The Problem With Faking A Tech Background

Magnetic induction cable buried in road with pick up coils on
to run electric and charge batteries. Batteries used on secondary
Total electric transportation.

And just what would these "magnetic induction cables" and "pick up
coils" look like?

Are you _really_ this stoopid or are you just acting stoopid here on

Forget about impressing us with your ability to unnerstand Maxwell's


Now everyone knows you never took a college level fields course.

You'ld be far better off trying to fake a medical or law degree than
EE or physics.

The more you post the more ridiculous you look trying to fake a tech

Bret Cahill

JF has his own company,
And like vapor ware, it has no address.

No paper trail.

Nothing in the public record.

In other words, it's a fantasy like his money making patent.

I'd be more than happy to call him a fraud but not only does he not
have any happy customers.

He has no customers whatsoever.

Being delusional ain't against the law.

Bret Cahill
Cahill's problem is that he fancies himself an "idea man" par excellence

Not really.


If not, then it seems you're finally starting to wake up.

It's just appears that I have a lot of ideas to dunces who have no
ideas other than going around in fantasy land fooling themselves --
they aren't fooling anyone else -- that they have every done anything
in electronics.

You really are stupid.

Creativity ain't fantasy.

Sure it is, and joyously so.
Look up the terms moron.

If it isn't, where do you think it comes from?

He seems particularly to hate technical types and never misses a chance
to post libelous remarks against them.

Hey, it sounds like you might think you have a libel case against
sweet ol' Bret.

I'll put some money in escrow and maybe you can find some shyster
lawyer to sue me and shut me up.

There's no need to do that since
Since you aren't even functional enough to be a fraud.

.. . . .

Ooops. I think I discovered why our dunce changed his mind about a
defamation suit:

If anyone here is serious I'll rummage around in the files for docket
numbers. �The clerk of court will be able to verify everything with
copies of all court documents. �Maybe I'll post a teaser

The court recorder has the really good part. �We're all in chambers
and I start wondering how the hedge would break my fall from the 2nd
floor window . . .
No comment?

Bret Cahill
Cahill's problem...

He doesn't have a problem.
There's global warming, sustainable energy, censorship and last as
well as least, dunces trying to fake a tech nackground.

I have a full plate.

He is doing what he does.
Presenting solutions to problems.

Much like Rod
Speed, he finds plenty of victims that will retort to his crap.
I've been telling the dunces to stay off my threads too.

You think we'll be successful in getting their case workers to find
them other activities?

He is the perfect example of a successful troll.
Socrates was a troll. Flattery will get you nowhere.

He 'is' a problem for usenet and the 'problem' is easily cured by
ignoring his posts.
BINGO! This guy has figgered it out!

The dunces need to go to other threads because they just look stoopid
trying to fake a teck background on threads concerning thermo.

Bret Cahill
You obviously have no clue as to what losses are incurred in trying to
transfer power inductively through air

Well? ?Don't keep us settin' on the edges of our chairs.

TELL us the efficiency.


Of course not. ?You were caught trying to fake a tech background.

How would _you_, one of the least technically astute people on this
planet, know?

Dodging questions on efficiency is a dead giveaway you ain't got no
interest in tech _period_.
.. . .

On that point alone most wouldn't need an engineering degree to call
your bluff there, just common knowledge and common sense.

What bluff?

I show my work and take the lumps when I make a mistake.
And the lumps you are taking now are for your mistake trying to fake a
tech background.

Bret Cahill
On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 18:48:13 -0800 (PST), wrote:

You obviously have no clue as to what losses are incurred in trying to
transfer power inductively through air

Well? ?Don't keep us settin' on the edges of our chairs.

TELL us the efficiency.


Of course not. ?You were caught trying to fake a tech background.

How would _you_, one of the least technically astute people on this
planet, know?

Dodging questions on efficiency is a dead giveaway you ain't got no
interest in tech _period_.

. . .

On that point alone most wouldn't need an engineering degree to call
your bluff there, just common knowledge and common sense.

What bluff?

I show my work and take the lumps when I make a mistake.

And the lumps you are taking now are for your mistake trying to fake a
tech background.
You really do have an unwarrantedly high opinion of yourself.

You obviously have no clue as to what losses are incurred in trying to
transfer power inductively through air

Well? ?Don't keep us settin' on the edges of our chairs.

TELL us the efficiency.


Of course not. ?You were caught trying to fake a tech background.

How would _you_, one of the least technically astute people on this
planet, know?

Dodging questions on efficiency is a dead giveaway you ain't got no
interest in tech _period_.

. . .

On that point alone most wouldn't need an engineering degree to call
your bluff there, just common knowledge and common sense.

What bluff?

I show my work and take the lumps when I make a mistake.

And the lumps you are taking now are for your mistake trying to fake a
tech background.

You really do have an unwarrantedly high opinion of yourself.
You certainly didn't hurt it any by wimping out of your defamation
suit. That just proves I'm telling the truth when I say you are a

BTW, you know what happens when someone postures like he's going to
sue for defamation then he wimps out?

EVERYONE knows he's "a fraud."

ANYONE can call you a fraud now.

Anyway back to what's bothering you: Your low self esteem.

Your lack of "happy customers."

A great man -- a self proclaimed "listener" -- recently died. You
would benefit by forgetting about me and listening to his last

You are making the same mistake as the guys in the lobby of his mom's

Bret Cahill

The Great Depression. I was about 17 years old. Hoover was still
president. People had been living high off the hog. And then, boom,
comes the Crash. It was so sudden. Guys jumped out of windows. They
didn’t know what to do. The wise men ran around, and then they cried
out after Roosevelt for the government to help them out. Regulation.
They asked for it. They cried for it. The wise men were lost, just as
they are today. The free market fell on its fanny. We learned nothing.
It’s exactly the same today.

“The lessons of the Great Depression? Don’t blame yourself. Turn to
others. The big boys are not that bright.”

My mother ran a hotel, the Wells-Grand Hotel, for men, just outside
Chicago’s skid row.

Skilled workers. Mechanics. Guys with jobs here and there. Some
retired. It was fine. The lobby in the hotel was empty in the daytime.
It was just a little room, and at night they’d come play hearts and
pinochle. Then came 1929. Suddenly they’re not working. Or those guys
who retired, suddenly their pensions are gone. Now they’re in the
lobby in the daytime. They don’t know what the hell to do. So they
drank more. And played the horses more. And there were fights. What
were the fights over? Their own self-respect. I mean, they had nothing
to do. They were furious. Who do you blame? Who do you hit? You hit
each other. That was sort of a metaphor for what happened to the
country. They blamed themselves. Yet I met these people who weathered
it one way or the other, some just by lending a hand.

-- Studds Terkel
John Fields wrote:

You obviously have no clue as to what losses are incurred in trying to
transfer power inductively through air and are trolling for someone to
do the legwork so you can pretend you did and that you know what you're
talking about.

Interestingly, you've hoisted yourself on your own petard since the
numbers are _all_ bad and you should have known that before you posted
your idiotic proposal.
Isn't it great when we agree ?


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