Do Little2
"Dave Plowman (News)" <dave@davenoise.co.uk> wrote in message
How much voltage/current can they handle? Certainly, for the bottom
line, someone in the UK will know just how much electricity they can
export/sell or must import/buy on any given day.
in some rural areas of the UK. Apparently they were still using "open air
240 Volts line switches" like the old knife type. Scary stuff indeed.
Do Little2
In article <THgre.2831$EP2.14167@newscontent-01.sprint.ca>,
Do Little2 <listed@space.com> wrote:
Yes, but the limiting factors are the few wires connecting to Europe.Just out of curiosity: How many Megawatts of electricity is
the UK capable of exporting before its own network collapses?
Dunno - it's never happened. The whole idea of a grid is that you share
power, so any fault is likely to be local. And in event of a grid failure,
the power may be routed in a different way.
How much voltage/current can they handle? Certainly, for the bottom
line, someone in the UK will know just how much electricity they can
export/sell or must import/buy on any given day.
True, I also heard some horror stories about old electricity switchesFWIW, I can't remember an outage here in this part of London.
Nor do I have or need an UPS etc. Of course there are rural parts
that still may have problems due to overhead lines etc.
in some rural areas of the UK. Apparently they were still using "open air
240 Volts line switches" like the old knife type. Scary stuff indeed.
Do Little2