Diagram 1. The field coming out of a charged particle. So there are 16 arrows coming out of a dot on the center of the page ( or 8 or 24 depending on the book). This is what an electric field looks like on a charged particle.. Of course the new student does not know what a field is . the correct diagram would be a black smudge across the entire page because that might give some clue to the student that the field is everywhere. The notion that the field is everywhere is not such a trivial concept and the diagram that shows 16 arrows somehow does not really drive that point home.
Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF
Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.
Diagram 2. The fourier series of a square wave that has odd symmetry --- so the answer is all sin waves. OK the whole purpose of the fourier series is to teach that any repetitive signal can be broken into sine components and cosine components. SIN and COS ---(anybody listening?). So the first problem they show the student is the case where the cos waves are miraculously missing. Isn't the whole point to show that you need sin and cos components to faithfully make a repetitive waveform and the first thing you do is hide the cos waves????- WTF
Diagram 3. The 3dB overshoot diagram for a "perfect" control loop. In my experience , the perfect control loop is the slowest , most overdamped loop that you can build that is responsive enough to get the job done.