The three worst diagrams EE students are presented with

On 10/6/19 5:27 PM, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:10:15 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 10/5/19 8:06 PM, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:22:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:
Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

IDK, worked OK for me. Kind of like the sun, or a hot body radiating.
I didn't think because there were arrows that ended on a simple diagram
that it meant the field just ended there instead of extending outward
everywhere. It sure seems a lot better than a smudge across the whole page.

they can print images in textbooks in color these days!

The "heat map" shows the electrostatic potential, and then the E-field
lines on top

I wonder if that makes the OP happy? It's certainly way better that a smudge.

it'll make the textbook mfgrs happy, they can put that in the
updated-and-improved 25th edition of their 2020 undergraduate classical
EM text. Ka-ching!
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:22:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

Field lines seem to be a useful visualization to me*.
You have to understand that the field strength is given by the
'density' of the lines. Didn't Faraday 'invent' the field lines?

George H.
*it gets 'fun' with moving charges... I recall this picture
from the Feynman lectures for an oscillating charge, but I couldn't
find it online.
Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF

Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 5:27:33 PM UTC-4, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:10:15 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 10/5/19 8:06 PM, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:22:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:
Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

IDK, worked OK for me. Kind of like the sun, or a hot body radiating..
I didn't think because there were arrows that ended on a simple diagram
that it meant the field just ended there instead of extending outward
everywhere. It sure seems a lot better than a smudge across the whole page.

they can print images in textbooks in color these days!

The "heat map" shows the electrostatic potential, and then the E-field
lines on top

I wonder if that makes the OP happy? It's certainly way better that a smudge.

I am not sure that the arrows with the additional heat map would help. I think that it would be better to introduce the student to a scalar field first. Really drive home the notion of a scalar field, ie a value for every point in space. After the scalar field concept is driven home (even though it would likely have to be done as a temperature field because that is relatable....every point in a room has a distinct temperature)then you can work in the vector field. The charge diagram requires two epiphanies at one time.
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:22:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

The field does not come out of a point charge. It just is. The analogy with sun is flawed because the sun radiates energy, the point charge does not. All the coordinates and field components are spherical. Drawing a picture in 2D is worthless.

Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF

Dunno how the cos waves are miraculously missing. You can show that the series coefficients, derived through integration of the cos x function product over a period, are zero.

Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.

A piece of crap response like that usually has trouble following simple inputs. You're thinking of junk from 40 years ago, the slide rule days, when it was big deal to play with second order systems.
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 6:25:29 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:22:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:
Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

The field does not come out of a point charge. It just is. The analogy with sun is flawed because the sun radiates energy, the point charge does not.. All the coordinates and field components are spherical. Drawing a picture in 2D is worthless.

Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF

Dunno how the cos waves are miraculously missing. You can show that the series coefficients, derived through integration of the cos x function product over a period, are zero.

The point is that the student needs to see a problem with the sin/cos terms in the answer together to see how they work a phase shift into things. But before the student (to be clear when I say "student" I mean "me") ever sees the beauty of the sin/cos working together they get the square wave problem with all odd (sin) terms. In my case I had a good notion about how these repeating waveforms were comprised of frequency content on various harmonics, but I do not think the phase issue gets driven home correctly and that is the real point of it all.

In my case I remember the prof showing the square wave and gloating about how he knows how it all reduces to sines and even cooler it is only the odd harmonics. I know this is messed up because it was the basis of my whole website I created and I know how this point had escaped so many trained practitioners.

To be fair, it is so much easier to drive these points home with MATLAB and other tools. Perhaps they do a better job today.

Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.

A piece of crap response like that usually has trouble following simple inputs. You're thinking of junk from 40 years ago, the slide rule days, when it was big deal to play with second order systems.
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 10:47:56 PM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 10:02:44 AM UTC+11, wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:58:39 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 10/5/19 6:44 PM, wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:34:52 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 10/5/19 6:22 PM, wrote:
Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

The electric field is a vector field, it has a magnitude and a direction
associated with every point in space. It's the gradient of the
electrostatic potential, which could be represented by an intensity plot
for all space.

Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF

Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done..

I think my prof said the exact same thing to me years ago.

How do you represent a vector field with a smudge and got no vectors?

The point is that every point on the page needs an arrow. If you draw an arrow on every point on the page you get a black smudge across the page. A black smudge would be just as instructive as the 16 arrows from a charged point.

Wrong. The black smudge has only magnitiude. Vectors have direction and length, which is a distinction you can capture with arrows.

The vector field is also continuous, but representing that on a flat page while capturing the magnitude and direction features is a bit tricky.

The aim is to instil mathematical insight, and the arrows don't get in the way of that.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

Maybe you can get a better handle on this by consulting with that sorry ass weakling fuck nobody pedophile buddy of yours.
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 3:22:50 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle.

In the late 1980s a physics teacher attacked this problem,
and ended up creating EM field animations with no "flux lines,"
they instead look like metallic wood-grain. This was
HM Belcher's "project TEAL" for Physics 8.02, their undergrad
course. Really excellent, especially see his mpeg animations of
EM waves from dipole antennas:

(Find most of these on youtube also)

On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:22:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:
Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF

Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.

Lol, somebody must have pee'ed in your cornflakes...
1. don't know what a field it......all the instructor needs to do is a 1-3 sentence explanation of a field and a qualifier that what is shown in the book is a descritized version of a vector field. Basics college physics mathematically define a field. The newer after 2000 version of Sears & Zemansky or Serway & Jewett college physics books have nice isometric figures in color to show the field. If your brain can't process static drawings, there are LOTS of animations on line.
Actually, a 'smudge' is totally does a 'smudge' have magnititude and direction?

3."Perfect" control loop is an incorrect statement. It all depends on the control performance requirements. Quite frankly, if the system requirements specify no overshoot, so be it. One can't fight physics.
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 11:19:29 AM UTC+11, wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 10:47:56 PM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 10:02:44 AM UTC+11, wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:58:39 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 10/5/19 6:44 PM, wrote:
On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 6:34:52 PM UTC-4, bitrex wrote:
On 10/5/19 6:22 PM, wrote:
Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

The electric field is a vector field, it has a magnitude and a direction
associated with every point in space. It's the gradient of the
electrostatic potential, which could be represented by an intensity plot
for all space.

Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF

Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.

I think my prof said the exact same thing to me years ago.

How do you represent a vector field with a smudge and got no vectors?

The point is that every point on the page needs an arrow. If you draw an arrow on every point on the page you get a black smudge across the page. A black smudge would be just as instructive as the 16 arrows from a charged point.

Wrong. The black smudge has only magnitiude. Vectors have direction and length, which is a distinction you can capture with arrows.

The vector field is also continuous, but representing that on a flat page while capturing the magnitude and direction features is a bit tricky.

The aim is to instil mathematical insight, and the arrows don't get in the way of that.

Maybe you can get a better handle on this by consulting with that sorry ass weakling fuck nobody pedophile buddy of yours.

Which one? The description doesn't fit anybody I can think of, but you may have insights that sane people don't have access to.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:45:04 AM UTC-4, Robert Baer wrote: wrote:
Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.

Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF

Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.

Ever heard of critical damping? There is slight overshoot..

Maybe I was out that day in class. I thought critical damping was the least amount of damping that settled monotonically, i.e. without overshoot. Allowing overshoot provides for the fastest settling if you can specify a margin the settling needs to be within. Is there a way to calculate this in closed form? I supposed you can define an envelope for the ringing and work with that, but I'm not sure that will be the fastest. Does the adjustment impact the frequency of the ringing or just the extent?


Rick C.

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Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sat, 05 Oct 2019 20:32:15 -0400, Tom Del Rosso wrote:

And everyone, regardless of education, knows a bunch of arrows
represents motion or force that is not limited to the boundaries of the
arrows but includes the space between them.

Sorry, but a bunch of arrows indicates the movement of electrons towards
areas of positive or partially-positive charge between the steps of a
chemical reaction.
See the issue with sweeping generalisations? ;-
Sorry, i work with anti-positrons...
Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sat, 05 Oct 2019 20:32:15 -0400, Tom Del Rosso wrote:

And everyone, regardless of education, knows a bunch of arrows
represents motion or force that is not limited to the boundaries of
the arrows but includes the space between them.

Sorry, but a bunch of arrows indicates the movement of electrons
towards areas of positive or partially-positive charge between the
steps of a chemical reaction.
See the issue with sweeping generalisations? ;-

That movement also occurs between the parallel arrows.

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