Don Bowey
On 7/5/08 2:23 PM, in article
jaqdnbX6l-DOe_LVnZ2dnUVZ_jmdnZ2d@earthlink.com, "Michael A. Terrell"
<mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
centre) of the universe. You folks are way over yonder somewhere.
jaqdnbX6l-DOe_LVnZ2dnUVZ_jmdnZ2d@earthlink.com, "Michael A. Terrell"
<mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
I just went outside and looked again, and America sure is the center (notOisín Mac Fhearaí wrote:
On Jul 3, 7:17 pm, UCLAN <nom...@thanks.org> wrote:
Raymond Wiker wrote:
It was clearly labelled OFF-TOPIC and it is all true.
Since when is it OK to post ANYTHING on ANY Usenet newsgroup
as long as it is labeled [correct spelling] as OFF-TOPIC?
Since when was not "labelled" a correct, alternative spelling
of "labeled"?
It is recognized as mainly a British spelling.
And therefore the correct English language spelling. Take note, for
the next time you want to 'correct' already-correct spelling: America
is not the centre of the universe.
No, but looks more and more like the UK wants to be the asshole of
the universe.
centre) of the universe. You folks are way over yonder somewhere.