Joe Gwinn
How to calibrate and compare diverse news sources? If one wants
diversity of viewpoint, one\'s sources should not be too similar in
political opinions and leanings.
In the US, the entire political scale is somewhat to the right of the
European scale.
Here is \"Americans are divided by party in the sources they turn to
for political news\" from Pew Research:
Note the differences in circulation, which is a rough proxy for
influence. But also note that the Wall Street Journal has the highest
_paid_ circulation of any US newspaper, and has national scope.
Here are the 2021 statistics:
\"Average weekday print circulation of selected newspapers in the
United States from October 2020 to March 2021\"
And another take:
\"Media Bias Chart\" from Ad Fontes Media:
There are likely similar charts for European media, both print and
Joe Gwinn
diversity of viewpoint, one\'s sources should not be too similar in
political opinions and leanings.
In the US, the entire political scale is somewhat to the right of the
European scale.
Here is \"Americans are divided by party in the sources they turn to
for political news\" from Pew Research:
Note the differences in circulation, which is a rough proxy for
influence. But also note that the Wall Street Journal has the highest
_paid_ circulation of any US newspaper, and has national scope.
Here are the 2021 statistics:
\"Average weekday print circulation of selected newspapers in the
United States from October 2020 to March 2021\"
And another take:
\"Media Bias Chart\" from Ad Fontes Media:
There are likely similar charts for European media, both print and
Joe Gwinn