Jason Whorton
"Alan Harriman" <vtech@usol.com> wrote in message
the right one, or because if one is bad, the other is usually bad, too.
I see what you mean now. Even if you had a spare Slot A board to check
the CPU, and the customomer is in a hurry, it would be quicker and
easier to replace the motherboard with one that is in stock, along with
its necessary CPU, heatsink/fan, RAM, case, power supply, etc. It
depends on how far behind what you have in stock they are.
Thank you,
Jason Whorton
Hello. I thought you meant to replace both just to make sure you gotprobability that the processor had cooked, in which case you could
find a compatible processor (probably second hand) or, as you did,
use it as
an excuse to upgrade to a better motherboard/processor
Board/CPU bundles are so inexpensive, I almost always recommend
replacing both
when either fails. (for example, starting at $59.95 from
www.tigerdirect.com )
Alan Harriman
Hi. I guess everyone has his own definition of inexpensive. Just
replacing both blindly sounds like an unnecessary waste of money to
Let me qualify my statement a little. I'm mainly discussing
non-warranty systems
that are a couple years old or more. For example, we recently had an
Athlon 750
Mhz Slot A system come in dead. The board was bad with several bulging
capacitors. (Over voltage, or faulty parts?) The CPU was probably
good, but can
you be absolutely certain? This system was used in a small business.
customer was mainly interested in preserving his data and getting the
back ASAP. Rather than try to hunt down an older style motherboard,
board/CPU was replaced with a socket A motherboard, Athlon XP
processor and new
fan. I also replaced the power supply. I was able to quickly get him
up and
running, and for a relatively modest price, increase the processor
speed by a
factor of 2 to 3 times, both upgrading his computer and extending it's
life. To do any less would almost be a disservice in my opinion.
Alan Harriman
the right one, or because if one is bad, the other is usually bad, too.
I see what you mean now. Even if you had a spare Slot A board to check
the CPU, and the customomer is in a hurry, it would be quicker and
easier to replace the motherboard with one that is in stock, along with
its necessary CPU, heatsink/fan, RAM, case, power supply, etc. It
depends on how far behind what you have in stock they are.
Thank you,
Jason Whorton