Terrifying warning...

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 2:56:43 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:

whit3rd <whi...@gmail.com> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a05:6214:29e8:b0:45a:a993:eeb9 with SMTP id jv8-20020a05621429e800b0045aa993eeb9mr3119773qvb.26.1651606934253; Tue, 03 May 2022 12:42:14 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a05:6902:1c2:b0:63e:6bd:3a5b with SMTP id u2-20020a05690201c200b0063e06bd3a5bmr14679178ybh.424.1651606934120; Tue, 03 May 2022 12:42:14 -0700 (PDT)
Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!border1.nntp.dca1.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news-out.google.com!nntp.google.com!postnews.google.com!google-groups.googlegroups.com!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 12:42:13 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <t4fjjh$7v6$1...@dont-email.me
Injection-Info: google-groups.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; posting-account=vKQm_QoAAADOaDCYsqOFDAW8NJ8sFHoE
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa...@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1...@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46...@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1...@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k5...@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1...@dont-email.me
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <0ce902bc-81bc-4ae8...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
From: whit3rd <whi...@gmail.com
Injection-Date: Tue, 03 May 2022 19:42:14 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
Lines: 11
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668208

On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 7:47:21 PM UTC-7, John Doe wrote:

\"We have completely crushed his economy\"

That was the White House six weeks ago, this is reality now...

\"Russian rouble hits near 2-year high vs euro\" (not the closing price)

Yeah, about that... because of European trade shutdown, the market for roubles is trading insignificant quantities of that currency into/from Euros.

A \'near 2-year high\' might be completely insignificant in this situation.

Yada yada yada. More baseless idiotic opinions...

And John Doe aspires to be the only source of baseless idiotic opinions posted here. He\'s certainly idiotic enough, which has lead him to describe a perfectly sensible point as \"baseless idiocy\".
A market which isn\'t moving much money can manipulated very cheaply.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Bill \"Bozo\" Sloman is an attention-craving chronic liar who cannot be
reasoned with...

Anthony William Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a05:622a:1491:b0:2f3:8173:840a with SMTP id t17-20020a05622a149100b002f38173840amr18136696qtx.530.1651649290127; Wed, 04 May 2022 00:28:10 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a25:7b84:0:b0:648:f212:1baf with SMTP id w126-20020a257b84000000b00648f2121bafmr16578767ybc.578.1651649289890; Wed, 04 May 2022 00:28:09 -0700 (PDT)
Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!news.uzoreto.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!peer03.iad!feed-me.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!news-out.google.com!nntp.google.com!postnews.google.com!google-groups.googlegroups.com!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 00:28:09 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <t4t124$vfr$3@dont-email.me
Injection-Info: google-groups.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; posting-account=SJ46pgoAAABuUDuHc5uDiXN30ATE-zi-
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa-b36d-8a3c906ba1a0n@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46-b921-6b6f6ecebbdbn@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k56cv8schkcfpcrg2bm@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1@dont-email.me> <0ce902bc-81bc-4ae8-b761-c944412e113cn@googlegroups.com> <t4t124$vfr$3@dont-email.me
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <956c8bef-6aa0-496f-ab02-7c40830a9195n@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
From: Anthony William Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org
Injection-Date: Wed, 04 May 2022 07:28:10 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
X-Received-Bytes: 3977
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668278

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 2:56:43 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:

whit3rd <whi...@gmail.com> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a05:6214:29e8:b0:45a:a993:eeb9 with SMTP id jv8-20020a05621429e800b0045aa993eeb9mr3119773qvb.26.1651606934253; Tue, 03 May 2022 12:42:14 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a05:6902:1c2:b0:63e:6bd:3a5b with SMTP id u2-20020a05690201c200b0063e06bd3a5bmr14679178ybh.424.1651606934120; Tue, 03 May 2022 12:42:14 -0700 (PDT)
Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!border1.nntp.dca1.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news-out.google.com!nntp.google.com!postnews.google.com!google-groups.googlegroups.com!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 12:42:13 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <t4fjjh$7v6$1...@dont-email.me
Injection-Info: google-groups.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; posting-account=vKQm_QoAAADOaDCYsqOFDAW8NJ8sFHoE
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa...@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1...@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46...@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1...@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k5...@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1...@dont-email.me
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <0ce902bc-81bc-4ae8...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
From: whit3rd <whi...@gmail.com
Injection-Date: Tue, 03 May 2022 19:42:14 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
Lines: 11
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668208

On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 7:47:21 PM UTC-7, John Doe wrote:

\"We have completely crushed his economy\"

That was the White House six weeks ago, this is reality now...

\"Russian rouble hits near 2-year high vs euro\" (not the closing price)

Yeah, about that... because of European trade shutdown, the market for roubles is trading insignificant quantities of that currency into/from Euros.

A \'near 2-year high\' might be completely insignificant in this situation.

Yada yada yada. More baseless idiotic opinions...

And John Doe aspires to be the only source of baseless idiotic opinions posted here. He\'s certainly idiotic enough, which has lead him to describe a perfectly sensible point as \"baseless idiocy\".
A market which isn\'t moving much money can manipulated very cheaply.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Wed, 4 May 2022 09:30:46 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t4th45$eno$2@dont-email.me>.

Further, John Doe stated the following in message-id
<svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 60.6% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 1276 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
632 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

Eddie wants so badly to nym-shift. That\'s a no-no here, Eddie!

Eddie has never posted anything NORMAL except when it got a spanking...


See also...
John Doe <always.look@message.header> (astraweb)
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!tr3.eu1.usenetexpress.com!feeder.usenetexpress.com!tr3.iad1.usenetexpress.com!!news-out.netnews.com!news.alt.net!fdc2.netnews.com!peer03.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx03.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa-b36d-8a3c906ba1a0n@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46-b921-6b6f6ecebbdbn@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k56cv8schkcfpcrg2bm@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1@dont-email.me> <0ce902bc-81bc-4ae8-b761-c944412e113cn@googlegroups.com> <t4t124$vfr$3@dont-email.me> <956c8bef-6aa0-496f-ab02-7c40830a9195n@googlegroups.com> <t4th45$eno$2@dont-email.me
Lines: 37
Message-ID: <3XrcK.1818134$Z91.1221244@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 04 May 2022 09:45:35 UTC
Date: Wed, 04 May 2022 09:45:35 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 2293
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668298 free.spam:18174

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Wed, 4 May 2022 09:30:46 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t4th45$eno$2@dont-email.me>.

Further, John Doe stated the following in message-id
svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 60.6% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 1276 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
632 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Wed, 4 May 2022 09:50:12 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

Further, John Doe stated the following in message-id
<svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 60.9% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 1289 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
644 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 7:30:53 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:-
Anthony William Sloman <bill....@ieee.org> wrote:
On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 2:56:43 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:
whit3rd <whi...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 7:47:21 PM UTC-7, John Doe wrote:

\"We have completely crushed his economy\"

That was the White House six weeks ago, this is reality now...

\"Russian rouble hits near 2-year high vs euro\" (not the closing price)

Yeah, about that... because of European trade shutdown, the market for roubles is trading insignificant quantities of that currency into/from Euros.

A \'near 2-year high\' might be completely insignificant in this situation.

Yada yada yada. More baseless idiotic opinions...

And John Doe aspires to be the only source of baseless idiotic opinions posted here. He\'s certainly idiotic enough, which has lead him to describe a perfectly sensible point as \"baseless idiocy\".
A market which isn\'t moving much money can manipulated very cheaply.

Bill Sloman is an attention-craving chronic liar who cannot be reasoned with...

Not that John Doe ever bothers to explain which parts of my posts might be seen as any kind of lie - that would require him to try to reason with me, which doesn\'t seem to be something he can manage.
He certainly hasn\'t gone in for any kind of reasoning in this forum, and his enthusiasm for baseless idiotic opinions does suggest that any kind of reasoning is quite beyond him.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Thu, 5 May 2022 00:05:19 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t4v4bu$rv5$3@dont-email.me>.

Further, Troll Doe stated the following in message-id
<svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 61.1% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 1297 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
652 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

Eddie wants so badly to nym-shift. That\'s a no-no here, Eddie!

Eddie has never posted anything NORMAL except when it got a spanking...


See also...
John Doe <always.look@message.header> (astraweb)
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!news-out.netnews.com!news.alt.net!fdc2.netnews.com!peer01.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx05.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa-b36d-8a3c906ba1a0n@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46-b921-6b6f6ecebbdbn@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k56cv8schkcfpcrg2bm@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1@dont-email.me> <0ce902bc-81bc-4ae8-b761-c944412e113cn@googlegroups.com> <t4t124$vfr$3@dont-email.me> <956c8bef-6aa0-496f-ab02-7c40830a9195n@googlegroups.com> <t4th45$eno$2@dont-email.me> <18483869-79d4-46ba-a4ce-784893e501b3n@googlegroups.com> <t4v4bu$rv5$3@dont-email.me
Lines: 37
Message-ID: <43FcK.2588547$391.637566@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 05 May 2022 00:41:36 UTC
Date: Thu, 05 May 2022 00:41:36 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 2382
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668363 free.spam:18197

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Thu, 5 May 2022 00:05:19 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t4v4bu$rv5$3@dont-email.me>.

Further, Troll Doe stated the following in message-id
svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 61.1% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 1297 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
652 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Thu, 5 May 2022 01:33:39 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

Further, Troll Doe stated the following in message-id
<svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 61.3% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 1307 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
660 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:23:34 PM UTC-4, David Eather wrote:
On 3/05/2022 10:05 pm, Edward Hernandez wrote:
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id
hey we get it John Doe doesn\'t post right. Now shut the fuck up - your
posts are an even bigger source of noise than his. John Doe says
something even if it is stupid - you just post unthinking spam

LOL You would seem to be in the same boat as Doe, unaware that Edward\'s posts aren\'t here to collect replies. I don\'t think he ever sees anything you post. He is just here to annoy Doe, like the alligator in Peter Pan. I find this all very amusing, especially when Doe replies as if anyone is listening to his screams in space.


Rick C.

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Ricksy keeps posting the same delusional and wishful thinking.

It\'s delusional because OBVIOUSLY the stalker spammer troll Eddie reads
replies. The mentally retarded troll has proved that many times by
replying to context.

Ricksy is wishful thinking. I\'m annoyed no more than any other user. Eddie
is like an amplifier. Since Eddie doesn\'t think, he is easily manipulated
(I have told Ricksy that several times but he just doesn\'t get it). Seems
Eddie likes me. Notice how nice and neat my threads mostly are, versus the
abortions Ricksy promotes.

That\'s not how trolls usually work. It\'s brainless. Really makes you
wonder what is going on in Eddie\'s head. Apparently Eddie is mentally
retarded and/or he just doesn\'t like USENET at all and for some strange
reason he must hang around constantly proving that.

Ricksy\'s motive for pretending he likes that is another subject...

Ricky <gnuarm.deletethisbit@gmail.com> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:ad4:5aaa:0:b0:45a:a137:49d3 with SMTP id u10-20020ad45aaa000000b0045aa13749d3mr9930672qvg.61.1651720583135; Wed, 04 May 2022 20:16:23 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a25:1ec5:0:b0:641:1bf5:d4ba with SMTP id e188-20020a251ec5000000b006411bf5d4bamr20390226ybe.410.1651720582901; Wed, 04 May 2022 20:16:22 -0700 (PDT)
Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!border1.nntp.dca1.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news-out.google.com!nntp.google.com!postnews.google.com!google-groups.googlegroups.com!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 20:16:22 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <16ebc8ecdd9231e3$2$293204$c2265aab@news.newsdemon.com
Injection-Info: google-groups.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; posting-account=I-_H_woAAAA9zzro6crtEpUAyIvzd19b
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa-b36d-8a3c906ba1a0n@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46-b921-6b6f6ecebbdbn@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k56cv8schkcfpcrg2bm@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1@dont-email.me> <7kl07hddvie14ao07r0q360agar5j353go@4ax.com> <01cc4f7d-d97c-4b45-95cb-46e2dd11af28n@googlegroups.com> <t4r2ai$o6q$5@dont-email.me> <W18cK.1447765$Sxe.888339@usenetxs.com> <t4r4r2$o6q$15@dont-email.me> <0U8cK.1556959$5u1.1141660@usenetxs.com> <16ebc8ecdd9231e3$2$293204$c2265aab@news.newsdemon.com
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <84b5cf95-5a82-427a-82e5-eed0d6957807n@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
From: Ricky <gnuarm.deletethisbit@gmail.com
Injection-Date: Thu, 05 May 2022 03:16:23 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Lines: 18
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668378

On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:23:34 PM UTC-4, David Eather wrote:
On 3/05/2022 10:05 pm, Edward Hernandez wrote:
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id
hey we get it John Doe doesn\'t post right. Now shut the fuck up - your
posts are an even bigger source of noise than his. John Doe says
something even if it is stupid - you just post unthinking spam

LOL You would seem to be in the same boat as Doe, unaware that Edward\'s posts aren\'t here to collect replies. I don\'t think he ever sees anything you post. He is just here to annoy Doe, like the alligator in Peter Pan. I find this all very amusing, especially when Doe replies as if anyone is listening to his screams in space.


Rick C.

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Ricky <gnuarm.deletethisbit@gmail.com> wrote:

David Eather wrote:
Edward Hernandez wrote:

The John Doe troll stated the following

hey we get it John Doe doesn\'t post right. Now shut the fuck up - your
posts are an even bigger source of noise than his. John Doe says
something even if it is stupid - you just post unthinking spam


Ricksy needs to dislodge the comedian from the otherwise vacant area
between its ears.

Either that, or Ricksy is drunk again...
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Thu, 5 May 2022 04:13:43 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t4vitn$ppj$1@dont-email.me>.

Further, Troll Doe stated the following in message-id
<svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 61.3% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 1311 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
662 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

Eddie wants so badly to nym-shift. That\'s a no-no here, Eddie!

Eddie has never posted anything NORMAL except when it got a spanking...


See also...
John Doe <always.look@message.header> (astraweb)
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!news-out.netnews.com!news.alt.net!fdc2.netnews.com!peer01.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx11.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa-b36d-8a3c906ba1a0n@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46-b921-6b6f6ecebbdbn@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k56cv8schkcfpcrg2bm@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1@dont-email.me> <7kl07hddvie14ao07r0q360agar5j353go@4ax.com> <01cc4f7d-d97c-4b45-95cb-46e2dd11af28n@googlegroups.com> <t4r2ai$o6q$5@dont-email.me> <W18cK.1447765$Sxe.888339@usenetxs.com> <t4r4r2$o6q$15@dont-email.me> <0U8cK.1556959$5u1.1141660@usenetxs.com> <16ebc8ecdd9231e3$2$293204$c2265aab@news.newsdemon.com> <84b5cf95-5a82-427a-82e5-eed0d6957807n@googlegroups.com> <t4vitn$ppj$1@dont-email.me
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <toIcK.1300039$dS2.8008@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 05 May 2022 04:29:13 UTC
Date: Thu, 05 May 2022 04:29:13 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 2311
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668383 free.spam:18208

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Thu, 5 May 2022 04:13:43 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t4vitn$ppj$1@dont-email.me>.

Further, Troll Doe stated the following in message-id
svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 61.3% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 1311 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
662 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Thu, 5 May 2022 04:37:15 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t4vk9r$7f4$1@dont-email.me>.

Further, John Doe stated the following in message-id
<svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 61.3% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 1313 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
664 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

On Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 2:13:56 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:
Ricky <gnuarm.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:23:34 PM UTC-4, David Eather wrote:
On 3/05/2022 10:05 pm, Edward Hernandez wrote:
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id
hey we get it John Doe doesn\'t post right. Now shut the fuck up - your
posts are an even bigger source of noise than his. John Doe says
something even if it is stupid - you just post unthinking spam

LOL You would seem to be in the same boat as Doe, unaware that Edward\'s posts aren\'t here to collect replies. I don\'t think he ever sees anything you post. He is just here to annoy Doe, like the alligator in Peter Pan. I find this all very amusing, especially when Doe replies as if anyone is listening to his screams in space.

Ricksy keeps posting the same delusional and wishful thinking.

It\'s delusional because OBVIOUSLY the stalker spammer troll Eddie reads replies. The mentally retarded troll has proved that many times by replying to context.

Not all that many times. The main information content in Edward\'s posts are his reports of John Doe\'s posting statistics. I\'ve no idea where he gets them, which might leave John Doe free to imagine that they might be invented, but John Doe doesn\'t pay any attention to the numbers, probably because he doesn\'t understand them

> Ricksy is wishful thinking. I\'m annoyed no more than any other user.

But you do post claims about \"nym-shiftying Eddy\" and \"spanked Eddy\" far more often than any other user, so an objective observer might suspect that you were in fact more annoyed than any other user.

> Eddy is like an amplifier. Since Eddie doesn\'t think, he is easily manipulated.

John Doe does have his favourite delusions. This does seem to be one of them.

>(I have told Ricksy that several times but he just doesn\'t get it).

Or he\'s got enough sense to notice that this is just even more of your self-serving nonsense.

> Seems Eddie likes me. Notice how nice and neat my threads mostly are, versus the abortions Ricksy promotes.

John Doe\'s idea of a neat and tidy posting is decidedly bizarre. The explicit troll posts, with large chunks of eternal september routing information look like large piles of meaningless nonsense to most of us.
The routing information is - in fact meaningful, but it convey information that nobody needs, or wants, to know about, which makes it a kind of vandalism.

John Doe\'s habit of postign pages of John Durham court testimony is more of the same, no matter how neat it may appear to John Doe.

> That\'s not how trolls usually work. It\'s brainless.

John Doe is brainless troll, so he knows all about that.

> Really makes you wonder what is going on in Eddie\'s head. Apparently Eddie is mentally retarded and/or he just doesn\'t like USENET at all and for some strange reason he must hang around constantly proving that.

That also describes John Doe perfectly. There are more John Doe posts than Edward Hernandez posts, so clearly John Doe hates USENET even more desperately.

> Ricksy\'s motive for pretending he likes that is another subject...

Rick C was actually reacting to David Eather\'s post that criticised Edward Hernandez. I\'ve claimed that Flyguy is even stupider than John doe, but I may have been being too kind to John Doe.
This is all discussing precedence between a flea an a louse, so it is almost as bad.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Thu, 5 May 2022 04:54:40 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

Further, John Doe stated the following in message-id
<svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 61.4% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 1315 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
666 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 2:54:49 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:
On Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 2:13:56 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:
Ricky <gnuarm.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:23:34 PM UTC-4, David Eather wrote:
On 3/05/2022 10:05 pm, Edward Hernandez wrote:


Ricksy is wishful thinking. I\'m annoyed no more than any other user.

But you do post claims about \"nym-shiftying Eddy\" and \"spanked Eddy\" far more often than any other user, so an objective observer might suspect that you were in fact more annoyed than any other user.

Eddy is like an amplifier. Since Eddie doesn\'t think, he is easily manipulated.

John Doe does have his favourite delusions. This does seem to be one of them.

(I have told Ricksy that several times but he just doesn\'t get it).

Or he\'s got enough sense to notice that this is just even more of your self-serving nonsense.

Seems Eddie likes me. Notice how nice and neat my threads mostly are, versus the abortions Ricksy promotes.

John Doe\'s idea of a neat and tidy posting is decidedly bizarre. The explicit troll posts, with large chunks of eternal september routing information look like large piles of meaningless nonsense to most of us.
The routing information is - in fact - meaningful, but it convey information that nobody needs, or wants, to know about, which makes it a kind of vandalism.

John Doe\'s habit of postign pages of John Durham court testimony is more of the same, no matter how neat it may appear to John Doe.

That\'s not how trolls usually work. It\'s brainless.

John Doe is brainless troll, so he knows all about that.

Really makes you wonder what is going on in Eddie\'s head. Apparently Eddie is mentally retarded and/or he just doesn\'t like USENET at all and for some strange reason he must hang around constantly proving that.

That also describes John Doe perfectly. There are more John Doe posts than Edward Hernandez posts, so clearly John Doe hates USENET even more desperately.

Ricksy\'s motive for pretending he likes that is another subject...

Rick C was actually reacting to David Eather\'s post that criticised Edward Hernandez. I\'ve claimed that Flyguy is even stupider than John doe, but I may have been being too kind to John Doe.
This is all discussing precedence between a flea an a louse, so it is almost as bad.

Bill is a textbook cannibal leftist who roots for destruction without even being drunk. It\'s his nature.

John Doe doesn\'t post any kind of link to any textbook which describes \"cannibal leftists\". The term is one that John Doe seems to have invented, so one can be fairly confident that no such textbook exists.
He also hasn\'t bothered to quote any anything that I\'ve posted that \"roots for destruction\". My impression is that he\'d find it difficult to find any such text, but he is an idiot, and as Flyguy demonstrates, if you are stupid enough you can misunderstand pretty much anything in ways that suit your argument.

His pronouncements about my \"nature\" fall down in the same way.

<I\'ve snipped the recycled abuse that he\'d tacked on to the new insult>

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Eddie wants so badly to nym-shift. That\'s a no-no here, Eddie!

Eddie has never posted anything NORMAL except when it got a spanking...


See also...
John Doe <always.look@message.header> (astraweb)
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!news-out.netnews.com!news.alt.net!fdc2.netnews.com!peer01.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer03.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx13.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Terrifying warning
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <c2793cfc-d412-47fa-b36d-8a3c906ba1a0n@googlegroups.com> <t48sk0$7mg$1@dont-email.me> <600c914f-c8d8-4b46-b921-6b6f6ecebbdbn@googlegroups.com> <t4967a$raj$1@dont-email.me> <fksg6h5pl53eqk5k56cv8schkcfpcrg2bm@4ax.com> <t4fjjh$7v6$1@dont-email.me> <7kl07hddvie14ao07r0q360agar5j353go@4ax.com> <01cc4f7d-d97c-4b45-95cb-46e2dd11af28n@googlegroups.com> <t4r2ai$o6q$5@dont-email.me> <W18cK.1447765$Sxe.888339@usenetxs.com> <t4r4r2$o6q$15@dont-email.me> <0U8cK.1556959$5u1.1141660@usenetxs.com> <16ebc8ecdd9231e3$2$293204$c2265aab@news.newsdemon.com> <84b5cf95-5a82-427a-82e5-eed0d6957807n@googlegroups.com> <t4vitn$ppj$1@dont-email.me> <846073a8-33c5-4dd4-9202-e4617c523d04n@googlegroups.com> <t4vlag$7f4$2@dont-email.me
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <xNIcK.1570449$5u1.82738@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 05 May 2022 04:55:57 UTC
Date: Thu, 05 May 2022 04:55:57 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 2682
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:668389 free.spam:18212

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Thu, 5 May 2022 04:54:40 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

Further, John Doe stated the following in message-id
svsh05$lbh$5@dont-email.me> posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022 08:01:09 -0000

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 61.4% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 1315 articles to USENET. Of which 141 have been pure insults and
666 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.


Welcome to EDABoard.com

