On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 03:41:05 GMT, "LRW" <druid@NOSPAHMcelticbear.com>
interesting ways. There are still discoveries to be made, and I bet
most of them will be found by those outside the box, with a few hairs
short of a pelt.
as living outside the majority and are usually labled in some really"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message
Modat22 wrote:
Often it is the person with a crazy idea or slight insanity that
discovers an amazing new discovery.
No, it isn't. That's merely a delusion of the paranoid borderline
schizophrenic and white trash morons so they can comfort themselves
for their academic failure.
At risk of fanning the flames, isn't that a rather obtuse statement dripping
with hyperbole?
I'm not agreeing that ALL people who are slightly insane come up with the
crazy ideas; I'd say 99.5% of crazy people live out their lives as ...crazy.
However, I'd go so far as to say 90% of the most amazing discoveries have
come from people with a little madness.
Again, I'm not a historian or a physicist, but some ideas that come to mind
are Pasteur (sp). The idea of using mold to cure disease?? Insane! Or the
guy who invented the smallpox vaccine. He tested a potentially lethal
vaccine on himself. You'd have to be a little nuts to do that, not to
mention it's a little crazy, the idea of injecting a live virus in order to
destroy a virus? Madness!
How about Newton? He was at best a neurotic, and DiVinci was thought to be a
manic-depressive. Everyone who knew him thought that Feynman was an insane
genius, and don't forget that "Beautiful Mind" schizophrenic. And the
Curies? Playing around with radiation, for what most people thought was no
good reason? That was surely insane! And Edison was an obsessive-compulsive
who some also think was manic-depressive. And everyone here has mentioned,
including yourself, that Tesla was cookoo, but I think his place in the
history of geniuses is gaurenteed. After all, he's responsible for at leas
alternating current.
I think people who pass off the idea that great minds and great ideas don't
come from people a little off kilter, is deluding themselves blind to their
mediocrity. It takes someone who the masses see as a little nuts to go
beyond the fringes of what's "possible" in order to come up with bigger and
And besides, I guess an eliteist who has no real clue about people wouldn't
realize a "white trash" person is generally white trash because they don't
care about education, and really couldn't care less about what other people
consider academic failures...but to them is nothing.
My $1.02. Keep the change. =)
Yeppers I agree. People that are different from the majority are see
interesting ways. There are still discoveries to be made, and I bet
most of them will be found by those outside the box, with a few hairs
short of a pelt.