Thomson 28WM100T problem



My Thomson 28WM100T (chassis ETC-010) doesn't start up. First it did
high tweet noises and stand-by led blinked. I thought the flyback and
its IC FET got broken and I changed those. - And now tv gets into
standby mode, when I try to turn it on, sreen stays black and shuts
down back into stand-by in about 15sec. Also led blinks about 10-12
times at the same time. Anyone know a really good clue about whats
going on?
"Lassir" <> wrote in message
My Thomson 28WM100T (chassis ETC-010) doesn't start up. First it did
high tweet noises and stand-by led blinked. I thought the flyback and
its IC FET got broken and I changed those. - And now tv gets into
standby mode, when I try to turn it on, sreen stays black and shuts
down back into stand-by in about 15sec. Also led blinks about 10-12
times at the same time. Anyone know a really good clue about whats
going on?
If I were you I would throw a bowling ball through it and forget about T.V.
all together. In 2000, I had a bad day at work. So I got home and saw the
T.V. was tuned to MTV. So I went upstairs, got a bowling ball, and threw it
through the screen and broke it. Then I took the bowling ball and threw it
at the cabinet, and broke that and finished off the circuit board with it. I
threw the T.V. pieces in the trash. My 27 inch T.V. was 6 inches tall when I
was done with it, no higher than the speakers. I have not watched a minute
of television since (unless it was in a resturant or at work) and don't miss
it. I don't miss Judge Shyster or some jagoff pretending to be a doctor. Nor
I miss the same 9 movies and same 50 tv shows ran ad nauseum. I
canceled cable, and when they asked me why I want to cancel cable I told
them I had not receive another bill from them and hung up the fone. They did
call me one day and asked if I would like to reactivate my cable
subscription so I put the fone next to my ass and cut the loudest fart they
have ever heard.

I half way through eating a gallon of Anderson's French Vanilla ice cream
when the doorbell rang so I opened the door and it was these young kids and
they were offering me satellite T.V. service. It was the combo or bundle
(you know fone, t.v. and internet rip off). I told them, "Let me get my
checkbook" and I shut the door. I took a shit in my hand, opened the door,
and threw the turd at them and told them that if they ever came back to my
house, I would kick there asses.

With the money I am not spending on cable T.V., I can spend it on things I
truly enjoy. I have bought a bunch of oreos and twinkies and used them to
fill up the void of space once left by my 27 incvh T.V.

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