Tiny 19200 baud 5km radius radio modem

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model airplane)
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?
Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model airplane)
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

What are you planning ?

.......... Phil
Attaching a bomb to it and flying straight through your bed-sit flat window.
FFS, what difference does it make to you anyway Toaster Boi?

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model
airplane) radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of
19200 baud (or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

What are you planning ?

......... Phil
WARNING to all USENET readers:

** Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit ) is a congenital liar.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents.

He then lied to his teachers.

He the continued lied to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate lair.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an, evil public menace.

.......... Phil

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
WARNING to all USENET readers:

** Alan Kendall Rutlidge of 15 Ruth Street Northbridge, WA (aka The Arse
Bandit ) is a congenital liar.

He has lied through his backside for every day of his whole life.

He first lied to his parents.

He then lied to his teachers.

He the continued lied to Telstra where they sheltered the evil sod for 26

No lie whatever is beneath or beyond him.

Rutlidge is a consummate lair.

There is no-one he will not try to deceive.

Such an individual is an, evil public menace.

......... Phil
On Thursday, in article
<4332b5d5$0$24680$afc38c87@news.optusnet.com.au> Nick wrote:

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model airplane)
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?
There are lots of things capable of many things, however what is IMPORTANT
to know is

What country? This affects whether it is even legal to transmit at a
suitable power level in that country for the distance or even enough
bandwidth and modulation schemes for that baud rate.

Why 5km? As most countries have regulations about line of sight to model
airplane that are radio controlled.

Why full duplex? You may be operating in bands that don't permit that
for model aircraft.

Paul Carpenter | paul@pcserviceselectronics.co.uk
<http://www.pcserviceselectronics.co.uk/> PC Services
<http://www.gnuh8.org.uk/> GNU H8 & mailing list info
<http://www.badweb.org.uk/> For those web sites you hate
"Paul Carpenter" <paul$@pcserviceselectronics.co.uk> wrote in message
Why 5km? As most countries have regulations about line of sight to model
airplane that are radio controlled.
It may be that I live where there are very few trees, but I can see 5Km on
any given day. Is there an actual distance limit in the U.S.

Brent S.
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model airplane)
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200 baud
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.
Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in. Judging
by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO.

You may have difficulty getting that kind of range with a license-free
solution. I'd advise checking the local regulations to see if there is
a band where they allow you enough power output to get 5km range
without a directional antenna. As a rough guess, you'll need the best
part of 1W output.

You are being watched. This gives you power.
there appear to be radio modems on the license exempt 433MHz band which use 20-20mw. a search will produce lots of these products. if you have a directional aerial on the ground and a proper antenna on the other device, you will get the range if it is line of sight.

i suggest that higher power could be used for the tx uplink where power considerations are less severe and a different frequency where interference is reduced to the plane.

note: lipd power limits are higher for some other freqs
Could someone explain the acronym ANO?


"Tim Auton" <tim.auton@uton.groupSexWithoutTheY> wrote in message
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in. Judging
by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO.

You may have difficulty getting that kind of range with a license-free
solution. I'd advise checking the local regulations to see if there is
a band where they allow you enough power output to get 5km range
without a directional antenna. As a rough guess, you'll need the best
part of 1W output.

You are being watched. This gives you power.
"TC" <noone@nowhere.com> wrote:

Could someone explain the acronym ANO?
If you promise to post replies below what you are replying to, in
order to provide context, I'll tell you it stands for Air Navigation
Order - the law of the skies.

You are being watched. This gives you power.
"Tim Auton"
"Phil Allison"

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in.

** How brilliant of you to say that.

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

From his IP address, he is in Sydney.

by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO.

** Why are pommies always so keen to boast about their ignorance ??

Is it to justify their infuriating penchant for continually arguing for that
same position ??


Commonwealth of Australia

Department of Aviation

Air Navigation Orders

Part 95, Section 95.21

re. Model Aircraft

4.1 A model aircraft shall not be flown:

(a) unless visibility permits continuous visual contact by the operator with
the aircraft, or

(b) in cloud.

............ Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:
The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.
Wrong. You are posting on aus.electronics, comp.arch.embedded and

You are being watched. This gives you power.
On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, Phil Allison wrote:

"Tim Auton"
"Phil Allison"

Is there any commercially available tiny (to be carried in model
radio modems capable of communicating (full-dublex) at rate of 19200
(or faster) in a radius of up to 5km?

** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in.

** How brilliant of you to say that.

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

From his IP address, he is in Sydney.
Get off your high horse. The post was cross posted to multiple newsgroups
and I for one did not notice it had gone to aus.electronics until it was
pointed out.

by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO.

** Why are pommies always so keen to boast about their ignorance ??

Is it to justify their infuriating penchant for continually arguing for that
same position ??
Let's try to keep this friendly shall we or else retrict your posts to

Sergio Masci

http://www.xcprod.com/titan/XCSB - optimising PIC compiler
FREE for personal non-commercial use
"Tim Auton"
"Phil Allison"

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

Wrong. You are posting on aus.electronics, comp.arch.embedded and

** No - ** I ** am posting on aus.electronics - you pedantic,
oversnipping pommy idiot.

............ Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:
"Tim Auton"
"Phil Allison"

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

Wrong. You are posting on aus.electronics, comp.arch.embedded and

** No - ** I ** am posting on aus.electronics - you pedantic,
oversnipping pommy idiot.
Look at the newsgroups line in your newsreader. You may be reading
only aus.electronics, but *you* have the choice over where the
messages you post are distributed. You can quite easily post replies
to this thread which go only to aus.electronics, but through ignorance
or incompetence you have failed to do so.

My reply was not specific to Australia, nor was it directed at you. It
was a reply intended for the global audience among whom this thread is
being distributed. It was intended to be useful to the originator of
the thread as well as to other interested readers around the world.

I can see you're bitter about the ashes, but it's only once ever
couple of decades that we get them back. You'll get over it.

You are being watched. This gives you power.
"Tim Auton" = Tim Autistic
"Phil Allison

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

Wrong. You are posting on aus.electronics, comp.arch.embedded and

** No - ** I ** am posting on aus.electronics - you pedantic,
oversnipping pommy idiot.

Look at the newsgroups line in your newsreader.

** Don't ever dream of telling me what to do - you waste of space pommy

My reply was not specific to Australia, nor was it directed at you.

** Here it is again - my words first

" ** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in. Judging
by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO. "

was a reply intended for the global audience among whom this thread is
being distributed. It was intended to be useful to the originator of
the thread as well as to other interested readers around the world.

** My post was directed straight at the OP who can easily see that I am in
Australia, like him.

Hence, the ANO I alluded to was the appropriate one.

OTOH , Mr Tim Autistic - your fucking asinine comment served no purpose
but to BOAST about what a pig ignorant wanker you are.

Why are pommy turds like Tim always so keen to boast about their ignorance

Is it to justify their infuriating penchant for continually arguing from
same position ??

No surprise that are al loathed world wide.

.......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Tim Auton" = Tim Autistic

"Phil Allison

The OP is in Australia, so am I and posting on aus.electronics.

Wrong. You are posting on aus.electronics, comp.arch.embedded and

** No - ** I ** am posting on aus.electronics - you pedantic,
oversnipping pommy idiot.

Look at the newsgroups line in your newsreader.

** Don't ever dream of telling me what to do - you waste of space
pommy prick.

My reply was not specific to Australia, nor was it directed at you.

** Here it is again - my words first

" ** The ANO that allows R/C aircraft to fly prohibits all out of visual
range operation.

Depends which ANO, which depends on which country you live in. Judging
by the list of newsgroups, the OP lives in Australia and I'm not
familiar with their ANO. "

was a reply intended for the global audience among whom this thread is
being distributed. It was intended to be useful to the originator of
the thread as well as to other interested readers around the world.

** My post was directed straight at the OP who can easily see that I am in
Australia, like him.

Hence, the ANO I alluded to was the appropriate one.

OTOH , Mr Tim Autistic - your fucking asinine comment served no purpose
but to BOAST about what a pig ignorant wanker you are.

Why are pommy turds like Tim always so keen to boast about their ignorance

Is it to justify their infuriating penchant for continually arguing from
same position ??

No surprise that are al loathed world wide.

......... Phil
Looks like it's time for a Group Hug
Alan, how old are you (not chronologically, but mentally). I believe we may
see some very small numbers here.

"Alan Rutlidge" <dont_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au> wrote in message

Attaching a bomb to it and flying straight through your bed-sit flat
FFS, what difference does it make to you anyway Toaster Boi?
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:
"Tim Auton" = Tim Autistic
Close, but no cigar. It's a spectrum disorder, autism is merely one
end of it. And yes, I am closer to autism than 'normality' on the
Aspergers continuum. I think you intended that as an insult. Am I

"Phil Allison
Look at the newsgroups line in your newsreader.

** Don't ever dream of telling me what to do - you waste of space pommy
** My post was directed straight at the OP who can easily see that I am in
Australia, like him.
Ahh, I see where your confusion comes from. You hit the 'reply to
group' button instead of the 'reply by email'. I accept your apology.

OTOH , Mr Tim Autistic - your fucking asinine comment served no purpose
but to BOAST about what a pig ignorant wanker you are.
I'll have you know I am far from pig-ignorant when it comes to
wanking. Since my teens I have been a practitioner of the art. It
promotes a sense of peace and well-being, an inner calm.

I suggest you have a nice quiet wank. You'll feel much better.

As much fun as this is, it's late now. I'm off to bed to dream about
telling you what to do, Phil.

Lots of love,

Tim, XX
You are being watched. This gives you power.

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