Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black... wrote:
Thank you for your comment, but I respectfully disagree....I could
really care less if someone used the correct terminology in describing
something, as long as I could understand what they were talking fact, I run into this situation alot - I never, ever,
correct the use of improper terminology (until the person is
finished)....I find it to be stifling of the other person and the point
they are trying to make.....thousands of times per day, people (in
industry) with only high school diplomas (or less) in industry make
absolutely brilliant observations and suggestions, but well over 80% of
these are ignored, poo-pooed or brushed-aside, by people with advanced
college degrees....many times, in part, due to the unsophisticated way
in which the ideas are definitely is frustrating
trying to understand what someone is saying when they use unfamilar or
unconventional terminology, but it really can pay off big to suffer
through it......
"There's glory for you!"
"I don't know what you mean by 'glory,' " Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't—till I
tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!' "
"But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knock-down argument,' " Alice
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone,
"it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."
"The question is, " said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so
many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty. "which is to be master—that's

Bob Monsen
I assume that you are meaning that you have 10vpp wave with 10vdc offset.
The answer is the latter, but the terminology that you are using is
incorrect. It is not all dc. It IS a varying current with a dc component.
The impedance must account for all factors.


<> wrote in message
2 questions about a fully DC Sine Wave....let's suppose you have a DC
Sine wave which varies from +5V to +15V peak-to-peak going into a load
with R, L, and C components.....

Question #1:
Is the load's impedance a function of R, L, and C (and wave frequency)
or is it simply just R (i.e. Z=R)? In other words does non-resistive
impedance (L + C) really only matter with an AC signal OR anytime
voltage varies periodically (even if it is all DC)?

Question #2:
Would a "regular" negative peak detector ciruit, like shown here:

work for the DC Wave described? Will it output +5V or do negative peak
detectors only work for AC signals?

Thank you.
cross posting corrected

It is not childish to correct something that does not follow convention and
does not make sense. You have been given the answer to your question
several times and continue to argue your terminology makes sense.
Apparently you do not understand that dc has a specific meaning and a sine
wave is not dc. You described a signal that had both as components. The
effect on the dc component is the resistive part, the effect on the sine
wave is the impedance part. Calculating the impedance has to account for
the non-resistive effects.


<> wrote in message
Go back to the original few posts to see how it got started....despite
being explicit about the specs of the wave, someone childishly objected
to my casual usage of "DC sine wave".....would it have been
objectionable had I used "a fully DC-offset sine wave"?......again,
I've never claimed that I was using "official" or
conventionally-correct teminology or nomenclature....I just really
object that anyone would object to what I was saying, when its meaning
was explicitly stated (using actual numbers) and the phrase "fully DC
sine wave", although conventionly queer, is not at all cryptic or hard
to figure out......if I were a chemist and someone said "200 degrees
above the freezing point of water", I wouldn't mock them, just
respectfully point out that it's more common to say "20 degrees above
the boiling point of water".....I would consider the person ignorant of
the conventional terminology, but I would consider the person dead-on
if he were talking about 232 degrees F.
The original design was the JVC HR-D470, rebadged for Zenith as the VR3300, and was quite a
decent hifi machine. That sideways loader is still the most reliable loader mech I've ever
seen in vhs.

Stephen Sank, Owner & Ribbon Mic Restorer
Talking Dog Transducer Company
5517 Carmelita Drive N.E.
Albuquerque, New Mexico [87111]
Auth. Nakamichi & McIntosh servicer
Payments preferred through
"William R. Walsh" <> wrote in message
Hello all...

In my latest round of shopping at Curbside Discount I happened across a very
interesting Zenith VCR. It's a Model VR-1380 and the way it takes a tape is
rather unique. The tape is loaded "sideways". So far it looks to work apart
from some moderately tired rubber. has pictures, 640x480, 47~49Kb

Anyone ever seen another VCR that does this?

<> wrote in message
I concede my terminology is anti-convention, and "wrong" (with respect
to convention) BUT I disagree with you here:

but do not try to communicate with anybody, because they will
misunderstand you

If you were given a sheet of paper a week ago, with only the phrase "a
fully DC sine wave" on it, and you were asked to come up with as many
realistic possible meanings, I have to believe that you could have only
come up with one (and rather quickly)
On the other hand, given a sheet of paper with a drawing of your waveform on
it, I don't think too many readers would have described it as "a fully DC
sine wave".
<> wrote in message
Thank you for your comment, but I respectfully disagree
Another irritating newbie habit you have is replying without keeping at
least a pip of the message to which you are replying.
On 11 Jun 2005 00:12:53 -0700, wrote:

Thank you for your comment, but I respectfully disagree....I could
really care less if someone used the correct terminology in describing
something, as long as I could understand what they were talking fact, I run into this situation alot - I never, ever,
correct the use of improper terminology (until the person is
Ignorance, be not proud.

Nobody interrupted your first post; that's the one of the beauties of
usenet. You get to have your say without interruption. Nobody tried
to correct your improper use of terminology until you were well
finished with your first post.

....I find it to be stifling of the other person and the point
they are trying to make.....thousands of times per day, people (in
industry) with only high school diplomas (or less) in industry make
absolutely brilliant observations and suggestions, but well over 80% of
these are ignored, poo-pooed or brushed-aside, by people with advanced
college degrees....many times, in part, due to the unsophisticated way
in which the ideas are expressed
And is it characteristic of these people that when somebody freely
offers to help them learn to express their ideas better, they react as
you have here? Strongly resisting and refusing to learn? definitely is frustrating
trying to understand what someone is saying when they use unfamilar or
unconventional terminology, but it really can pay off big to suffer
through it......

How much more might it pay off if the person using the unfamiliar
terminology learns the conventions?

And, it certainly hasn't paid off big here. The majority of your
postings have been argument about terminology, rather than attempts to
get your questions answered.

You came to this newsgroup seeking instruction in electronics, an area
where you apparently lack extensive training. Your question # 1 is
ill-posed, and when you were offered instruction, you resisted with
vociferous arrogance. There is a considerable body of knowledge about
electricity, with a standard terminology. Why should we who would
instruct you use your sui generis terminology rather than you use the
standard language? Part of answering such an ill-posed question is
teaching the proper way to ask, which the qroup was willing to do, but
you want to bite the hand that feeds you.
hi there

not heard of this one before , however i have heard of the memory
allocation being in a different place , and therefore when you go to
replace the info part of the memory dump into the machine , it can only
put half or so back in to the correct address .and hence an incomplete
program is dumpled .when read it is read with errors .

de paul

<> wrote in message
I hope someone can help me and If not maybe point me in the right
I have a slimline ps2 as well as a old model ps2.I can't save God Of
War or Area 51 on the slimline machine.I can save as well as load both
games on my older model on the same memory cards that don't work on the
slimline.Actually,the slimline will load both of those games fine.But
when I try to save it says save failed,then acts like it can't see my
memory card.I can save various other games on the slimline with no
problems.I can open my memory card in the explorer and see all my saved
files.The cards work fine on the older system.I loaded up my God Of War
Save on the slimline.It works.But when I try to step right back into
the save and save it says "Error Saving Data"I am really stumped on
this one.Please help or direct me.I appreciate your time and thank you
in advance wrote:

.see also this previous thread where someone else uses the same terminology ("DC sine wave")....
Just because someone else used the term doesn't make it right ! There's plenty of rubbish spouted on the net.

Don Bowey wrote:

Here's one last tip to help you with the homework assignment I gave you
earlier: You are wrong in assuming the current flows in only one direction.
Indeed - depending on the configuration of the R, L, C combination there may no
DC component *at all* and the current would be purely a.c.

In article <>, says...
If the low peak of the sine wave (and the rest of the the sine wave for
that matter) is "fully" above the "zero" reference point, then isn't it
true that the current DOES NOT alternate? That is to say, that current
only flows in one direction....i.e. "direct current"? Isn't it also
true that if the low peak of the sine wave is -0.00001V then the sine
wave results in current flowing in both direction (albeit for a
nanosecond)....i.e. "alternating current".....I'm not arguing that my
use of nomenclature is "pure" or conventional....but I don't see how it
is fundamentally wrong, without merit, or lacking a reasonable
Try a simple experiment. Build a simple oscillator powered off of two 9V
batteries ie +/- 9V.

Now measure the output. with the scopes gnd probe on the point between
the two batteries, and again with the gnd probe at either exterme of the

In the first case you will measure a signal that oscilates around 0, in
the other two cases it will be entirely above or below 0. The wave has
not changed. It would make absolutely no sense to describe it in one
case as AC and in the others as DC. As much to the point describing as
DC would make understanding it more difficult.

Just as there is no absolute inertial reference frame, there is no
absolute voltage reference.

"Bob Penoyer" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 04:12:52 GMT, "NSM" <> wrote:> wrote in message

Again, is the term "DC Sine Wave" problematic because it is
fundametnally wrong

Yes. DC by definition is zero frequency.

Um, no. DC is Direct Current, i.e., current that flows in one
direction. For example, the output from a rectifier is DC but it
certainly isn't "zero frequency."
The output of a rectifier contains both AC and DC. You put a filter on it to
get close to pure DC.
On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 20:53:38 -0500, Don Hickey wrote:

I believe a more likely candidate than the PC would be the monitor. High
voltage for the screen requires some large electrolytic capacacitors. Have
you taken any steps to isolate the failing unit.... PC, monitor, scanner,
external drives, etc?> wrote in message
I'm not sure where to post this, so I've searched for old msgs. Please
excuse me if I'm in the wrong place.

I bought an IBM ThinkCentre PC a few months ago (well, now Lenovo
Thinkcentre). Since the beginning, I've been getting a bitter taste in
my mouth and watering/burning in my mouth, when the computer is on (so
I keep ventilation up.. which is not always so easy). I thought maybe
some chemicals need to burn off.. but now I'm getting concerned. I
don't smell anything.

I've called IBM, they had me look for leaking electrolyte from
capacitors on the motherboard. I don't SEE any (does that mean I'm free
in that regard)? They have now escalated and will get back to me.

(My Laser printer is OFF... In case you're wondering about Ozone

Any other suggestions?

Many years ago, we had a customer bring an Emerson 27" television in
because it had this "bleach" smell when it was left running.

We're thinking "Yeah, right!", but told the lady that owned the TV to go
to bring it in and we'd take a look at. Initially, we couldn't smell
anything when the TV first came in or when we first powered it on while
she was there. She told us that it might take an hour before the smell
started. So, she left it and we let it run.

Our first thoughts were she must have been cleaning with a bleach
solution of some sort and spilled it down the back of the TV through the
ventilation holes. Well, we left it on for just over an hour and it
started to smell like bleach!

We took the back off the set to see if there was any kind of residue -
nothing, the chassis looked clean. Upon further inspection, the flyback's
iron-core lead had a hole the size of a quarter in the printed circuit
board. It had either not been soldered properly or had broken at some
point and was arcing madly from the lead to what was left of the chassis
ground on the PCB. The burning of the PCB was giving off the bleach smell!

A little copper braid and a little board re-work took care of the problem.
One of the weirdest things I'd ever seen... Glad I'm not servicing TV's
any longer.


P.S. e-mail subject to change without notice thanks to so-called
"Internet marketers" - AKA spammers
<> wrote in message
Let me try this:

would you object to

"a sine wave which (net) results in a current that only flows in one
Yes, I would object. You can't predict that without knowing the whole
circuit. Connect your DC sine wave to a reactance and current (and energy)
will indeed flow in both directions.
NTE210 and NTE211

"frontline@nospam" <> wrote in message
Toshiba S1375 and S1376 used in this 1979 SAE 2200 amp do not seem to
be around anymore, anyone know some good subs for them?
Thanks, Jeff
On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 20:28:09 -0700, jackbruce9999 wrote:
I would challenge you to prove that the term "DC sine wave" is
objectionable because it is fundamentally wrong as opposed to being at
odds with conventional terminology and nomenclature...
This is clearly a sucker bet. Anyone with common sense knows that
"conventional terminology and nomenclature" are already "fundamentally

Notwithstanding there's no such thing as a "DC Sine Wave."

It's like saying, "I'd like some red paint, but in blue."

It's an oxymoron. (which I'd always thought was pimple cream for
retarded people).

"Since the sky is green, I guess I'll plant some bluegrass, and
paint my house clear."
"The notorious Duchess of Peels
Saw a fisherman fishing for eels.
Said she, "Would you mind?
Shove one up my behind.
I am anxious to know how it feels.""
On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 20:59:03 -0700, jackbruce9999 wrote:

Right...but your reply actually doesn't address the NET effect......if
the wave had a DC-component of +2 V and an AC-component of 10Vpp, then
the wave would be NET AC (since its polarity changes
pos/neg/pos/etc.)......however if the DC-component was +10V instead,
then the wave would be NET DC (since its polarity never changes
polarity - i.e. always positive).....that is why I argue a "fully DC
sine wave" is a BETTER (albeit unconventional) and more concise way to
describe what I'm talking about (without using actual values) than the
conventional description you provided....your description is
ambiguos...could be NET "AC" (biphasic) or "DC" (monophasic)
Now, you're trolling.

Fuck off and read a fucking book.

Then, ask in sci.electronics.basics, _after_ you "get" some BASICS.

On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 22:24:24 -0700, jackbruce9999 wrote:

I concede my terminology is anti-convention, and "wrong" (with respect
to convention) BUT I disagree with you here:

but do not try to communicate with anybody, because they will misunderstand you

If you were given a sheet of paper a week ago, with only the phrase "a
fully DC sine wave" on it, and you were asked to come up with as many
realistic possible meanings, I have to believe that you could have only
come up with one (and rather quickly)
If that happened to me, I would snitch out the teacher to the principal,
or snitch out the professor to the dean, because the teacher/prof is
obviously incompetent, and has no business teaching wholesale bullshit
to impressionable students.

'nuff said?

Go read a _real_ book.

On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 22:53:35 -0700, jackbruce9999 wrote:

I will absolutely buy what you said, but understand the import of what
you're're saying that the language of "AC" and "DC" has
essentially been somewhat bastardized from its original meanings to
also mean zero-frequency and non-zero-frequency signals. Therefore, to
describe a 10Vpp signal with a 10VDC offset as an "AC" signal is
actually contrary to the original connation of "alternating current"
since it (net) results in a signal which yields only a mono-directional
(i.e. direct) current flow (albeit time variant). So in a sense, you
could say I am holding "pure" to the original (circa 1890's) definition
of AC/DC while its use has been "officially" corrupted to cover the
concepts of "zero frequency" and "non-zero-freuency".

I can't vouch for the historical facts, but as far as zero frequency and
non-zero-frequency goes, you are pretty much correct.

Another point to note is that many signals have both AC and DC. It is
not a dichotomy. The signal you mentioned at the start of this thread has
both AC and DC.

Historically, I think what happened is that the terms originally were used
to describe two competing power sources (the war between those who wanted
a DC power grid and those who wanted an AC power grid was surprisingly
fierce). Later, the terms started getting used to describe signals, and
that is probably when the shift to the ZF- and NZF-meaning happened.

Also, there may be people out there who still think of AC and DC in the
original sense (I'm not sure about this, but maybe people who work with
power stuff exclusively), but among electrical engineers, the signal
perspective prevails.

On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 00:12:53 -0700, jackbruce9999 wrote:

Thank you for your comment, but I respectfully disagree....I could
really care less if someone used the correct terminology in describing
something, as long as I could understand what they were talking fact, I run into this situation alot - I never, ever,
correct the use of improper terminology (until the person is
finished)....I find it to be stifling of the other person and the point
they are trying to make.....thousands of times per day, people (in
industry) with only high school diplomas (or less) in industry make
absolutely brilliant observations and suggestions, but well over 80% of
these are ignored, poo-pooed or brushed-aside, by people with advanced
college degrees....many times, in part, due to the unsophisticated way
in which the ideas are definitely is frustrating
trying to understand what someone is saying when they use unfamilar or
unconventional terminology, but it really can pay off big to suffer
through it......
Well, look at it this way: almost all of us had to read your post twice
and think about it to make sure we understood the most likely meaning of

If you worded it differently, the meaning would be crystal clear, and we
would only have to read it once. So in a sense, it is inconsiderate and a
waste of our time to post it in such a way that we can't immediately
understand. You can easily be forgiven for doing this once out of

Anyway, I agree that some people were rude to you. But you haven't exactly
showed yourself to be receptive to advice, either.


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