me here
terryc wrote:
stream stores and then winge at firms like MSY for doing exactly what
they did in the beginning.
IT Warehouse is another one that did well as a warehouse and now seems
to be struggling as a regular store. I used to really like wandering
through the rack shelving on the plain concrete floor looking at the
steel racks full of boxes and boxes of loose hard drives, web cams,
video cards etc.
Far cry from the pressure cooker bullshit agents in places like Hardly
Normal posing as IT sellers these days.
It's funny how those warehouse type stores eventually finish up as mainTrevor Wilson wrote:
"terryc" <newsninespam-spam@woa.com.au> wrote in message
Trevor Wilson wrote:
I saved a grand total of around $2.50.
Sales tax was on the wholesale price and not the retail price
**I am well aware of that. In fact, THAT was my point. Tandy were
fiddling the books.
In those days of protected import channels lots of companies made
HUGE markups. This was a fact that Gerry Harvey used to offer cheaper
prices when he started musceling in on the established stores with
his warehouse style store.
stream stores and then winge at firms like MSY for doing exactly what
they did in the beginning.
IT Warehouse is another one that did well as a warehouse and now seems
to be struggling as a regular store. I used to really like wandering
through the rack shelving on the plain concrete floor looking at the
steel racks full of boxes and boxes of loose hard drives, web cams,
video cards etc.
Far cry from the pressure cooker bullshit agents in places like Hardly
Normal posing as IT sellers these days.