Tektronix purchased Keithley, broke my instruments?

Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

On 7/7/19 10:10 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:
It would appear you were beating HP with your method. That is quite
some achievement!

I didn't have one in the drawer, and there was no budget for it. Plus
I'd have had to be super careful about return loss and so forth. My
scheme did the calibration effectively with the DUT attached, so all
that stuff cancelled out.

I built a 60-MHz amplitude/phase digitizer as part of my interferometric
confocal microscope back in my mid-twenties. The calibrator was a lot
more complicated than the digitizer--it had two sources whose relative
phase could be walked in 1-degree steps via a pulse-swallowing counter,
and the aforementioned crystal ring-down amplitude calibrator. The
digitizers ran at 50 kS/s, so 1-dB per millisecond was a very convenient
number for calibrating.

The microscope is discussed in


and the amplitude/phase digitizer is at

I needed to get some data so I could graduate, so I didn't build yet
another calibrator to check the first one, but the gizmo was pretty
stable considering what it was, and the deconvolution algorithm worked
very nicely--the data came out very smooth even on very small scales.


Phil Hobbs

Amazing! Thanks.

This will give me many hours of fruitful study. I want to understand how
you achieved such incredible accuracy with parts you had laying around.

Mind Blown.
On 7/8/19 12:26 PM, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 7/7/19 10:10 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

Long ago I calibrated a DLVA/digitizer combination to about 12 bits
using the ring-down of a crystal oscillator.    You have to drive the
crystal gently enough that there are no significant nonlinear loss
contributions, and take the oscillator part out of the circuit during
the ring-down. I used PIN diode switches, but nowadays I'd probably use
a pHEMT for that job.
A garden-variety 80-MHz crystal will ring down by about 1 dB/ms, which
is a very convenient rate.

Aren't you measuring Q?

Lecture 21: Decay of Resonances

It would seem you have to measure at a much higher frequency than the
crystal to get an accurate indication of the ringdown. This may mean
sampling at several hundred MHz. Was there accurate samplers available
then? 12 bits is one part in 4096, or 0.00212dB per bit.

Why not use a precision step attenuator? HP has been checking precision
step attenuators for a long time. A graph on page 12 shows +/- 0.004dB
error at 60dB and 30MHz:

Calibration of Precision Step Attenuators

It would appear you were beating HP with your method. That is quite some

I didn't have one in the drawer, and there was no budget for it.  Plus
I'd have had to be super careful about return loss and so forth.  My
scheme did the calibration effectively with the DUT attached, so all
that stuff cancelled out.

I built a 60-MHz amplitude/phase digitizer as part of my interferometric
confocal microscope back in my mid-twenties.  The calibrator was a lot
more complicated than the digitizer--it had two sources whose relative
phase could be walked in 1-degree steps via a pulse-swallowing counter,
and the aforementioned crystal ring-down amplitude calibrator.  The
digitizers ran at 50 kS/s, so 1-dB per millisecond was a very convenient
number for calibrating.

The microscope is discussed in


and the amplitude/phase digitizer is at

I needed to get some data so I could graduate, so I didn't build yet
another calibrator to check the first one, but the gizmo was pretty
stable considering what it was, and the deconvolution algorithm worked
very nicely--the data came out very smooth even on very small scales.

I posted this earlier, but it hasn't shown up:

On re-reading the instruments paper, I discover that I
misremembered--this gizmo didn't use the ring-down amplitude calibration
scheme. I used that in another project about ten years later, which was
another laser interferometer (a handheld 3-D scanner).


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

I didn't have one in the drawer, and there was no budget for it.  Plus
I'd have had to be super careful about return loss and so forth.  My
scheme did the calibration effectively with the DUT attached, so all
that stuff cancelled out.

I built a 60-MHz amplitude/phase digitizer as part of my
interferometric confocal microscope back in my mid-twenties.  The
calibrator was a lot more complicated than the digitizer--it had two
sources whose relative phase could be walked in 1-degree steps via a
pulse-swallowing counter, and the aforementioned crystal ring-down
amplitude calibrator.  The digitizers ran at 50 kS/s, so 1-dB per
millisecond was a very convenient number for calibrating.

The microscope is discussed in


and the amplitude/phase digitizer is at

I needed to get some data so I could graduate, so I didn't build yet
another calibrator to check the first one, but the gizmo was pretty
stable considering what it was, and the deconvolution algorithm worked
very nicely--the data came out very smooth even on very small scales.

I posted this earlier, but it hasn't shown up:

On re-reading the instruments paper, I discover that I
misremembered--this gizmo didn't use the ring-down amplitude calibration
scheme. I used that in another project about ten years later, which was
another laser interferometer (a handheld 3-D scanner).


Phil Hobbs

Yes, I was starting to get a bit confused. But what I was reading was still
very interesting.

Any chance to get a copy of the later ring-down amplitude calibration

NB: I picked the wrong data point in the graph on page 12 of


I chose 60dB when it should have been 72dB. However, HP didn't do any
calibration at 80MHz, so it is clear your method would have beat them by a
large margin. I'd like to learn how you did it!

On 06/07/2019 00:42, Jeroen Belleman wrote:
Chris Jones wrote:

Log amps are fine if you need to measure changes in power level [...]

That's a very nice description. We'd love to see more like
it on SED. This makes it worthwhile to stay.

Thank you. I'm sure that if I ever build the thing I will discover that
I made several more serious mistakes than those already pointed out.
Chris Jones <lugnut808@spam.yahoo.com> wrote:


On 7/9/19 6:26 AM, Steve Wilson wrote:
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

I didn't have one in the drawer, and there was no budget for it.  Plus
I'd have had to be super careful about return loss and so forth.  My
scheme did the calibration effectively with the DUT attached, so all
that stuff cancelled out.

I built a 60-MHz amplitude/phase digitizer as part of my
interferometric confocal microscope back in my mid-twenties.  The
calibrator was a lot more complicated than the digitizer--it had two
sources whose relative phase could be walked in 1-degree steps via a
pulse-swallowing counter, and the aforementioned crystal ring-down
amplitude calibrator.  The digitizers ran at 50 kS/s, so 1-dB per
millisecond was a very convenient number for calibrating.

The microscope is discussed in


and the amplitude/phase digitizer is at

I needed to get some data so I could graduate, so I didn't build yet
another calibrator to check the first one, but the gizmo was pretty
stable considering what it was, and the deconvolution algorithm worked
very nicely--the data came out very smooth even on very small scales.

I posted this earlier, but it hasn't shown up:

On re-reading the instruments paper, I discover that I
misremembered--this gizmo didn't use the ring-down amplitude calibration
scheme. I used that in another project about ten years later, which was
another laser interferometer (a handheld 3-D scanner).


Phil Hobbs

Yes, I was starting to get a bit confused. But what I was reading was still
very interesting.

Any chance to get a copy of the later ring-down amplitude calibration

NB: I picked the wrong data point in the graph on page 12 of


I chose 60dB when it should have been 72dB. However, HP didn't do any
calibration at 80MHz, so it is clear your method would have beat them by a
large margin. I'd like to learn how you did it!


Something vaguely like this, but with a much longer ring-down. IIRC my
actual one used a PIN diode rather than a pHEMT, but I just picked up a
thousand ATF38143s on eBay for $300, so I have plenty for protos. ;)
(Also for small production runs.)

To oscillator mavens: There are lots of sins in this oscillator design,
but one needn't care because the oscillator isn't even in the circuit
when the ring-down is occurring. So don't give me agita.


Phil Hobbs

Version 4
SHEET 1 1400 680
WIRE -464 -96 -480 -96
WIRE -368 -96 -384 -96
WIRE 400 -96 -368 -96
WIRE 400 -80 400 -96
WIRE -464 -64 -464 -96
WIRE -368 -64 -368 -96
WIRE -128 -16 -240 -16
WIRE -16 -16 -128 -16
WIRE 224 -16 -16 -16
WIRE 288 -16 224 -16
WIRE 320 -16 288 -16
WIRE 352 -16 320 -16
WIRE -240 0 -240 -16
WIRE -16 16 -16 -16
WIRE 288 16 288 -16
WIRE -464 48 -464 16
WIRE -368 48 -368 16
WIRE -128 80 -128 -16
WIRE -240 96 -240 80
WIRE 288 96 288 80
WIRE 400 96 400 16
WIRE 400 96 288 96
WIRE 288 112 288 96
WIRE 400 112 400 96
WIRE -16 128 -16 96
WIRE 224 128 224 -16
WIRE -176 160 -256 160
WIRE -256 176 -256 160
WIRE 224 224 224 208
WIRE 288 224 288 176
WIRE 400 224 400 192
WIRE -256 272 -256 256
WIRE -16 288 -16 192
WIRE 96 288 -16 288
WIRE 112 288 96 288
WIRE 208 288 176 288
WIRE 304 288 288 288
WIRE 320 288 304 288
WIRE 464 288 400 288
WIRE 560 288 528 288
WIRE 656 288 640 288
WIRE 672 288 656 288
WIRE 816 288 752 288
WIRE 176 304 176 288
WIRE 528 304 528 288
WIRE -16 320 -16 288
WIRE -256 368 -256 352
WIRE -128 368 -128 176
WIRE 304 368 304 288
WIRE 320 368 304 368
WIRE 656 368 656 288
WIRE 672 368 656 368
WIRE 464 384 464 288
WIRE 464 384 384 384
WIRE 528 384 464 384
WIRE 608 384 528 384
WIRE 816 384 816 288
WIRE 816 384 736 384
WIRE 880 384 816 384
WIRE 112 400 112 288
WIRE 320 400 112 400
WIRE 608 400 608 384
WIRE 672 400 608 400
WIRE -16 416 -16 400
FLAG -368 48 0
FLAG -384 -96 +12
FLAG 400 224 0
FLAG 288 224 0
FLAG -16 416 0
FLAG -240 96 0
FLAG 224 224 0
FLAG -128 368 0
FLAG -256 368 0
FLAG -464 48 0
FLAG -480 -96 -12
FLAG 352 352 +12
FLAG 352 416 -12
FLAG 176 304 0
FLAG 704 352 +12
FLAG 704 416 -12
FLAG 528 304 0
FLAG 96 288 tap
FLAG 528 384 o1
FLAG 880 384 out
FLAG 320 -16 gate
SYMBOL voltage -368 -80 R0
SYMATTR Value 12
SYMBOL ind 0 112 R180
WINDOW 0 36 80 Left 2
WINDOW 3 36 40 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 680Âľ
SYMBOL cap 272 112 R0
SYMATTR Value 8p
SYMBOL cap 272 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 12p
SYMBOL njf 352 -80 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N4416
SYMBOL res -32 304 R0
SYMBOL current -240 0 R0
WINDOW 3 -60 -119 Left 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 1m 1u 1n 1n 100n)
SYMBOL cap -32 128 R0
SYMATTR Value 10f
SYMBOL res 240 112 M0
WINDOW 0 52 72 Left 2
WINDOW 3 36 99 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 10Meg
SYMBOL mesfet -176 80 R0
WINDOW 0 63 67 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -179 62 Left 2
SYMATTR Value ATF38143_chip
SYMBOL voltage -256 256 R0
WINDOW 3 -311 91 Left 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(-5 3 100u 1n 1n 1)
SYMBOL res -272 160 R0
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL current 400 112 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 10m
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1260 352 320 R0
SYMBOL voltage -464 -80 R0
SYMATTR Value -12
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1260 704 320 R0
SYMBOL res 656 304 R270
WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 -7 114 VBottom 2
SYMATTR Value 1.5k
SYMBOL res 544 304 R270
WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 0 56 VBottom 2
SYMATTR Value 300
SYMBOL res 304 304 R270
WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 -7 114 VBottom 2
SYMATTR Value 1.5k
SYMBOL res 192 304 R270
WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 0 56 VBottom 2
SYMATTR Value 300
TEXT -536 288 Left 2 !.tran 300u
TEXT 472 -96 Left 2 !.MODEL ATF38143_chip NMF( vto=-0.75, Beta=0.3,
Lambda=0.07, Alpha=4,\n+ B=0.8, Pb=0.7,
Cgs=0.997E-12,\n+ Cgd=0.176E-12, Rd=0.084,
Rs=0.054, Kf=1e6, Af=1)
TEXT -368 88 Left 2 ;Kickstart
TEXT 544 88 Left 2 ;Crystal Ring-down Calibrator\n(General idea--real
XOs ring down \na lot more slowly than this)\n \nPH 7/10/19
TEXT 848 288 Left 2 ;Leading error term goes as \n(slew/max slew)**3
TEXT -280 -72 Left 2 ;Need to make crystal oscillate at \nits series
(mechanical) resonance
TEXT 16 16 Left 2 ;Resonate Cpar\naway with Lpar

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

On 7/10/19 9:05 PM, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 7/10/19 8:45 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

On 7/9/19 6:26 AM, Steve Wilson wrote:

I built a 60-MHz amplitude/phase digitizer as part of my
interferometric confocal microscope back in my mid-twenties.  The
calibrator was a lot more complicated than the digitizer--it had two
sources whose relative phase could be walked in 1-degree steps via a
pulse-swallowing counter,  and the aforementioned crystal ring-down
amplitude calibrator.  The digitizers ran at 50 kS/s, so 1-dB per
millisecond was a very convenient number for calibrating.

On re-reading the instruments paper, I discover that I
misremembered--this gizmo didn't use the ring-down amplitude
calibration scheme.  I used that in another project about ten years
later, which was another laser interferometer (a handheld 3-D
Phil Hobbs
Yes, I was starting to get a bit confused. But what I was reading was
still very interesting.
Any chance to get a copy of the later ring-down amplitude calibration

Something vaguely like this, but with a much longer ring-down.   IIRC my
actual one used a PIN diode rather than a pHEMT, but I just picked up a
thousand ATF38143s on eBay for $300, so I have plenty for protos. ;)
(Also for small production runs.)
To oscillator mavens:  There are lots of sins in this oscillator design,
but one needn't care because the oscillator isn't even in the circuit
when the ring-down is occurring.  So don't give me agita.
Phil Hobbs

Thanks for the lovely ASC file. That shows how to generate a damped sine
wave. I especially appreciate your labels on the critical nodes. I wish
more people did that.

I was hoping to find out how you sampled the ringdown signal to get 12
digits of accuracy, especially with the devices that were available at
time. That is a big mystery to me.

Thanks for your help.

In my thesis project, the Plessey DLVA building blocks produced a
logarithmically compressed AC waveform, which I full-wave rectified with
a Mini Circuits transformer and  a couple of Schottky diodes.  The
resulting DC went into an op amp and then into a 12-bit digitizer (iirc
it was an AD ADC12something, but I no longer have the datasheet).


I think it was another DAC80/AD2504 SAR ADC.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

On 7/10/19 8:45 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

On 7/9/19 6:26 AM, Steve Wilson wrote:

I built a 60-MHz amplitude/phase digitizer as part of my
interferometric confocal microscope back in my mid-twenties.  The
calibrator was a lot more complicated than the digitizer--it had two
sources whose relative phase could be walked in 1-degree steps via a
pulse-swallowing counter, and the aforementioned crystal ring-down
amplitude calibrator.  The digitizers ran at 50 kS/s, so 1-dB per
millisecond was a very convenient number for calibrating.

On re-reading the instruments paper, I discover that I
misremembered--this gizmo didn't use the ring-down amplitude
calibration scheme. I used that in another project about ten years
later, which was another laser interferometer (a handheld 3-D


Phil Hobbs

Yes, I was starting to get a bit confused. But what I was reading was
still very interesting.

Any chance to get a copy of the later ring-down amplitude calibration

Something vaguely like this, but with a much longer ring-down. IIRC my
actual one used a PIN diode rather than a pHEMT, but I just picked up a
thousand ATF38143s on eBay for $300, so I have plenty for protos. ;)
(Also for small production runs.)

To oscillator mavens: There are lots of sins in this oscillator design,
but one needn't care because the oscillator isn't even in the circuit
when the ring-down is occurring. So don't give me agita.


Phil Hobbs

Thanks for the lovely ASC file. That shows how to generate a damped sine
wave. I especially appreciate your labels on the critical nodes. I wish
more people did that.

I was hoping to find out how you sampled the ringdown signal to get 12
digits of accuracy, especially with the devices that were available at the
time. That is a big mystery to me.

Thanks for your help.

In my thesis project, the Plessey DLVA building blocks produced a
logarithmically compressed AC waveform, which I full-wave rectified with
a Mini Circuits transformer and a couple of Schottky diodes. The
resulting DC went into an op amp and then into a 12-bit digitizer (iirc
it was an AD ADC12something, but I no longer have the datasheet).

In the 1998ish project that used the ring-down trick, IIRC I was using
two cascaded Motorola MC3357 FM IFs, which had direct current-mode RSSI
outputs that I wired together into a common-base PNP stage. Turned out
that if you cascoded them like that, they sped up amazingly--I was
getting 40-ns edges, which helped a lot with the application. RIP.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

On 7/9/19 6:26 AM, Steve Wilson wrote:

I built a 60-MHz amplitude/phase digitizer as part of my
interferometric confocal microscope back in my mid-twenties.  The
calibrator was a lot more complicated than the digitizer--it had two
sources whose relative phase could be walked in 1-degree steps via a
pulse-swallowing counter, and the aforementioned crystal ring-down
amplitude calibrator.  The digitizers ran at 50 kS/s, so 1-dB per
millisecond was a very convenient number for calibrating.

On re-reading the instruments paper, I discover that I
misremembered--this gizmo didn't use the ring-down amplitude
calibration scheme. I used that in another project about ten years
later, which was another laser interferometer (a handheld 3-D


Phil Hobbs

Yes, I was starting to get a bit confused. But what I was reading was
still very interesting.

Any chance to get a copy of the later ring-down amplitude calibration

Something vaguely like this, but with a much longer ring-down. IIRC my
actual one used a PIN diode rather than a pHEMT, but I just picked up a
thousand ATF38143s on eBay for $300, so I have plenty for protos. ;)
(Also for small production runs.)

To oscillator mavens: There are lots of sins in this oscillator design,
but one needn't care because the oscillator isn't even in the circuit
when the ring-down is occurring. So don't give me agita.


Phil Hobbs

Thanks for the lovely ASC file. That shows how to generate a damped sine
wave. I especially appreciate your labels on the critical nodes. I wish
more people did that.

I was hoping to find out how you sampled the ringdown signal to get 12
digits of accuracy, especially with the devices that were available at the
time. That is a big mystery to me.

Thanks for your help.
On 10/07/2019 00:51, Jeroen Belleman wrote:
Steve Wilson wrote:
Chris Jones <lugnut808@spam.yahoo.com> wrote:



Huh? What for?

Jeroen Belleman

Oh well, it will save me the time of replying to him, so win-win I guess :)
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

On 7/10/19 8:45 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:

I was hoping to find out how you sampled the ringdown signal to get 12
digits of accuracy, especially with the devices that were available at
the time. That is a big mystery to me.

Thanks for your help.

In my thesis project, the Plessey DLVA building blocks produced a
logarithmically compressed AC waveform, which I full-wave rectified with
a Mini Circuits transformer and a couple of Schottky diodes. The
resulting DC went into an op amp and then into a 12-bit digitizer (iirc
it was an AD ADC12something, but I no longer have the datasheet).

In the 1998ish project that used the ring-down trick, IIRC I was using
two cascaded Motorola MC3357 FM IFs, which had direct current-mode RSSI
outputs that I wired together into a common-base PNP stage. Turned out
that if you cascoded them like that, they sped up amazingly--I was
getting 40-ns edges, which helped a lot with the application. RIP.


Phil Hobbs

Illumination! Thanks.

I'm still a bit confused. I found the MC3357 Datasheet at


It shows the device running at 10MHz, with a 5 stage limiter.

I thought FM IF limiters were used to provide a constant amplitude output
over a wide range of input signal amplitudes.

How can you get a limiter to provide a logarithmic output that you can feed
into a rectifier to measure ringdown?

Steve Wilson <no@spam.com> wrote:

Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

On 7/10/19 8:45 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:

I was hoping to find out how you sampled the ringdown signal to get 12
digits of accuracy, especially with the devices that were available at
the time. That is a big mystery to me.

Thanks for your help.

In my thesis project, the Plessey DLVA building blocks produced a
logarithmically compressed AC waveform, which I full-wave rectified
with a Mini Circuits transformer and a couple of Schottky diodes. The
resulting DC went into an op amp and then into a 12-bit digitizer (iirc
it was an AD ADC12something, but I no longer have the datasheet).

In the 1998ish project that used the ring-down trick, IIRC I was using
two cascaded Motorola MC3357 FM IFs, which had direct current-mode RSSI
outputs that I wired together into a common-base PNP stage. Turned out
that if you cascoded them like that, they sped up amazingly--I was
getting 40-ns edges, which helped a lot with the application. RIP.


Phil Hobbs

Illumination! Thanks.

I'm still a bit confused. I found the MC3357 Datasheet at


It shows the device running at 10MHz, with a 5 stage limiter.

I thought FM IF limiters were used to provide a constant amplitude
output over a wide range of input signal amplitudes.

How can you get a limiter to provide a logarithmic output that you can
feed into a rectifier to measure ringdown?


I didn't notice the RSSI output. However, I can't find any kind of signal
strength indication on the MC3357 datasheet. Did I get the wrong datasheet?
On 7/11/19 10:30 AM, Steve Wilson wrote:
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

On 7/10/19 8:45 PM, Steve Wilson wrote:

I was hoping to find out how you sampled the ringdown signal to get 12
digits of accuracy, especially with the devices that were available at
the time. That is a big mystery to me.

Thanks for your help.

In my thesis project, the Plessey DLVA building blocks produced a
logarithmically compressed AC waveform, which I full-wave rectified with
a Mini Circuits transformer and a couple of Schottky diodes. The
resulting DC went into an op amp and then into a 12-bit digitizer (iirc
it was an AD ADC12something, but I no longer have the datasheet).

In the 1998ish project that used the ring-down trick, IIRC I was using
two cascaded Motorola MC3357 FM IFs, which had direct current-mode RSSI
outputs that I wired together into a common-base PNP stage. Turned out
that if you cascoded them like that, they sped up amazingly--I was
getting 40-ns edges, which helped a lot with the application. RIP.


Phil Hobbs

Illumination! Thanks.

I'm still a bit confused. I found the MC3357 Datasheet at


It shows the device running at 10MHz, with a 5 stage limiter.

I thought FM IF limiters were used to provide a constant amplitude output
over a wide range of input signal amplitudes.

How can you get a limiter to provide a logarithmic output that you can feed
into a rectifier to measure ringdown?


Sorry, another misremembered fact. I think it was actually the MC13055.
(I had to leave my lab notebooks behind when I left IBM,
unfortunately. They probably threw them out.) :(

The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) output is logarithmic
within about a decibel over a pretty wide range, if you get the
inter-stage attenuation right. If you cascade too many stages the noise
starts to dominate, so the log conformance suffers.

You can see how it works from Fig 15 of the MC13055 datasheet. There
are several cascaded differential pairs, driven by current sources, and
each having an extra transistor hung off the common emitters that
generates a current proportional to the positive-going excursion of the
CE node. Those currents are summed and mirrored before going out the
RSSI pin.

While a given pair is in its linear range, the emitters hardly move at
all. When it starts to reach cutoff on the negative swings, the
transistor on the positive-going half cycle drags the emitter node along
with it, generating more RSSI output current but no more output voltage
because the current source doesn't provide any more current. When the
previous stage saturates, the RSSI contribution maxes out, so the
overall gain drops by the gain of that stage. Thus for 10-dB stage
gains, your gain drops by 10 dB for every 10 dB signal increase, so

dVout/dVin ~ 1/Vin

which is the differential equation for a logarithm. Pretty slick actually.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

Sorry, another misremembered fact. I think it was actually the MC13055.
(I had to leave my lab notebooks behind when I left IBM,
unfortunately. They probably threw them out.) :(

The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) output is logarithmic
within about a decibel over a pretty wide range, if you get the
inter-stage attenuation right. If you cascade too many stages the noise
starts to dominate, so the log conformance suffers.

You can see how it works from Fig 15 of the MC13055 datasheet. There
are several cascaded differential pairs, driven by current sources, and
each having an extra transistor hung off the common emitters that
generates a current proportional to the positive-going excursion of the
CE node. Those currents are summed and mirrored before going out the
RSSI pin.

While a given pair is in its linear range, the emitters hardly move at
all. When it starts to reach cutoff on the negative swings, the
transistor on the positive-going half cycle drags the emitter node along
with it, generating more RSSI output current but no more output voltage
because the current source doesn't provide any more current. When the
previous stage saturates, the RSSI contribution maxes out, so the
overall gain drops by the gain of that stage. Thus for 10-dB stage
gains, your gain drops by 10 dB for every 10 dB signal increase, so

dVout/dVin ~ 1/Vin

which is the differential equation for a logarithm. Pretty slick


Phil Hobbs

Pretty amazing that you are able to remember after all these years.

Thanks for the analysis and for all the time spent on this problem. Your
information is priceless and could not be obtained anywhere else.

Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:

Sorry, another misremembered fact. I think it was actually the MC13055.
(I had to leave my lab notebooks behind when I left IBM,
unfortunately. They probably threw them out.) :(

Unlikely. The US was first-to-invent at that time. They had to keep the
notebooks for patent enforcement, and probably sent them to the attorneys.
They are probably still there for investigation of prior art. You are

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