Tiny 19200 baud 5km radius radio modem

"Tim Auton" = one Vile, Autistic Pommy Shithead
"Phil Allison"

Close, but no cigar. It's a spectrum disorder, autism is merely one
end of it. And yes, I am closer to autism than 'normality' on the
Aspergers continuum. I think you intended that as an insult. Am I

** Nope - just publicly outing yet another one.

Ahh, I see where your confusion comes from.

** You are the confused one - Mr Autistic.

Permanently confused about everything.

I'll have you know I am far from pig-ignorant when it comes to
wanking. Since my teens I have been a practitioner of the art. It
promotes a sense of peace and well-being, an inner calm.

** Just keep it in private - OK .

No need to make a mess all over usenet.

............ Phil
On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:39:55 +1000, "Phil Allison"
<philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

"Tim Auton" = Tim Autistic

"Phil Allison

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

Wrong. You are posting on aus.electronics, comp.arch.embedded and

** No - ** I ** am posting on aus.electronics - you pedantic,
oversnipping pommy idiot.

Look at the newsgroups line in your newsreader.

** Don't ever dream of telling me what to do - you waste of space pommy

My reply was not specific to Australia, nor was it directed at you.

** Here it is again - my words first

" ** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in. Judging
by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO. "

was a reply intended for the global audience among whom this thread is
being distributed. It was intended to be useful to the originator of
the thread as well as to other interested readers around the world.

** My post was directed straight at the OP who can easily see that I am in
Australia, like him.

Hence, the ANO I alluded to was the appropriate one.

OTOH , Mr Tim Autistic - your fucking asinine comment served no purpose
but to BOAST about what a pig ignorant wanker you are.

Why are pommy turds like Tim always so keen to boast about their ignorance

Is it to justify their infuriating penchant for continually arguing from
same position ??

No surprise that are al loathed world wide.

And where are you from Phil? Where is your family line imported from?
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 23:47:06 +1000, <Nick> wrote:

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model airplane)
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?
For full duplex operation, you need two separate frequencies, one for
uplink and the other for downlink. If you intend to put these
frequencies on the same frequency band, you need very good filters to
keep away the transmitter power from receiver. For sufficient
selectivity, some form of cavity resonators would have to be used,
which would be far too heavy for model airplane.

I would suggest using the aircraft control frequency (typically around
40 MHz depending on country) for uplink and perhaps 27 MHz or 2450 MHz
for downlink, if it is allowed to operate airborne transmitters at
these frequencies in your country.

"The Real Andy" <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> wrote in message
On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:39:55 +1000, "Phil Allison"
philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

"Tim Auton" = Tim Autistic

"Phil Allison

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

Wrong. You are posting on aus.electronics, comp.arch.embedded and

** No - ** I ** am posting on aus.electronics - you pedantic,
oversnipping pommy idiot.

Look at the newsgroups line in your newsreader.

** Don't ever dream of telling me what to do - you waste of space

My reply was not specific to Australia, nor was it directed at you.

** Here it is again - my words first

" ** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in. Judging
by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO. "

was a reply intended for the global audience among whom this thread is
being distributed. It was intended to be useful to the originator of
the thread as well as to other interested readers around the world.

** My post was directed straight at the OP who can easily see that I am in
Australia, like him.

Hence, the ANO I alluded to was the appropriate one.

OTOH , Mr Tim Autistic - your fucking asinine comment served no purpose
but to BOAST about what a pig ignorant wanker you are.

Why are pommy turds like Tim always so keen to boast about their ignorance

Is it to justify their infuriating penchant for continually arguing from
same position ??

No surprise that are al loathed world wide.

And where are you from Phil? Where is your family line imported from?
Phil was created. Look on the crown of his head to see 3 small 6's.
WARNING: To all aus.electronics readers !!!

Alan Rutlidge is a Criminal Lunatic

Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit Fuckwit ) is a congenital, scumbag liar.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents about his perversions.

He then lied to his teachers about the same thing.

He then continued lying to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26
years. But the guys around him knew what he was.

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate and fluent liar.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an evil public menace.

.......... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:


Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model airplane)
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

What are you planning ?

......... Phil

There are a number of small spread-spectrum systems that will do this,
but only line-of-sight. They are very expensive though.

** Why did you reply to my post instead of the OP's ??

........... Phil
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 23:47:06 +1000, <Nick> wrote:

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model airplane)
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?
Check out the Xtream series of radio modems from MaxStream.
Do I sense a little animosity here? :)

Phil Allison wrote:
WARNING to all USENET readers:

** Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit ) is a congenital liar.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents.

He then lied to his teachers.

He the continued lied to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate lair.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an, evil public menace.

......... Phil
"Eljin" <ljohnson@accessnet.com> wrote in message
Do I sense a little animosity here? :)
No. It's called net-stalking. Cowardly little Phil is just a gutless
troll. He makes a habit of posting stuff of a personal nature which is
usually 99% bullshit to a disinterested audience. Just ignore him.


Phil Allison wrote:
WARNING to all USENET readers:

** Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit ) is a congenital liar.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents.

He then lied to his teachers.

He the continued lied to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate lair.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an, evil public menace.

......... Phil
WARNING to all USENET readers:

** Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit ) is a congenital liar and criminal net stalker.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents.

He then lied to his teachers.

He the continued lied to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate lair.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an, evil public menace.

......... Phil
Sergio Masci wrote:
On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, Phil Allison wrote:

"Tim Auton"

"Phil Allison"


Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in.

** How brilliant of you to say that.

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

From his IP address, he is in Sydney.

Get off your high horse. The post was cross posted to multiple newsgroups
and I for one did not notice it had gone to aus.electronics until it was
pointed out.

by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO.

** Why are pommies always so keen to boast about their ignorance ??

Is it to justify their infuriating penchant for continually arguing for that
same position ??

Let's try to keep this friendly shall we or else retrict your posts to
It is funny, but only in small doses.

Sergio Masci

http://www.xcprod.com/titan/XCSB - optimising PIC compiler
FREE for personal non-commercial use

Phil, you must be slipping. Taken you about 36 hours to respond to this
one - ROFL.
Suffering from old timers' disease are you?

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
WARNING to all USENET readers:

** Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit ) is a congenital liar and criminal net stalker.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents.

He then lied to his teachers.

He the continued lied to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate lair.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an, evil public menace.

........ Phil
"dmm" <dmmilne_REMOVE_@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 23:47:06 +1000, <Nick> wrote:

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

Check out the Xtream series of radio modems from MaxStream.
I wonder whether you could hack a 900Mhz or 2.4Gig cordless phone. They work
for a couple of km. No doubt, if you have them transmitting up in the sky,
their range will be much better than on the ground.

Is this for a UAV project?

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