And like vapor ware, it has no address.Magnetic induction cable buried in road with pick up coils on
to run electric and charge batteries. Batteries used on secondary
Total electric transportation.
And just what would these "magnetic induction cables" and "pick up
coils" look like?
Are you _really_ this stoopid or are you just acting stoopid here on
Forget about impressing us with your ability to unnerstand Maxwell's
Now everyone knows you never took a college level fields course.
You'ld be far better off trying to fake a medical or law degree than
EE or physics.
The more you post the more ridiculous you look trying to fake a tech
Bret Cahill
JF has his own company,
No paper trail.
Nothing in the public record.
In other words, it's a fantasy like his money making patent.
I'd be more than happy to call him a fraud but not only does he not
have any happy customers.
He has no customers whatsoever.
Being delusional ain't against the law.
Bret Cahill