William Sommerwerck
That's not correct usage. Any linear transformation of a system's I/ONone of these are forms of pre-distortion, because the effects
they compensate for are linear -- they are not distortion. (I'm
going to insist on this, because "distortion" has a clear, specific
I would argue that any difference between the input to a system
and its output would be "distortion" by definition.
characteristics is, by definition, //not// distortion. Distortion is a
non-linear transformation.
As far as I know, all the changes were linear changes, and were notOne reason some early CDs sounded so bad is that they were made using
the cutting masters intended for driving cutting lathes. Everything that
was done to the master tapes to prepare them for making vinyls (and that
is a hell of a lot) is distortion, in my definition.
Name one.stylus shape pre-distortion because the cutter is flat and the
playback stylus is a cone or an ellipse (and they need different
treatment during recording) (this is NOT Dynagroove)
It was a component of Dynagroove
It was also used long before (and after) Dynagroove came out,
by many labels.
I don't know how long it took RCA to abandon Dynagroove. My understanding is-- the only one that actually worked.
Which would explain why is was abandoned so soon after its introduction.
that RCA continued to use pre-distortion for some years. It was the only
part of Dynagroove that was a technically and aesthetically legitimate
improvement, and I doubt RCA wanted to immediately abandon the hardware for
If John Eargle's views differ from mine on these points, he is incorrect.corrections because the cutter traverses the disk radially and the
playback stylus does not
This is a form of distortion, but it's not compensated for during
recording, because there is no standardized playback-arm geometry.
For information on this, and some of your other statements, I strongly
recommend that you get, and read, an earlier edition of John Eargle's
"Handbook Of Recording Engineering" -- earlier (2nd. ed. for instance),
because later ones make no mention of vinyl techniques, but they are
well covered in early ones.
Read the my preceding paragraph.If the waveform you want out of the phono preamp is a square wave (or
near enough), what path must the groove cause the stylus to trace to
produce that? (Hint: it's *not* a square wave). Once you figure out what
the groove looks like for a square wave output, you'll realize that the
groove *never* really "looks like" the waveform of the "sound", and
that the conversion from one waveshape to the other is yet another
compromise, though not so much as the recording process. It is,
in fact, quite difficult to analyze the shape of the groove and
"analytically" what the resulting sound waves should look like.
Actually, it's quite simple, because we know how cutting systems
were designed. In the electrical era, cutter heads were velocity
devices, with EQ applied to produce what the record label considered
a practical approximation of constant-amplitude recording.
OK. It's simple. So what *does* the groove look like?
What does that have to do with the first paragraph of this section?A mechanical playback method takes care of all that "automatically"
because the recording process is arranged so as to minimize the
*system* distortion, *assuming the reproduction is going to be by
means of a stylus in the groove*.
No, it isn't. If distortion in one part of the system cancels out
in another part, it's either dumb luck, or because somebody "fiddled"
things. This was particularly true in the days of acoustic recording,
recordings were intended to be played back on the reproducing equipment
made by the record manufacturer.
Please read what Western Electric said about its system of electrical
disk recording -- it was intended that each element of it be as perfect
technology then allowed, without errors in one part of the system being
compensated for in another part. This allowed for continual improvement
without having to periodically re-design everything.
I've read it. Eargle's book is a lot more recent, and embodies a whole
lot of knowledge and *practice* that was simply unknown at the time
the Western Electric stuff was written.
I don't know whether you're being ironic, but on the assumption you'reAny other playback process must perform all those things
explicitly in order to get good results -- i.e. it must simulate
the behavior of a stylus in the groove -- and that's not so easy.
Sure it is. The math to do this existed long before any of us was born.
And that is why vinyl recordings sound sooo good ...
not... About a year ago I sat down with a pile of audiophile LPs and
sonically browsed them. Many had really nice sound -- highly listenable --
but little of it sounded as much like //live// sound as the best SACDs (and
the rare CD). LPs can be highly euphonic -- but when push-pull comes to
shove, they simply aren't that //accurate//. As only a few had performances
I wanted to hang on to, I sold almost all my audiophile disks to Silver
Platters, and got $600 in store credit.
In general, mechanical analog recording stinks, and mechanical analog
playback is even worse. There's nothing inherently "correct" about it.
amazing that phonograph records were as good as they (sometimes) were.
On that, we can absolutely agree.