I don't like your anecdotes, they are worthless.
Don't try and trade them as facts. "
I stuck my finger in a light socket anf got a shock.
So go right ahead and do it because anecdotal evidence means nothing.
And hey, I am going point a gun at a cop, because the evidence that I will get killed is only andecdotal.
I am going to steal a car and drive 150 MPH through a school zone too.
There's the door, don't let it hit you where the dog should've bit you.
This attitude that anecdotal evidence is useless is a bunch of shit. Science, thoughout the years was done by trial and error. They got you motherfuckers brainwashed. Go ahead and try to use a 2N3055 for a 2SB425 and see what happens. And when the smoke comes out, try it again because anecdotal evidence does not count.
What the fuck kind of planet are you people on ? Even the discovery of the elements on the periodic table is anectodal. "I tried this kind of acid on it and it did not react" and "I tried that kind of acid on it and it did react" and "I found that is take X degrees of heat to melt this substance" and shit like that.
How the fuck can you not realize that everything you read was written by a person and therefore is anecdotal ? I bet you think the sky is blue. The sky is not blue. And the sun does not rise.
But I just posted this for the world because you can't be "arsed" to read my "waffle".