On Apr 10, 11:42 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@aol.com> wrote:
incramental use. It would be like if we paid income tax and could
just roll up to the Sinclair station and say, "Fill er up!"
But your proposal does not assign costs to the individual for theirSome looneytarian will be outraged. "You mean to tell me that I'm
going to pay taxes for someone else to drive around?!?!???? That's
THEFT!!! The IRS is taking my money BY FORCE at the POINT OF A
Then I answer, "it's cheaper for most individualists to pay taxes for
collective power than than trying to pay for oil. Moreover, the
individualist 'right to travel' and freedom of communication are both
always 100% dependent on at least some public funding."
incramental use. It would be like if we paid income tax and could
just roll up to the Sinclair station and say, "Fill er up!"