Tony Williams
In article <41FD0BE4.2030700@nospam.com>,
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote:
not much better than 1% THD is ok.
Your approach is nifty and could be very handy if
(say) something like a 2-phase sine/cosine was required.
Note that there is a 3-step square-wave approximation
of a sine which has zero third harmonic content, very
useful if going into a low pass filter.
Tony Williams.
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote:
An 8038-variety is still the easiest approach ifYou're not going to do much in the way of a 10:1 tuning range in
Wien bridge- fussy little high Q and amplitude unstable thing
that it is. These days the most practical and high performance
approach, at these frequencies, would be to generate a variable
frequency square wave at fundamental and 100x fundamental which
are then processed by cheap switching tracking filter.
not much better than 1% THD is ok.
Your approach is nifty and could be very handy if
(say) something like a 2-phase sine/cosine was required.
Note that there is a 3-step square-wave approximation
of a sine which has zero third harmonic content, very
useful if going into a low pass filter.
Tony Williams.