Per Muggles:
Understood that there may be people out there carrying on cell phone
conversations who I do not notice, but I still have to wonder why is it
so often obvious that somebody is talking on a phone even before one
overtakes them and confirms it?
- Varying speed for no apparent reason
- Cruising the left lane below lane speed
- Wandering back-and-forth across lines....
Seems like a virtual definition of "Distracted" and all seem to me tb
highly correlated with talking on a phone - and I see it on a daily
basis... My guesstimate is 3-5 times on an 80-mile round trip. Yesterday
it was 4.
Pete Cresswell
Driving while using a cell phone doesn't necessarily mean a
person is also distracted.
Understood that there may be people out there carrying on cell phone
conversations who I do not notice, but I still have to wonder why is it
so often obvious that somebody is talking on a phone even before one
overtakes them and confirms it?
- Varying speed for no apparent reason
- Cruising the left lane below lane speed
- Wandering back-and-forth across lines....
Seems like a virtual definition of "Distracted" and all seem to me tb
highly correlated with talking on a phone - and I see it on a daily
basis... My guesstimate is 3-5 times on an 80-mile round trip. Yesterday
it was 4.
Pete Cresswell