John Fields
On Tue, 02 Aug 2005 21:46:40 GMT, TokaMundo
<TokaMundo@weedizgood.org> wrote:
Right. That's what the topic is about: galvanic corrosion, and
which is what all of us, except you, have been talking about.
Crappola. You know nothing about the process, and when you butted
in with your shit, and with what you think the Navy thinks, you
thought that "galvanic action" was the right name for what it's
called. It's not, and now you're trying to cover your ass by doing
a little semantic "shuffle and smoke" routine. Typical for you, you
phony piece of shit. I suspect next you'll be off searching the web
for every possible thing you can find on galvanic corrosion just to
make it seem like, the next time you post, you knew it beforehand.
Hey, I'll even _give_ you a hand. Google "electrochemical series"
and suck on that for a while.
Make a list, motherfucker.
Because you knew nothing about it and couldn't manage to pull your
head out of your ass? Sounds to me more like reasons for folks to
plonk _your_ sorry ass out of existence.
The reason I demand proofs from you is because you're a fucking
I'm not, and when I say that something isn't true I can back it up
even if I don't choose to at the time I said it, for whatever
reason. The last one had to do with the poster's carelessness in
not declaring that an electrolyte was needed in order for galvanic
corrosion to proceed, and I figured that if I gave him a little prod
he'd figure it out for himself. I was a little surprised that he
was miffed at not having been given the answer on a silver platter,
but there ya go...
See, Tokey, one of the differences between you and I is that I've
got a solid technical background and can stand my ground without
having to resort to bullshit tactics, like you do, in order to try
to blow up my balloon.
LOL, you're pissed because I didn't give the trick away early, so
that you could say that you knew it all along?
Tokamundo? More like Tokanada.
John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
<TokaMundo@weedizgood.org> wrote:
---On Tue, 02 Aug 2005 15:03:41 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> Gave us:
On Tue, 02 Aug 2005 17:31:30 GMT, TokaMundo
TokaMundo@weedizgood.org> wrote:
On Tue, 02 Aug 2005 04:41:38 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> Gave us:
On Tue, 2 Aug 2005 06:42:29 +0200, "Alexander"
electricdummy@hotmail.com> wrote:
If you connect Au to Cu and put a Current through it, for best results AC,
the Cu starts corroding at the transistion from Cu to Au. This is always the
case when putting to metals together, the greater the difference between the
metals the faster the corroding will be.
That's not true.
It's called galvanic reaction.
The Navy seems to think it's real. Does that make you an idiot?
Back looking for some more lumps, bonehead? OK, I'm happy to
You're an idiot.
First, it's called "galvanic corrosion"
Wrong. The result is corrosion. The activity is called "reaction".
Your favorite web site which you posted a reference to speaks about
the end result.
Right. That's what the topic is about: galvanic corrosion, and
which is what all of us, except you, have been talking about.
---The moniker I gave speaks about the process itself.
Crappola. You know nothing about the process, and when you butted
in with your shit, and with what you think the Navy thinks, you
thought that "galvanic action" was the right name for what it's
called. It's not, and now you're trying to cover your ass by doing
a little semantic "shuffle and smoke" routine. Typical for you, you
phony piece of shit. I suspect next you'll be off searching the web
for every possible thing you can find on galvanic corrosion just to
make it seem like, the next time you post, you knew it beforehand.
Hey, I'll even _give_ you a hand. Google "electrochemical series"
and suck on that for a while.
---You're a fucking jackass. Everybody speaks about that.
Make a list, motherfucker.
---and, second, if you knew
anything about it and had somehow managed to pull your head out of
your ass
Two more reasons you should be on everyone's filtered list.
Because you knew nothing about it and couldn't manage to pull your
head out of your ass? Sounds to me more like reasons for folks to
plonk _your_ sorry ass out of existence.
---before commenting,
I commented on how much of an asshole you are. When I say
something, you come back demanding proofs, yet you get to make a
jackjawed remark like "not true" and think you won't see anything said
about how much of an ass you are? Sorry, CHUMP! You don't get that.
The reason I demand proofs from you is because you're a fucking
I'm not, and when I say that something isn't true I can back it up
even if I don't choose to at the time I said it, for whatever
reason. The last one had to do with the poster's carelessness in
not declaring that an electrolyte was needed in order for galvanic
corrosion to proceed, and I figured that if I gave him a little prod
he'd figure it out for himself. I was a little surprised that he
was miffed at not having been given the answer on a silver platter,
but there ya go...
See, Tokey, one of the differences between you and I is that I've
got a solid technical background and can stand my ground without
having to resort to bullshit tactics, like you do, in order to try
to blow up my balloon.
---you might have noticed that the poster
made no mention of the electrolyte required for the corrosion to
Oh boy!
That's why what he said wasn't true.
And THAT is also what you should have said in your post, dumbfuck.
LOL, you're pissed because I didn't give the trick away early, so
that you could say that you knew it all along?
Tokamundo? More like Tokanada.
John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer