" - BP for example fully support AGW and the carbon
Take a look at how many others are funded by global banks, who
originally cooked up this fraud (as well as other "dirty air" scams
over the last 40 odd years, and funded it in order to create fear,
and rake in profits This is only the tip of the iceberg of fraud and
Trev can't see through this, and also he is very likely in my opinion
also concerned that if the AGW fraud continues to collaps into dust
that his wife (who according to others on here works for the CSIRO)
loses her job in CSIRO, (Which is also headed by a former one of these
global bank officials, and therefore not to be trusted) it will kill
their household income if the institute is defunded, in order to
appease a public that wants blood, after being conned - and possibly
hurt future career prospects for being associated with this
organisation, even if she is not involved in the "climate science"
part and or wasn't knowingly being dishonest.
Its not hard, you just follow the money, and who benefits from it.
If that
> Arfa
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...@earthlink.net> wrote in messagenews:i-mdnTDIRtyYLRPTnZ2dnUVZ_o6dnZ2d@earthlink.com...
Arfa Daily wrote:
I've just lost the will to live ...
Take two kill filters and call me in the morning.
OK Michael, will do !
I just can't quite understand how 1000+ dissenting voices (links to
government papers citing this previously supplied by Jeff L) from the same
scientific world as the scientists advocating that the problem is man-made
in the first place, can possibly represent "a handful of people" that are
"religious nutters" (!!) or "employed by the fossil fuel lobby".
How it works is that many people are aware that AGW is looking so much
like a crock, one Rasmussen poll in the US quoted that 69% of those
polled believed that the scientists in the IPCC had defrauded data in
order to support global warming.
The public just don't buy it anymore and the same can be seen in the
Australian polls on the Carbon tax, approximately 70% don't want it.
If you start bringing up the subject with people generally, you cannot
find anyone who wants it and almost as many don't believe in AGW to
Anyone who doesnt fully believe Trevor's fantasy and his beliefs is
not relevant. They are an "idiot" and if they are actually a
scientist, he will simply
claim that they are "not a scientist if they disbelieve AGW", or paid
off by the "fossil fuel lobby"
Trevor worships as gospel anything that comes from the IPCC and
ignores that it may not be what he thinks it is
when it comes to honesty and integrity.
Strange part is that looking at Google, many of the IPCC are involved
in the World Wildlife fund
and they are funded by BP, so in reality you could say that many in
the IPCC who are involved in this
group are funded by the "fossil fuel" industry. Funny how the "fossil
fuel industry" - BP for example fully support AGW and the carbon
Take a look at how many others are funded by global banks, who
originally cooked up this fraud (as well as other "dirty air" scams
over the last 40 odd years, and funded it in order to create fear,
and rake in profits This is only the tip of the iceberg of fraud and
Trev can't see through this, and also he is very likely in my opinion
also concerned that if the AGW fraud continues to collaps into dust
that his wife (who according to others on here works for the CSIRO)
loses her job in CSIRO, (Which is also headed by a former one of these
global bank officials, and therefore not to be trusted) it will kill
their household income if the institute is defunded, in order to
appease a public that wants blood, after being conned - and possibly
hurt future career prospects for being associated with this
organisation, even if she is not involved in the "climate science"
part and or wasn't knowingly being dishonest.
Its not hard, you just follow the money, and who benefits from it.
If that
That would be about right. Its how government works.many of them really represent just a handful, there must then be millions of
climatologists in the world, and they must all be speaking somehow with the
same voice. Even the sacred IPCC hasn't got that many climatologists on its
panel, and still fewer among its peer reviewers that Trevor is so fond of
quoting, as apparently, there is no actual requirement to be qualified in
that discipline, and the main criteria for acceptance onto the peer review
panel, is to be invited by some (like-minded) person already on it.
> Arfa