Specification of current reading on multimeter


** Report this FUCKING SCUMBAG to his ISP

NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get the VILE PIG OFF usenet for ever.

The gutless POS anonymous ASSHOLE has a long CRIMINAL history.

Do NOT TOLERATE VILE SCUM like this puke

fucking up YOUR news group !!!!

...... Phil
Hattori Hanzo wrote:
On Sun, 04 Jan 2009 12:11:13 +0000, IanM <look.in.my.sig@totally.invalid

So Lever thinks higher resistance is better for measuring current!


I was not referring to the shunt, you retarded twit.

Thanks for revealing another nym. <PLONK>

If you have some more nyms handy you *could* try to explain how a higher
resistance meter movement or DVM module with the same FSD could read a
particular current at FSD with a lower resistance shunt, but then you'd
have to understand basic electrical theory. I'm not holding my breath.

[at]=@, [dash]=- & [dot]=. *Warning* HTML & >32K emails --> NUL:
In article <6sbr87F57somU1@mid.individual.net>,
Phil Allison <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

** Report this FUCKING SCUMBAG to his ISP

NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get the VILE PIG OFF usenet for ever.

The gutless POS anonymous ASSHOLE has a long criminal history.

Do NOT TOLERATE SCUM like this vile puke fucking up a news group.
Oh the irony...

*Save the whale - I'll have it for my supper*

Dave Plowman dave@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
"Dave Plowman (News)" <dave@davenoise.co.uk> wrote in

In article <6sbr87F57somU1@mid.individual.net>,
Phil Allison <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

** Report this FUCKING SCUMBAG to his ISP

NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get the VILE PIG OFF usenet for ever.

The gutless POS anonymous ASSHOLE has a long criminal history.

Do NOT TOLERATE SCUM like this vile puke fucking up a news group.

Oh the irony...
Yep, I'm plonking Phil too, the other guy's been plonked for months. I'm
tired of this, I don't care if someone knows useful facts if they can't focus
on applying them. As far as I'm concerned, this thread could have been done
days ago by someone dealing with what the OP wanted to DO, not how he assumed
it was to be done. I remember a tiny circuit with two ceramic caps and a 100K
resistor that would tap a phone line with negligible loading, and feed it
into a mic input ona cheap cassette recorder. Never mind the ringer or voice
signal voltage difference, it just kept the input current in safe limits and
let the inbult VGA take care of the sound. It didn't hum, or hiss. So long as
the line is correctly set up by whoever installed it, it works. Thing even
had a transistor based switch to detect the off-hook state to enable the
cassette recorder power switch. if the OP wants it I'll post, but I'm not
going to make any effort unasked for. Just writing anythign here, now, is
flamebait. Pathetic state of affairs, even before people start licking each
others areses and taking sides. Hopefully this crap stops before I feel the
need to block others who I normally take the time to listen to.
Archimedes' Lever wrote:

On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 18:15:14 -0800, "William Sommerwerck"
grizzledgeezer@comcast.net> wrote:

Why do you think that insulting me is going to get me upset or do your
reputation any good?

How can such an idiot actually think that he knows "what I think"?
No has to read your mind, when all you do is speak your mind.

William Sommerwerck wrote:

Oh the irony...

I hear pots and kettles banging loudly...

"Shake, Rattle and Roll"

On Sun, 04 Jan 2009 13:59:04 +0000, IanM
<look.in.my.sig@totally.retarded> wrote:

you *could* try

You could simply fuck off too, Ian, you retarded twit.
On Sun, 04 Jan 2009 10:59:07 -0500, Jamie
<jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

Archimedes' Lever wrote:

On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 18:15:14 -0800, "William Sommerwerck"
grizzledgeezer@comcast.net> wrote:

Why do you think that insulting me is going to get me upset or do your
reputation any good?

How can such an idiot actually think that he knows "what I think"?

No has to read your mind, when all you do is speak your mind.

Want to try to actually construct a legible, literate sentence,
Jamietard? That one didn't end up on the paper right.

** This RETARDED FUCKHEAD needs kicking off usenet too.

Yep, I'm plonking Phil too, the other guy's been plonked for months. I'm
tired of this, I don't care if someone knows useful facts if they can't
on applying them. As far as I'm concerned, this thread could have been
days ago by someone dealing with what the OP wanted to DO, not how he
it was to be done. I remember a tiny circuit with two ceramic caps and a
resistor that would tap a phone line with negligible loading,


Read the damn heading - you are in the WRONG THREAD


...... Phil
"nicola" <nomail@it.com> wrote in message
I am in the UK. I have a Ł20 digital multimeter and would like
some advice. The meter is a Maplin model PG10B (order code GW18U)


(Q1) Under "DC CURRENT" my user guide says, "voltage drop: 200
mV". Is this the disturbance in a circuit when measuring DC

(Q2) If so, then does that 200 mV figure mean that the potential
difference for the rest of the circuit will be reduced by 200 mV
once I have interrupted the circuit and inserted my meter for DC
Current measurement?

(Q3) Isn't that figure of 200 mV rather high? I mean, if I use
the 2 mA or 20 mA scale in an electronics circuit powered by a 1.5
volt cell then a 200 mV drop in the circuit is very significant.
One way round this is to use a stable adjustable PSU and adjust for the
required voltage *after* the current meter. If your circuit draws large
pulses, pad the supply rails with a hefty electrolytic.
"Capt. Cave Man" <ItIsSoEasyACaveManCanDoIt@upyers.org> wrote in message
On Mon, 5 Jan 2009 00:43:10 +1100, "Phil Allison"
philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:


** Report this FUCKING SCUMBAG to his ISP

NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get the VILE PIG OFF usenet for ever.

The gutless POS anonymous ASSHOLE has a long CRIMINAL history.

Do NOT TOLERATE VILE SCUM like this puke

fucking up YOUR news group !!!!

..... Phil

What's wrong, PhilTard? Don't like it when someone sides with someone
your retarded ass disagrees with?


Anything to say that has any modicum of intelligence?
Philthy is between the point where he stopped taking his tablets and the
point where they hold him down and give him an injection.
"nicola" <nomail@it.com> wrote in message
I am in the UK. I have a Ł20 digital multimeter
Ask in store to be put on the mailing list and wait for a special offer
better spec meter to be discounted.

Better yet look elsewhere for a better quality instrument and grin & bear
the price, the last meter I bought from Maplin a couple of years ago worked
ok for a while then some of the segments in the display failed, this turned
out to be migrating flux on the LCD contact pads so I was able to fix it
reasonably easily, but this seems to be a bit of a trend with stuff I've
bought from Maplin.
ian field wrote:
Philthy is between the point where he stopped taking his tablets and the
point where they hold him down and give him an injection.

They need to try Cyanide this time.


aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Jan 4, 9:27 am, "William Sommerwerck" <grizzledgee...@comcast.net>
Oh the irony...

I hear pots and kettles banging loudly...
11,000 microamps
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
ian field wrote:

Philthy is between the point where he stopped taking his tablets and the
point where they hold him down and give him an injection.

They need to try Cyanide this time.
Cardiac injection of Harpic.
ian field wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message

ian field wrote:

Philthy is between the point where he stopped taking his tablets and the
point where they hold him down and give him an injection.

They need to try Cyanide this time.

Cardiac injection of Harpic.

Or manual insertion of large quantities of molded lead pellets.


aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
ian field wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message

ian field wrote:

Philthy is between the point where he stopped taking his tablets and
point where they hold him down and give him an injection.

They need to try Cyanide this time.

Cardiac injection of Harpic.

Or manual insertion of large quantities of molded lead pellets.
Lead poisoning causes brain damage - he's already got that!

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