On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 01:19:31 -0400, mm <NOPSAMmm2005@bigfoot.com>
by looking which capacitor in the power supply?
If you didn't figure it out by looking, how did you find it?
I can't always do much, but I can replace a power supply cap.
So I forgot to ask, what is the well-known problem, and can you tellhaving symptoms of a well-known problem with a
certain capacitor in the power supply.
by looking which capacitor in the power supply?
If you didn't figure it out by looking, how did you find it?
I can't always do much, but I can replace a power supply cap.
Well, I'm not happy to hear this because I have their DVDR 6765 (or
some 4 digit number beginning with 6) the latest one they've sold and
it's nearing two years of age.