"Paul R. Mays" <uce@ftc.gov> wrote in message
frequency source for the step circuits can be evenly divided and also act as
the time base for the 60 hz. One frequency to regulate/control would make
for simpler design, right?
So, as a guess, the step frequency is a nice even harmonic of 60. So thesnip
Yup... The faster the step freqency the more steps per full wave
at 60 or 50 hertz ... So the more steps the less filtering required
to clean up the wave form... So you can have any freq ya want..
So has to be much higher at 60hz you would get a square wave
at 120hz you get 1 step each 45deg of rotation of the wave form
and so on.....
frequency source for the step circuits can be evenly divided and also act as
the time base for the 60 hz. One frequency to regulate/control would make
for simpler design, right?