Don Y
On 3/20/2023 9:28 AM, TTman wrote:
Here, you would view it on whatever device(s) through which you
can access the internet. I.e., on your phone while driving
to work.
On 20/03/2023 00:36, Don Y wrote:
On 3/19/2023 4:14 PM, TTman wrote:
That might be done, now, with a second \"more secure\" key; but, then
there\'s the risk that the unit could be tampered with after installation
(no one visits the meters, anymore).
Or, an internal \"enable configration\" switch that is only accessible
when the meter is removed from the load center. Thus, relying on the
installer\'s physical seal to safeguard against tampering.
Current smart meters in the UK have complex dual layer encryption and as
such are \'tamper proof\' by anyone.
I would imagine that to be the case in the US, as well.
There\'s a display on the meter so the user can\'t complain that
he can\'t \"verify correct billing\". I can\'t see any argument
that would allow some tech-savvy users to go peaking at
other information that doesn\'t directly apply to their bill.
Solar installations, here, tend to have radio links from the
load center to The Internet to report cogeneration. I suspect
the data goes *to* the utility, first, and then the user can
look at what the utility decides to provide.
[This seems to be the trend with all \"smart kit\"; the manufacturer
sits in the middle instead of letting the device serve up its own
web interface, etc. The \"excuse\" being that the manufacturer
can make that information available to you, <wherever>.]
I can look at my solar generation in 2 places in real time ( UK). One is my In
House Display the other is the solar generation meter .
Here, you would view it on whatever device(s) through which you
can access the internet. I.e., on your phone while driving
to work.