On Friday, 4 October 2019 08:42:41 UTC+1, Clifford Heath wrote:
A lot of engineering delivers non-guaranteed results. Look at almost any domestic electronics for examples.
On 3/10/19 10:09 am, Clifford Heath wrote:
Most software is not "engineered" in any real sense (and for that matter
most "engineering" is not engineered either). Most "software engineers"
cannot adequately even define what they mean by "engineering".
My definition: engineering is solving problems by applying known
(measured) properties of available resources in a way that provides a
guarantee that certain outcomes will always be met, despite any natural
variation in the properties of those resources. So when a structural
engineer specifies a certain steel beam to support some load, they take
into account the specified load, the way the beam will be supported, and
the known properties of steel and of the type of beam specified.
The meaning of "properties of resources" in software is the properties
of storage devices, operating systems, databases, data structures and
the algorithms that implement operations on them. These properties are
almost only ever specified in the "happy path", and seldom if ever is
the worst-case behaviour specified. Instead, subsystems and libraries
are designed to avoid catastrophic worst cases (polynomial or
exponential runtimes, for example) - O(N*logN) is the worst that's
allowed without prior warning.
In any case software writers seldom know or consider these properties,
they just throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. The same way the
structural engineer doesn't actually calculate the steel beam, they just
look it up in a table.
A former colleague trained first as a mech eng because he loved solving
the mathematical problems. During his first year working, he realised
that never in his career would he get to actually *use* the mathematical
analyses that he loved, so he went back to school and qualified in CS.
That's the kind of guy you want writing software for you (but they're
So CS courses do actually teach the required analysis, and in my
experience software writers do have some awareness of it, but only
enough to avoid using pathological algorithms. For the most part the
difficult algorithms are implemented in infrastructure code, and very
few people are competent to write that. (though many others try, and
they succeed only because spectacular computing power hides the
fundamental weakness of their code).
And then there's *systems* engineering, which is what happens when more
than one organisation works together to produce some system that's
larger than any of them could do by themselves. This brings in a raft of
human factors like clear communication, change management, etc. This too
can be engineered to some extent, but the vast majority of software
people never really find themselves in such a situation - and the Agile
movement is all about avoiding it. The one exceptional case is embedded
software, where you have a hardware team and a software team, and
neither can do what the other can. Our immaturity at systems engineering
explains the parlous state of embedded software.
I asked the dean of a big CS depertment what sort of programming they
teach nowadays. She handed me my head. "We don't teach programming!"
Oh. Sorry.
I *think* I understand that response. Modern CS is about *derivation*,
not about construction of step-by-step algorithms that perform some
derivation. By "derivation" I mean that for every current-state and
event there is an algebraic expression that derives next-state. This is
the basic idea behind functional programming. Every derivation is a
"function" that takes one parameter (current state) and by applying the
function, produces the next state. The compiler is responsible for
finding an algorithm to efficiently compute each function.
"Programming" then becomes the job of the compiler. The coder must find
a way to express their computation algebraically, and the compiler does
the rest. Haskell is perhaps the best examplar of this.
Clifford Heath.
John: You asked, I answered. It would be nice to get some feedback.
A lot of engineering delivers non-guaranteed results. Look at almost any domestic electronics for examples.