Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Jim Yanik <> writes:

Sam Goldwasser <> wrote in

JW <none@dev.nul> writes:

On 26 Mar 2006 12:35:51 -0500 Sam Goldwasser <
wrote in Message id: <>:

I used a rubber tube to blow on various components in the HV area.

OK, I'm assuming you've found a way to heat the air first. I'm
interested in this setup - could you elaborate?

In this case, it wasn't a matter of heat. It turned out that simply
air flow made the difference since this occurred immediately after
power on before anything had a chance to heat up.

If I had to provide heat, a blow dryer would have been my tool of
choice :)

Note that your breath will have high levels of moisture in it,that could
alter the conductivity of the thick-film elements,especially if the thick-
film is dirty.
Could be part of the effect. Anyhow, it is still stable today.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
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Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.
Yes, you can. It's the number 7414 which tells the purpose of the chip.
The C-letter means it is cmos-type (and it needs to be in your circuit,
as you mentioned), and H means it is high-speed-type. It is not
mentioned to be necessary in your circuit, but it is ok to use the
high-speed type, although not necessary.

ps. according to the datasheet, 74HC14N is Hex Inverting Schmitt
Trigger and 74C14 is Hex Schmitt Trigger.
Both ones are inverting. There are mistake, or maybe the maker of the
datasheet of the 74C14 has considered the "invertingness" a "special
feature" which wouldn't be necessary to tell on the header.
On 28 Mar 2006 02:02:51 -0800,

Yes, you can. It's the number 7414 which tells the purpose of the chip.
The C-letter means it is cmos-type (and it needs to be in your circuit,
as you mentioned), and H means it is high-speed-type. It is not
mentioned to be necessary in your circuit, but it is ok to use the
high-speed type, although not necessary.
While you are right with the 'general picture' that it is the
function that counts, you may well be wrong here :)

Use in a C-meter, as the poster mentioned, is likely to be
dependant on the Schmitt trigger's threshold.
And that is one of specs that varies between different
technologies :)

Kind regards,
Gerard Bok
In article <4429368a.12090858@News.Individual.NET>,
On 28 Mar 2006 02:02:51 -0800,

Yes, you can. It's the number 7414 which tells the purpose of the chip.
The C-letter means it is cmos-type (and it needs to be in your circuit,
as you mentioned), and H means it is high-speed-type. It is not
mentioned to be necessary in your circuit, but it is ok to use the
high-speed type, although not necessary.

While you are right with the 'general picture' that it is the
function that counts, you may well be wrong here :)

Use in a C-meter, as the poster mentioned, is likely to be
dependant on the Schmitt trigger's threshold.
And that is one of specs that varies between different
technologies :)

Also, the C part can run from a higher VCC that the HC part. That might
pose a problem if the VCC is 9V or so.

thanks to replies. According to the datasheet the VCC of of C is higher
than HC part. In the capacitance meter i am planning to make, its
supply voltage is 12 volts but 74hc14n VCC pin max is 6 volts only.
That might be the problem. With the transistor tester using also 74c14,
its supply voltage is 6 volts. In this case, the 74hc14n might be
suited as substitute but not in the capacitance meter with the supply
voltage of 12 volts. (Because 74c14 has a Vcc ranging from 3.5-15 v but
74hc14n only up to 6 volts). Am I right?

tnx again,

In article <>, says...
thanks to replies. According to the datasheet the VCC of of C is higher
than HC part. In the capacitance meter i am planning to make, its
supply voltage is 12 volts but 74hc14n VCC pin max is 6 volts only.
That might be the problem. With the transistor tester using also 74c14,
its supply voltage is 6 volts. In this case, the 74hc14n might be
suited as substitute but not in the capacitance meter with the supply
voltage of 12 volts. (Because 74c14 has a Vcc ranging from 3.5-15 v but
74hc14n only up to 6 volts). Am I right?

tnx again,

Yes, you are right and I would not run an HC part at 6V. I never like
to take a part right to the edge of the envelope. I'm sure they spec'ed
in C parts for the VCC range and the trigger threshold value.

Apples to oranges. Factory discs are not burned, they are pressed (i.e.,
molded) in the desired pattern. Writeable discs use dyes which are fixed by
the laser light to store the pattern. Hence, pressed CD's don't generally
degrade from subsequent exposure to the wrong kinds of light as do burned
discs. Extending the topic a little to DVD's, there is an unfortunate
phenomenon known as "rotting" which occurs even on factory discs. This
happens when defective bonding leads to layer separation.
Some of the separation can be attributed to exposure to temperature
variations. As each material (metal, plastic a, plastic b-coating,
etc.) expands and contracts at differing rates, separation at mostly the
edges where stresses are greatest begins to show up as a "feathering

Don't store cds or dvds near heat or near cold sources as this will
reduce life of the data. Constant, cool temperatures are the rule.

Cheers, Hank
hihihi wrote:

Normally it stores the values of the voltage scales, time scale and other
things when i switch the PM3070 off.
When i switch the pm3070 on again the settings are restored.
But since a few days the settings are not restored.
Problem solved.

The battery was in a unusual place.
Outside on the back of the oscilloscope is a connector to remote control the
When this connector is not in use a block is plugged into it on the back.
Its called a PM8998.
Here you see it next to 4 connectors.

Inside this PM8998 is a battery.
You have to disassemble the PM8998 to see the battery.

I have replaced the 3 volt lithium battery.
Now the settings are stored and restored again.
It works :)

Thanks for trying to help :)

email hihihi wanadoo nl
David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

Pig Bladder wrote:

On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:52:27 -0600, David Maynard wrote:

Gary H wrote:

Mxsmanic wrote:

Many people refuse to believe that anyone could become more
successful than themselves through purely legitimate means
because it implies that these such a person might be smarter
than they are, and they cannot accept this possibility.

Awwww, please don't practice your dime store psychology on me? I
know Bill Gates is much much smarter than I am, no question
about it. I didn't say he wasn't. I merely said he was a thief
with accomplices before and after the fact. Why do you have to
make it complicated? :)
Because David Maynard doesn't have a real argument.

Because you demonstrate the trait even in the denial of it.

You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this "denial"
you so glibly bandy about, however.

Name one.
One example is your opinion that Microsoft doesn't hold monopoly
power. That's some serious denial.

From: David Maynard <nospam
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:36:55 -0600
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <11q4dinhcik0g84
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns970147786A91Bfollydom> <8EL9f.4374$8W.18> <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <8a1hm11b7cdbko4f1ds8ee8d5s1daispbl> <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <edvnp1hsoen1vit2ct08fgiatb6lq22nt8> <fkVmf.343$PQ3.8126> <11poboptnt4tr14> <pan.2005.
In-Reply-To: <pan.2005.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
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X-Complaints-To: abuse
Lines: 37
Xref: sci.electronics.basics:230192 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:452828
Gary H <g.h> wrote:

David Maynard wrote:

It is true that discussions usually go no where when one, or
both, simply throw 'opinions' around. That's why I provide the
logic and reasoning,
That is very funny.

That, of course, doesn't work either if one clings to 'opinions'
regardless of logic or reasoning.

Sir, you supply *nothing* to these discussions except the same old
tired rhetoric, time after time, post after post.
Without ever snipping anything.

You "seem" as though you don't live in the real world at all. All
you ever offer the other side of a discussion are your points of
view while trying to the discredit the other party with
accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a whiner, irrational,
conspiracy buff and so on and so on. You take a totally off-hand
discussion of views, on a given subject, and turn it into a
personal thing where you try to discredit a point of view with
personal slurs.
Definitely, at least when it comes to his defense of Microsoft.
The capacitor c721 = 1uF 50V
and te resistor R717 = 5,0 kohm(5000 ohm)(green, something, something)
Please let me know if this worked out.


glasnostJDC Wrote:
I have 3 CTX VL400 monitors (FCCID DBL1451E) all have a blown capacitor
(C721) and a fried resistor (R717) all have fried them beyond
I would like to know the values of these componants and possiblites on
they fried. I tryed searching all over the internet and found nothing
so far
in information about these montiors. I did find out from the place
these monitors were thrown out. Before the caps blew the monitor would
on normaly and then shut off. Then they kept trying to turn them back
until finally the capacitor blew (and resistor). There not very smart
people, oh well at least they were free. Thanks for any help on these


John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

Pig Bladder wrote:

On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:52:27 -0600, David Maynard wrote:

Gary H wrote:

Mxsmanic wrote:

Many people refuse to believe that anyone could become more
successful than themselves through purely legitimate means
because it implies that these such a person might be smarter
than they are, and they cannot accept this possibility.

Awwww, please don't practice your dime store psychology on me? I
know Bill Gates is much much smarter than I am, no question
about it. I didn't say he wasn't. I merely said he was a thief
with accomplices before and after the fact. Why do you have to
make it complicated? :)

Because David Maynard doesn't have a real argument.
That was Pig Bladder speaking to Mxsmanic, not that accuracy was ever a
consideration for you.

Because you demonstrate the trait even in the denial of it.

You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this "denial"
you so glibly bandy about, however.

Name one.

One example is your opinion that Microsoft doesn't hold monopoly
power. That's some serious denial.

Considering that I have refused to even discuss the topic with you, have
never said such a thing, and have reminded you of these facts uncounted
times you're not only incorrect but a bald face liar, or demented.

Which, as I have also told you numerous times, is one reason why I won't
discuss it with you.

Let's see, the other message you reached back into February for and this
one you went back to Dec 15 of last year.
John Doe wrote:

Gary H <g.h> wrote:

David Maynard wrote:

It is true that discussions usually go no where when one, or
both, simply throw 'opinions' around. That's why I provide the
logic and reasoning,

That is very funny.
I'm not surprised you find logic and reasoning "funny."

That, of course, doesn't work either if one clings to 'opinions'
regardless of logic or reasoning.

Sir, you supply *nothing* to these discussions except the same old
tired rhetoric, time after time, post after post.

Without ever snipping anything.
Unlike you who snip everything out of context in order to misrepresent what
was said and this message is an excellent example as you, just below, try
to turn this into you favorite hair on fire bugaboo, Microsoft, when the
topic under discussion was Canada/U.S. oil company negotiations.

And, of course, in the best yellow journalism character assassination
attempt style you snipped everything I said in reply.

You "seem" as though you don't live in the real world at all. All
you ever offer the other side of a discussion are your points of
view while trying to the discredit the other party with
accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a whiner, irrational,
conspiracy buff and so on and so on. You take a totally off-hand
discussion of views, on a given subject, and turn it into a
personal thing where you try to discredit a point of view with
personal slurs.

Definitely, at least when it comes to his defense of Microsoft.
If the truth is a 'defense' then so be it.
David Maynard <nospam> wrote:
John Doe wrote:
David Maynard <nospam> wrote:
Pig Bladder wrote:
On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:52:27 -0600, David Maynard wrote:
Gary H wrote:

Awwww, please don't practice your dime store psychology on me?
I know Bill Gates is much much smarter than I am, no question
about it. I didn't say he wasn't. I merely said he was a
thief with accomplices before and after the fact. Why do you
have to make it complicated? :)

Because David Maynard doesn't have a real argument.

That was Pig Bladder speaking to Mxsmanic, not that accuracy was
ever a consideration for you.
In fact, Bozo, that was Gary H replying to Mxsmanic.

But even if the attributes were important to you, Bozo, why did you
reply as if you were Mxsmanic?

Because you demonstrate the trait even in the denial of it.
Message-ID: <11poboptnt4tr14>

You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this "denial"
you so glibly bandy about, however.

Name one.

One example is your opinion that Microsoft doesn't hold monopoly
power. That's some serious denial.

Considering that I have refused to even discuss the topic with
you, have never said such a thing, and have reminded you of these
facts uncounted times you're not only incorrect but a bald face
liar, or demented.
Speaking of bold face liars. I've never seen anybody write so many
distortions and lies in front of everybody else and act like there's
nothing wrong with it. You act like you have no conscience, you will
say anything in an argument no matter how obviously false. I would
hesitate to accept any advice you give that I do not know or cannot

You are a libertarian who believes the government does good only by

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."

Message-ID: <114ms0birte795d>

That's your basis for defending Microsoft against antitrust
litigation. You began backtracking on Microsoft after I started
laying down the facts in response to your nonsense.

"The fallacy there is that you only consider a 'Microsoft O.S.' to
be competition for Microsoft and that's as if I complained there are
no sources for "Barba Streisand songs" other than Barbra Streisand
so she enjoys a monopoly over them."

Message-ID: <114fptc8unq0h45>

Which, as I have also told you numerous times, is one reason why I
won't discuss it with you.
The reason you won't discuss it now is because you know I will show
that your opinion isn't acceptable to anybody except another freak

From: David Maynard <nospam
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 00:48:41 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <1236mhpisqqbva9
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns970147786A91Bfollydom> <8EL9f.4374$8W.18> <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <8a1hm11b7cdbko4f1ds8ee8d5s1daispbl> <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <edvnp1hsoen1vit2ct08fgiatb6lq22nt8> <fkVmf.343$PQ3.8126> <11poboptnt4tr14> <pan.2005.> <11q4dinhcik0g84> <eTuYf.44596$_S7.43973
In-Reply-To: <eTuYf.44596$_S7.43973
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X-Complaints-To: abuse
Lines: 61
Xref: sci.electronics.basics:240083 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:463061
Gary H <g.h> wrote:

You "seem" as though you don't live in the real world at all.
All you ever offer the other side of a discussion are your points
of view while trying to the discredit the other party with
accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a whiner,
irrational, conspiracy buff and so on and so on. You take a
totally off-hand discussion of views, on a given subject, and
turn it into a personal thing where you try to discredit a point
of view with personal slurs.
That is true in just about any debate with David Maynard. It's as if
he can't cope with dissension. When someone disagrees with him, he
immediately resorts to attacking their character.

From: David Maynard <nospam
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 01:00:44 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <1236n8d7j1bh2e
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <11pobfcke5r50b6> <FdWmf.360$PQ3.14228> <psnop159npj8vrqanalegtfacrna5dapb1> <QZgnf.481$El.105846> <11ps4ismph9l579> <2Rznf.1483$PQ3.344823> <11pv4h2mlgjq9b8> <plUnf.1946$PQ3.482396> <11q06cusumlstc7> <slXnf.2016$PQ3.505776> <11q24i0oovbau34> <WSdof.3511$PQ3.628228> <11q33npgi92vf2f> <w1iof.3803$PQ3.658768> <11q4e2in39name6> <3Hzof.5120$PQ3.771169> <mbvYf.44601$_S7.26864
In-Reply-To: <mbvYf.44601$_S7.26864
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Complaints-To: abuse
Lines: 49
Xref: sci.electronics.basics:240084 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:463062
John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

Pig Bladder wrote:

On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:52:27 -0600, David Maynard wrote:

Gary H wrote:

Awwww, please don't practice your dime store psychology on me?
I know Bill Gates is much much smarter than I am, no question
about it. I didn't say he wasn't. I merely said he was a
thief with accomplices before and after the fact. Why do you
have to make it complicated? :)

Because David Maynard doesn't have a real argument.

That was Pig Bladder speaking to Mxsmanic, not that accuracy was
ever a consideration for you.

In fact, Bozo, that was Gary H replying to Mxsmanic.

But even if the attributes were important to you, Bozo, why did you
reply as if you were Mxsmanic?
I didn't, your inability to follow quote indents notwithstanding, 'Bozo'.

Because you demonstrate the trait even in the denial of it.

Message-ID: <11poboptnt4tr14

You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this "denial"
you so glibly bandy about, however.

Name one.

One example is your opinion that Microsoft doesn't hold monopoly
power. That's some serious denial.

Considering that I have refused to even discuss the topic with
you, have never said such a thing, and have reminded you of these
facts uncounted times you're not only incorrect but a bald face
liar, or demented.

Speaking of bold face liars. I've never seen anybody write so many
distortions and lies in front of everybody else and act like there's
nothing wrong with it. You act like you have no conscience, you will
say anything in an argument no matter how obviously false. I would
hesitate to accept any advice you give that I do not know or cannot
You've given a fairly decent description of yourself.

You are a libertarian who believes the government does good only by
You haven't got the slightest idea what I 'believe' and, as I've told you
nigh onto a thousand times by now, I'm not going to discuss them with you

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."
Taken out of context and misrepresented, as usual, not to mention you can't
even quote one sentence without inserting your own 'rewording' of it.

<snip of more distortions>

Message-ID: <114fptc8unq0h45

Which, as I have also told you numerous times, is one reason why I
won't discuss it with you.

The reason you won't discuss it now is because you know I will show
that your opinion isn't acceptable to anybody except another freak
I won't discuss it with you because you're demented, and a liar.
John Doe wrote:

Gary H <g.h> wrote:

You "seem" as though you don't live in the real world at all.
All you ever offer the other side of a discussion are your points
of view while trying to the discredit the other party with
accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a whiner,
irrational, conspiracy buff and so on and so on. You take a
totally off-hand discussion of views, on a given subject, and
turn it into a personal thing where you try to discredit a point
of view with personal slurs.

That is true in just about any debate with David Maynard. It's as if
he can't cope with dissension. When someone disagrees with him, he
immediately resorts to attacking their character.
What's the matter? Your first three troll attempts on this one too
David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

Pig Bladder wrote:

On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:52:27 -0600, David Maynard wrote:

Gary H wrote:

That was Pig Bladder speaking to Mxsmanic, not that accuracy was
ever a consideration for you.

In fact, Bozo, that was Gary H replying to Mxsmanic.

But even if the attributes were important to you, Bozo, why did
you reply as if you were Mxsmanic?

I didn't, your inability to follow quote indents notwithstanding,
I provided the message ID, Bozo. Mxsmanic asked the question. Gary H
replied. And you replied to Gary H as if you were Mxsmanic. It's
right here, Bozo.

Message-ID: <>

Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies?

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.

You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this
"denial" you so glibly bandy about, however.

[David Maynard is] a libertarian who believes the government does
good only by chance.

You haven't got the slightest idea what I 'believe'
I know what you have written, which is more than you know.

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."

Taken out of context and misrepresented,
Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies? I provided the message ID, Bozo,
it's right here.

Message-ID: <>

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.

The reason you won't discuss [whether Microsoft holds monopoly
power] now is because you know I will show that your opinion
isn't acceptable to anybody except another freak libertarian.

From: David Maynard <nospam
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 08:04:17 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <1237g2j7uufn796
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns970147786A91Bfollydom> <8EL9f.4374$8W.18> <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <8a1hm11b7cdbko4f1ds8ee8d5s1daispbl> <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <edvnp1hsoen1vit2ct08fgiatb6lq22nt8> <fkVmf.343$PQ3.8126> <11poboptnt4tr14> <pan.2005.> <11q4dinhcik0g84> <eTuYf.44596$_S7.43973> <1236mhpisqqbva9> <YcMYf.8520$4L1.3361
In-Reply-To: <YcMYf.8520$4L1.3361
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Complaints-To: abuse
Lines: 91
Xref: sci.electronics.basics:240094 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:463081
On Tue, 4 Apr 2006 19:59:29 +0300, "Sotiris Antoniou"
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Does anyone have a scan or information for the FZH111 i.c?
It's not very useful, but it's something:

Quad 3-Input NAND Gate, DTL

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

David Maynard <nospam> wrote:

Pig Bladder wrote:

On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 07:52:27 -0600, David Maynard wrote:

Gary H wrote:

That was Pig Bladder speaking to Mxsmanic, not that accuracy was
ever a consideration for you.

In fact, Bozo, that was Gary H replying to Mxsmanic.

But even if the attributes were important to you, Bozo, why did
you reply as if you were Mxsmanic?

I didn't, your inability to follow quote indents notwithstanding,

I provided the message ID, Bozo. Mxsmanic asked the question. Gary H
replied. And you replied to Gary H as if you were Mxsmanic. It's
right here, Bozo.
I replied under my name, you idiot, and your stupidity is not my problem.

Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies?

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.
What they'll see is you're an idiot who can't read and then tries to blame
others for your own incompetence.

You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this
"denial" you so glibly bandy about, however.

[David Maynard is] a libertarian who believes the government does
good only by chance.

You haven't got the slightest idea what I 'believe'

I know what you have written, which is more than you know.
From the idiot who can't read the names quoted in a message.

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."

Taken out of context and misrepresented,

Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies? I provided the message ID, Bozo,
it's right here.

Message-ID: <

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.
What they'll see is you snip, hack, and take quotes out of context to
misrepresent and lie, not to mention just plain ass inventing things never

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