Phil Allison
"Tim Auton" = one Vile, Autistic Pommy Shithead
** Nope - just publicly outing yet another one.
** You are the confused one - Mr Autistic.
Permanently confused about everything.
** Just keep it in private - OK .
No need to make a mess all over usenet.
............ Phil
"Phil Allison"
Close, but no cigar. It's a spectrum disorder, autism is merely one
end of it. And yes, I am closer to autism than 'normality' on the
Aspergers continuum. I think you intended that as an insult. Am I
** Nope - just publicly outing yet another one.
Ahh, I see where your confusion comes from.
** You are the confused one - Mr Autistic.
Permanently confused about everything.
I'll have you know I am far from pig-ignorant when it comes to
wanking. Since my teens I have been a practitioner of the art. It
promotes a sense of peace and well-being, an inner calm.
** Just keep it in private - OK .
No need to make a mess all over usenet.
............ Phil