Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black... practiced by "harm" operators...


"Mark D. Zacharias" <> wrote in message
"armature radio"



"Jerry G." <> wrote in message

Most of the sites you will find on the web deal with armature radio.

My step father had a indoor aerial, it was heap of rubbish, the house was
in view of the transmitter,
if you walked around, the color would come & go, I took it apart, there
was no balum the earth was going direct to one rod and the active part
of the coax was going direct to the other rod,

I made a balum for it, after much experiment (reinventing the wheel using my
aerial theory) came up with the "standard 75 to 300 Ohm balum" giving the
best result. After that the color stayed when you walked around the room.

It seems to me a lot of people don't know "Jack shit" about the indoor
aerials or aerial theory when it comes to talking about them, including the
people who make them.

"Sofie" <> wrote in message

"Eric" <> wrote in message
Does anybody know of a technical report of the "indoor aerial" I was told
few years ago the there is no resemblance between the rabbits ears and
aerial theory, just I have a few people who want to argue the point, and
hoping there might be a URL around that might show I'm right or partly
- - - - - - - - - - -

Actually, since rabbit ears are an "open dipole" not a folded dipole, the
impedance of a simple dipole is closer to a nominal 75 ohms..... and that
is only the case if the ears are in a straight line and are not in a
typically found "V" formation. Since rabbit ears are fed with a 300 ohm
twin-lead and usually fed into a 300 ohm to 75 ohm transformer/adapter so it
will plug into the 75 ohm "F" connector on the back of a television or
VCR....... all of these mis-matches significantly reduce the efficiency on
the whole operation...... however..... since rabbit ears are usually only
used in local strong signal areas all of these mismatches in reality are
simply overlooked..... and can work surprisingly well in some areas.
A "folded" dipole, similar to the cheap FM tuner "T" antennas, is optimally
a 300 ohm device and are usually made entirely out of 300 ohm twin-lead
including the nominally 5 to 6 foot long horizontal antenna element that
forms a closed loop.... or "folded dipole." Some cheaper versions of the
FM "T" antenna do not utilize 300 ohm twin-lead and are just a simple "open"
dipole and are usually and properly connected to the 75 ohm terminals on the
back of the FM tuner.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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"armature radio"



"Jerry G." <> wrote in message

Most of the sites you will find on the web deal with armature radio.
"Sofie" bravely wrote to "All" (10 Sep 04 11:04:40)
--- on the heady topic of "Re: Technical report on rabbits ears"

So> From: "Sofie" <>

So> "Eric" <> wrote in message
Does anybody know of a technical report of the "indoor aerial" I was told
few years ago the there is no resemblance between the rabbits ears and
aerial theory, just I have a few people who want to argue the point, and
hoping there might be a URL around that might show I'm right or partly
So> - - - - - - - - - - -

So> Eric:
So> Actually, since rabbit ears are an "open dipole" not a folded dipole,
So> the impedance of a simple dipole is closer to a nominal 75 ohms.....
So> and that is only the case if the ears are in a straight line and are
So> not in a typically found "V" formation. Since rabbit ears are fed
So> with a 300 ohm twin-lead and usually fed into a 300 ohm to 75 ohm
So> transformer/adapter so it will plug into the 75 ohm "F" connector on
So> the back of a television or VCR....... all of these mis-matches
So> significantly reduce the efficiency on the whole operation......
So> however..... since rabbit ears are usually only used in local strong
So> signal areas all of these mismatches in reality are simply
So> overlooked..... and can work surprisingly well in some areas. A
So> "folded" dipole, similar to the cheap FM tuner "T" antennas, is
So> optimally a 300 ohm device and are usually made entirely out of 300 ohm
So> twin-lead including the nominally 5 to 6 foot long horizontal antenna
So> element that forms a closed loop.... or "folded dipole." Some
So> cheaper versions of the FM "T" antenna do not utilize 300 ohm twin-lead
So> and are just a simple "open" dipole and are usually and properly
So> connected to the 75 ohm terminals on the back of the FM tuner.

How about running a wire across connecting both ends together, then it
would behave more like a large closed loop (triangle?) and having
perhaps a better match it might even show some gain... not sure.


.... Bald spot? It's a solar panel for a sex machine.
"Asimov" ( writes:
How about running a wire across connecting both ends together, then it
would behave more like a large closed loop (triangle?) and having
perhaps a better match it might even show some gain... not sure.


... Bald spot? It's a solar panel for a sex machine.

When I went off cable back in 1997, given that most of the channels
I wanted were UHF, I just stuck a UHF loop on the set. Actually, I've
got some length of cable between it and the set, so I can move it around,
and hang it high. It works fine for the local VHF channels (the ones
over the line in Vermont and New York being adjacent to local channels
would at the very least need something better than rabbit ears), though
it does indeed need to be placed right to avoid ghostings. On UHF, it
does well enough, and most of those channels are of course down in New York
and Vermont. It's not perfect, but better than nothing. The loop might
not be the solution in other locales, where there are non-local VHF channels.

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 23:23:33 +0200, "Chipo"
<> wrote:

simply buy a new one
Please post this on sci.electronics.buyanewone. :)

Hi to all those who have sent advice on my problem relating to a Petrol
driven 3.5 KVA Honda 240/12 volts generator, which would not charge even
though the petrol motor was working well.

First of all, I must tell you that I am still alive and well, probably
because I have not been brave enough or foolhardy enough to try
them...particularly the 240 volt suggestions.

It turned out to be a topic which aroused a lot of interest, with emails
racing back and forth.

The responses were many and varied, coming from around six different
newsgroups...with no two suggestions being the same.

I had installed this originally portable generator, into a permanently fixed
position in a motor home, with the electric start console wired into a
position some distance from the Generator.

As the motorhome is not roadworthy at this time, I couldn't take it some 50
Km to the nearest big town where I might find a specialist to do the job.

But I have now organized a Motor Rewind specialist to come to me and get it
going. Of course I'll have to pay for the travelling time and other charges.

His method will be to use a small 9 volt flat battery, with the generator
petrol engine running and just lightly touch the positive contact on the
bridge rectifier, with a lead from the positive end of the battery,
and making contact with the negative contact on the rectifier with the
negative lead from the battery.

He claims, that it will arc, only do it momentarily two or three times and
that should do it.

Of course, it may not be the loss of residual magnetism at all, but he
should be able to locate the cause of the problem.

Thanking you once again for your interest and help


This one was sent by Bill Jeffrey.. it looks good:

On another newsgrop, I ran into the following link. Looks easy ...

Bill Jeffrey wrote:
Osama wa photographed here cutting a young childs head off, these pictures were discovered early last week and posted here yesterday
....and, of course, this is *after* he hung himself! wrote:
Osama was photographed here cutting a young childs head off, these pictures were discovered early last week and posted here yesterday

....and, of course, this is *after* he hung himself!
Will the ASS HOLE who posts this stupid shit, do us all a favor? YOU AND
COMMIT LOVERS SUICIDE afterward. You'll be doing the world a great service.

NS - a faithful Bin Laden HATER

May ALL the rag heads DIE - "I" didn't forget 9/11....... Nor will I EVER

"Robert Baer" <> wrote in message wrote:

Osama was photographed here cutting a young childs head off, these
pictures were discovered early last week and posted here yesterday

...and, of course, this is *after* he hung himself!

I have a generator belted to one of the engines in my boat to make 110 volt
power during normal running. About 10 years ago it would not produce power.
Flashing the field with a 9 volt battery got it running, but it would not
retain its "magnetism" over the winter storage. The issue was the internal
capacitor failed. Once replaced, it has worked fine every year.
"NO SPAM" <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.COM> wrote in message news:<oqD1d.2033$>...

May ALL the rag heads DIE
....and so the cycle continues. Moron.
MORON???????? I suppose you didn't lose any relatives or sleep for that
matter.......... KISS MY AMERICAN ASS. I have NO love for the Sons of


"Alex Bird" <> wrote in message
"NO SPAM" <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.COM> wrote in message

May ALL the rag heads DIE

...and so the cycle continues. Moron.
IF you love them so damned much, go live with them, I bet you wouldn't last
an hour.


"Alex Bird" <> wrote in message
"NO SPAM" <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.COM> wrote in message

May ALL the rag heads DIE

...and so the cycle continues. Moron.
Let me get this straight - the Americans finance and train a guy to be a
terrorist, teaching him everything they know about guerilla tactics and
leading an army of such terrorists, and show him how to use these skills
against a superpower (USSR in Afganistan, in the 1980's). They then betray
this guy, massacre civilians in countries close to his heart, actively
support his enemies (like Isreal), refuse (along with Saudi Arabia) to
support his campaign against his biggest enemy (Saddam Hussein), and drop
him like a hot potato when he has done their dirty work. He then,
unsurprisingly, turns against the US.

From this you conclude that everyone wearing a turbin should be killed?
(Note for those with no clue about other cultures - turbins are much more
common among Hindus than Muslims.)

You should not forget 9/11 - you should learn from it. The correct response
for the US would be to learn from it, and to ask *why* it happened, and what
should be done to stop such acts in the future, not some idiotic knee-jerk
outlash appropriate in a kindergarten bully.

And before you get your caps lock stuck again - I don't condone what bin
Laden did, nor any other terrorist acts. But equally, I don't condone the
terrorist actions the US (and other countries - the US leads, but they're
not alone) has committed around the world. And I don't condone unreasoning
hate and blind racism. You do realise that by the 9/11 attrocity, bin Ladin
has done far more than "just" kill 3000+ people? He has turned a lot of the
American people into paranoid biggots, removed a lot of your freedoms, done
irreparable damage to America's international image, crippled your people's
own faith in their country, their leaders, their military, and their believe
that the US stands for human rights, justice, freedom and democracy. And on
top of it all, he's got you to destroy his worst enemy - Saddam Hussein.

Hate terrorism. Hate the causes of terrorism. Hate injustice and
oppression. But don't hate half the world because of the actions of a few.

"NO SPAM" <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.COM> wrote in message
Will the ASS HOLE who posts this stupid shit, do us all a favor? YOU AND
COMMIT LOVERS SUICIDE afterward. You'll be doing the world a great

NS - a faithful Bin Laden HATER

May ALL the rag heads DIE - "I" didn't forget 9/11....... Nor will I EVER

"Robert Baer" <> wrote in message wrote:

Osama was photographed here cutting a young childs head off, these
pictures were discovered early last week and posted here yesterday

...and, of course, this is *after* he hung himself!
"WbSearch" <> wrote in message

I have a generator belted to one of the engines in my boat to make 110
power during normal running. About 10 years ago it would not produce
Flashing the field with a 9 volt battery got it running, but it would not
retain its "magnetism" over the winter storage. The issue was the
capacitor failed. Once replaced, it has worked fine every year.
Thanks for that, It could well be the problem
regards Ray
"ray" <> writes:

"WbSearch" <> wrote in message

I have a generator belted to one of the engines in my boat to make 110
power during normal running. About 10 years ago it would not produce
Flashing the field with a 9 volt battery got it running, but it would not
retain its "magnetism" over the winter storage. The issue was the
capacitor failed. Once replaced, it has worked fine every year.
Huh? What does a capacitor have to do with retaining magnetism?

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Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711 USA

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